This site contains programs I've created available for sale or download.

TLJ Viewer

TLJ Viewer is a program for viewing and extracting media from the game The Longest Journey.

Features include:
- explore the game with an easy Explorer-style navigation
- entries listed with descriptive names, not numbers
- view pictures, copy them, and save them as .bmp files
- listen to sound files or save them to a .wav file
- read captions from dialog sounds and copy them
- watch cut-scenes with the Bink Player
- drag-and-drop files to the desktop
- search the game for a specific file

New version available!

I will continue to update and improve the TLJ Viewer with new features and viewable file types. This program is ready for use but it is far from finished, and I could use you help in improving it.


screen-shot of TLJ Viewer

screen-shot of TLJ Viewer








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