Play music

School Motto

Obedience to Law
Respect for Others
Mastery of Self
Joy in Service~~
These Constitute Life.

School Hymn

Hail! Hail! to L. A. High,
  Noble and strong,
Thy colors blue and white
  Call forth our song.
With praises ringing true
  Loyal hearts we bring;
Hail! Hail! to L. A. High,
  Of thee we sing.

Hail! Hail! to L. A. High,
  Our love for thee,
Still lingers close around
  Thy memory,
With never-dying faith
  In thy dear name,
Hail! Hail! to L. A. High,
  Long live thy fame!
  ~ Byron Macfadyen, W'12

Home (1873 - 1882) (1883 - 1911) (1912 - 1945) (1947 - 1951) (1951 - 1959 (Campus) (Reflections) (Hymn)
(Ideals) (Annuals) (Cheers) (Songs) (Students) (Photos1) (After School) (Et Cetera) (Places)

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