Scribbled Musings:



Review: Now, please don't rear your forks at my throat. I kind of beg to differ. I honestly was impressed by the caliber of the writing for this episode. It actually had an overall theme of identity and how oftentimes we can deceive ourselves and others to conceal our true selves. However, we are unsuccessful in the end because the truth ends up surfacing in spite of efforts to forget about it. The theme was thoroughly executed towards the end, except, in my opinion, it could have been resolved in a different way. The emotional scene at the end between Max and Original Cindy was poignantly performed, but cheesy at best. Sorry. But the episode in its entirety salvages itself from encumbering melodrama and predictability with the unexpected turns and greatly improved action sequences. I notice the improvement in camera work, experimenting with different angles and transitions in between scenes, and the lighting was not so bombastic to the eye. The lighting actually fit the overall mood and tone of the episode. Although the editing during the scene when they were burning the other Red alive in the beginning kind of bothered me with all of the dissolves and superimposition. It should have been conceived as primal, tribalistic, not fleeting and surreal, using just the normal transition, something blunt. All of these improvements made this a visually entertaining and stimulating, yet dark episode.

"Rising" eclipsed "Blah, Blah, Woof, Woof" for the number one position on my list. It was overall a great and entertaining episode, in spite of some certain flaws. I cannot wait for next week's episode.

What really surprised me about the episode were the special effects they used, which were visually wondrous and mind-boggling. The extent of the production for this episode far exceeded the previous episodes. Well, I guess that is expected, since it is February sweeps. I thoroughly enjoyed episode. The writing and cinematography were all a great improvement from other episodes. I give it an 8 out of 10.

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