Renzo MOTTA Home Page

Dep. AGROSELVITER (University of TURIN)
Via Leonardo Da Vinci 44

Tel. (++39) 011.6708640
Fax (++39) 011.6708734

[email protected]

Place of birth: Biella on 12.06.1960;
Italian citizenship;
Married, two children (Alice and Stefano);
Associated Professor in Forest Ecology and Silviculture at the Department of Agronomy, Silviculture and Land Management, University of Turin.
Head of the Mountain ecology and silviculture Research Unit.
Is author of more than 100 papers related to his research and teaching-lecturing activity.

Co-editorial manager of the Journal Dendrochronologia

Member of the Executive Council of the SISEF (Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology)

Research interests

Silviculture and Ecology of the mountain forests
Silvicultural planning and treatments in forests that play an important protective role.
Stand structures and stand history in Long term forest stand research plots.
Silvicultural experiments (e.g. small gaps or elongated cuts) established in order either to maintain the current status using natural regeneration or to improve the structures and the 'naturalness' of the forest stands.
Old-growth and silviculture in the European Alps

Upper forest limits (tree-line and forest-line): dynamics and global change
Present upper forest and tree limits, and their recent dynamics.
Dendroecological analysis of the conifer trees in subalpine forests and impact of the global change in the subalpine level.

Forest-wildlife (ungulates) relationships
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the impact of wild ungulates on mountain forests in areas with high density of wildlife in the Italian Alps.
Wildlife requirements relative to forest stands, the possible silvicultural alternatives and management for limiting the impact of Wild ungulates or improving their habitat.
Impact of wild ungulates on the forest regeneration process and on the dynamics of the subalpine forests.
Ungulate damages dendroecology.

Present research programs:

High altitude forests of the Alps and the Apennines: structure, growth limiting factors and future scenarios). MURST . In collaboration with the Universities of Padua, Parma and Potenza.
INTERREG III A - Gestion durable des for�ts de montagne (Aosta Valley Autonomous Region and Piedmont Region ).
Silviculture in protective forest in Aosta Valley (Aosta Valley Region ).
Danni da ungulati alla rinnovazione forestale in Val Bormida (SV) (Ungulate damages on forest regeneration in the Bormida valley, Savona).
Foreste di alta quota delle Alpi lombarde: strutture, fattori limitanti, adattamenti fisiologici e dinamiche passate, presenti e future .

Main research sites:

Upper Susa valley
Alta Valle Pesio e Tanaro Natural Park
Paneveggio forest; Paneveggio-Pale di S.Martino Natural Park
Aosta Valley

Images from Western Italian Alps

Images from my field trips

Images from "Northern Patagonia Field Trip", International Conference on Dendrochronology for the third millenium, 2-7 April 2000, Mendoza, Argentina

Some recent papers and a book about Mountain silviculture

Other interests (cross country sky, mountain bike, bycicle, backpacking)


Materiale didattico Corsi di Laurea in Scienze Forestali e Ambientali, Scienze forestali e ambientali (1� livello) Difesa del suolo e manutenzione idraulico-forestale del territorio (1� livello), Facolt� di Agraria, Universit� degli Studi di Torino.

Ruanda, Kurdistan iracheno, Cambogia e Afganistan: 7 ospedali e 25 posti di pronto soccorso; migliaia di interventi chirurgici, decine di migliaia di pazienti assistiti ambulatorialmente. Queste, in sintesi, sono state le attivit� di EMERGENCY nei suoi primi sette anni di vita. A queste attivit� si affiancano anche quelle di sensibilizzazione e di informazione che EMERGENCY svolge in Italia.

Mani Tese, organismo non governativo di cooperazione allo sviluppo, opera dal 1964 a livello nazionale ed internazionale per favorire l'instaurazione di nuovi rapporti fra i popoli, fondati sulla giustizia, la solidariet�, il rispetto delle diverse identit� culturali. Per tradurre in pratica i suoi principi Mani Tese realizza progetti di solidariet� nel Sud del Mondo e svolge una costante opera di informazione, di educazione allo sviluppo e di pressione politica.

In a major breakthrough in our campaign to free thousands of bears suffering on farms throughout Asia, the Animals Asia Foundation and Chinese Authorities have signed a new agreement which will see 500 suffering endangered Moon Bears rescued from the worst farms in Sichuan Province. Importantly, the goal of this agreement is to work towards the future elimination of bear farming in China, and pledges to promote the herbal alternatives to bear bile.

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