The Common Cold



The figure shows a virus



What is it?

It is a mild viral infection on the nose, sinuses, throat and upper airways. It usually infects children within the age of 2-4 years old, as their immune system is still developing. Interestingly, in adults, women are infected more than men, most probably because they get in contact with children more than men.



What causes it?

It is caused by the infection of more than 200 types of viruses (any one of them), but the most common is rhinoviruses.




How does it spread?

Either through direct or indirect contact. Direct contact is when an infected person sneezes near a healthy person and the droplets releazed by the infected person is inhaled by the healthy person. Indirect contact is when an infected person sneezes on an object and a few moments later, a healthy person touches the contaminated object. The healthy person might get infected if he or she then touches his or her mouth or nose.





What are the symptoms?

Sneezing, sore throat, stuffy nose, coughing


How to treat it?

There is no cure for common cold. The good thing is it wil be cured on its on in time. To feel better, you can have plenty of rest, gargle with warm salt water, drink more plain water, use cough drops, consumepain relievers and use decongestant nasal spray.