Authorized Personelle only, private documents.
Now that you're offically on Ms. Kisaragi's --preferably known as Yuffie--  good side. You've been given the visitors privledge. Or in otherwords, the privledge of being able to enter the Pagoda without being thrown out onto your rump. Looking around you see the first of the five warriors, you smile but get no response. Shrugging you walk over to a large wall hanging on the east wall. It reads:

To all those who have gained the privledge to enter the sacred Pagoda: First and foremost, do not litter, destory or decide to redecorate or else our friendly neighbourhood ex-turks will take care of you... personally... Second, only those in the Kisaragi family may compete for a place as one of the scared five. However, visitors may compete (at your own risk, we take no responsibilty for personal injury, deaths or stolen items) if in doing so the five are beat by a visitor a small wall hanging will be placed in your memory as proof of your victory.

Subconsciously grabbing for your re-aquired materia and gil you sigh to find it still there. As you turn the first warrior smiles as you then goes back to showning no emotion. Finding such rather disturbing you decide to take a look around at the victorius individuals, seeing as how you feel no need to have yourself beaten five fold.
Level One -Gorky- Victorious Listings
Reno, Elena, Tseng, Rude, Rufus, Vincent Valentine,  Sephiroth, Rufus Shinra, Tifa Lockheart, Yuffie Kisaragi, Cloud Strife, Cid Highwind, RedXIII, Reeve (Cait Sith)
Level Two -Shake- The Turks
Turks (group)
Vincent Valentine
Level Three - Chekhov- Other Shinra Employees
Rufus Shinra
Reeve (Cait Sith)
Level Four - Staniv- AVALANCHE
Tifa Lockheart
Yuffie Kisaragi
Level Five -Godo- AVALANCHE
Cloud Strife
Cid Highwind
RedXIII (Nanaki)
The Pagoda's five hold the aspects of Omni, Power, Speed, Magic and Weapon
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