A Lesson to be Learned (M/f)F/m) hand/paddle
Rejuv/crime and punishment part 1

This story is based on the Rejuv Universe by Lurking Dragon. These stories take place in the 28th century where rejuvination is used to extend life and to punish criminals. This story is purely fictional.

Mr and Mrs. Jenkins, you have been convicted of a very terrible crime. The crime of child neglect. As an adult, your daughter has told us of this neglect. You understand that the punishment for such crime is rejuvination?" asked the Judge.

"Yes your honor," replied Mr. Jenkins.

"Well Mrs. Jenkins, Asked the judge, What about you? Do you understand the sentence?

"Yes your honor, but I can't be a child again, please punish me another way, She begged.

The judge looked at Sally with an intrigued look,

"You see your honor, I wasn't a very good child, I had behavior problems, I didn't handle correction very well, so pleaseee I beg you, find another way.

The judge quickly looked over some papers, then sat there for a minute before he spoke.

"You have been sentenced to three terms of 6 to 12, with the first term to be spent with spanko parents. Sally I suggest you learn to behave or you will spend the second term with spanko parents as well...The next time you see each other, you will be brother and sister. "Get them out of here, ordered the judge.

They were both taken to separate rooms, They weren't even allowed to say goodbye to each other as husband and wife. Mrs. Jenkins cried as they led her and her husband to separate rooms to prepare them for their punishment.

David Jenkins, at this point was a fourty-two year old bank broker and his wife Sally, was a Manager at a local clothing retail store at the age of thirty-seven. They had one child, Rebecca, who is now twenty. She claims that they never acknowledged her as she grew up. They had acted like they took care of her when they were actually to busy with their careers to even bother with a child. It was just after lunch when the Judge handed down their sentence after hearing this case for over a week. Mr and Mrs. Jenkins finally were to be placed in seperate rejuv chambers. They had already been placed in long white gowns and all other clothing had been removed. Mrs Jenkins decided that she still didn't want to become a child again, so she tried to escape. Mr Jenkins was in the process of his rejuv, he had already been put on a table and had been given a Delta Enducer,and didn't know this was going on.

"Nooo you can't do this to me, I'm a respected business woman and people look up to me, and I just can't be a child again, so let me go." She contineud to struggle until Simon came into the picture. Simon was the courts discipline administrator, and he didn't mess around. They usually didn't need to call on him very often, because most people accepted their punishment and usually conformed willingly.

"Calm down Sally, he replied. Lets go to the rejuv chamber and get this over with.

"Noo, I won't go to that damn thing, now this is gone far enough and you need to let us go," She demanded.

"I gave you a chance to go quietly, now we play it my way," he said. He reached over and picked Sally up and threw her over his shoulders.

"Put me down," she ordered,kicking her feet and trying to get him to release her. But Simon paid little attention and kept walking until he reached a special room. In the middle of the room was a small flat table. He held Sally down on the table and preceeded to strap her to the it. Sally was no match for Simon and it didn't take long before she couldn't move. Simon had strapped her to the table on her stomach.

"Let me up," she cried.

"Ohh I will let you up when I'm done Sally, but no one tries to get away from Simon. He preceeded to lift Sally's gown to uncover her butt. Lets give you a taste of what your in for as a hard time Penny," he stated as he laid one solid smack to Sally's uncovered adult bottom.


OWWW stop that," She said

Simon continued with another one.


OWWW what are you doing," she cried

"If I let you up are you going to be a good girl and walk to the rejuv chamber?" he asked.

"NO!! go to hell and tell the judge too," she yelled.

"Ohh you are so tough Miss Sally, but not for long, When I get done, you will be a good girl and do what I tell you. Simon took out a little paddle from the shelf under the table.

"What are you doing, Nooo don't

SWATTTT, down came the paddle, hard on Mrs Jenkins naked butt,

"Yeowwwww owww owww," she cried.

Simon continued with his swatting of Mrs Jenkins bottom until he thought she would be a bit more cooperative. She was crying uncontrolably and had stopped yelling obsenities.

"Sally, Are you going to behave now and go to the chamber," Asked Simon.

"Yesssssss, I willll gooooo nowwww, She cried out.

"You stay here and get your self together and we will go soon," he replied.

Simon gave her about an hour and then he returned for her. He had left her strapped to the table and she was still on her stomach with her bottom still uncovered. It was now a bright red from all the swats she had taken earlier.

"Are you going to be a good girl when I let you up," he asked.

"Yessss," She cried.

Simon released her and guided her to the rejuv chamber without any problems.

She was given a Delta Enducer and quickly fell asleep. It was late that night when she finally woke, She was really confused and felt very strange. She tried to speak but nothing would come out.

"It's ok," said the nurse. You are having some trouble with your voice, but we are working on it. For now, just don't talk, ok?

Sally just shook her head.

She turned her head to look across the room and she could see a small boy, lying in the bed across from her. She knew right away that it was David. He hadn't woke yet, or he had been awake but has fallen asleep again. He looked so tiny she thought. His rejuv had taken place almost two hours before Sally's because of all the trouble she had caused. As she started to wake more she realized that her bottom really did hurt, but she couldn't remember why. She looked down at her body and she thought to herself I am so tiny. She looked at her hands and thats when she noticed the tiny (P). It was official. This is going to be awful. She then found her voice.

"I dun wanna have a new mommy," she said. then she started to cry.

The nurse tried to comfort her, but Sally was to upset. The nurse quickly prepared an injection that would put her back to sleep. Sally was screaming and swinging her arms and kicking her feet in protest. She didn't like this and was displaying her objections the only way this six year old knew how. It took two people to hold her down as the nurse gave her the shot right into her sore little bottom.. They held her down until she drifted off to sleep.

David had less trouble with the rejuv, he had always been more of a passive person and took his punishment well. In a way he was relieved, because he was getting tired of working anyway, although he didn't like the thought of getting spankings. When he woke the first time, he looked over and saw a small girl sleeping in the bed across from him. He knew it was Sally and he was looking forward to talking to her again, however when he remembered what he was headed for he began to cry. His body wasn't totally accepting of the rejuv and was still trying to adjust to the way he was feeling.

"There there David, It's gonna be ok little one, just get some rest," she said as she patted little David's back.

He soon became tired and drifted off to sleep again. David and Sally slept all night. The next morning Sally was shaken from her sleep from the nurse that she had seen the night before. There was a different nurse getting David up. They had the children try to walk to check their balance and they ran them through a few small tests to see if they had totally adjusted. Everything seemed to be fine. The nurse took Sally and David into a small bathroom to put them into a tub. David went in just fine and the water felt so good to him. Sally objected, as the nurse tried to get her in, she wrapped her legs around the nurse.

"Nooo nooo me no like baff, noooo, she cried.

"Boy you are a stubborn one aren't you," she replied as she stood Sally on the floor.

"Young lady you get in that bathtub right now, because you are going to meet your new mommy and daddy today. If the judge finds out what a bad girl you have been, he will spank you before he gives you to your new parents. Do you want to be put over the judge's lap in front of all those people in the court room? she asked.

"Nooo, Sally cried, No no pank pweeseee! she cried.

She picked Sally up and this time she went willingly. The nurse scrubbed both children until they were squeeky clean. David enjoyed his bath but sally cried the whole time. A different nurse came in and took David out to get him ready to see the judge and to meet his new parents.

"Davidddd," cried Sally as she held her arms out for him, Don't weave meee.

"Well, did you ever find your voice, now hush young lady," said the nurse as she pulled little Sally from the tub, She put Sally on a bed on her tummy. She then proceeded to rub Nano lotion on her sore red stinging bottom and tried to diaper her, but Sally started kicking.

"Noooo no me no want dat," she cried.

"I can see your parents are going to have their hands full with you, but I am done with you and the nurse left the room. Sally was sitting in the crib like bed totally naked when Simon walked in.

"Nooooo noo me be dood, no panky panky pweeseee, She cried.

"Well young lady I'm glad you remembered me, now we need to get you ready, so Simon took hold of Sally ankles and lifted her legs up and rubbed the nano lotion all over her bottom and legs, he then put Sally in her diaper and dressed her. She cried, but did everything Simon said to do. Simon lifted her from the crib and stood her on the floor.

"It's time for you and your brother to go see the judge and to meet your new mommy and daddy, Are you ready little Sally?" he asked.

Sally shook her head yes. Anything would be better than getting another spanking from Simon.

David was dressed in little blue shorts and a white shirt, he also had on little white socks and white shoes. Sally was dressed in a yellow dress with little white ankle socks and white shoes. Her hair was really long and had been put into a pony tail. They entered the court room, one on each side of the nurse. She took them and stood them in front of the judge.

"Well well, you two look alot different than when I saw you last. Your new parents are here to take you home with them, but before I let you go with them I want to tell you that this is a bit of an unusual case and this has never been done before, but under the circumstances, we decided this would be acceptable. You both will remember to obey your new mommy and daddy and I must say that you two will learn to respect your new parents quickly or you will have sore bottoms every day for the next six years. I know she is dying to give you the attention that you never gave her when she was little. David was puzzled, but Sally started crying because she understood what the judge was saying.

"Noooo no not wabekka, no not me new mommy nooooo," she cried. The nurse turned David and Sally around, and standing there waiting to take them home, was their own daughter Rebecca and her husband Andrew. It was her turn, and she planned on being a very good mommy. lmao

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