Innocentata Medicalos: Kates Birthday

Jenny woke up with the sound of Mommy picking up Kate and bringing her down for her first birthday spanking. Mommy sat on a chair and put Kate over her knees. "Are you ready for your first birthday spanking?" Of course it was a rehotorical question.

"NO mommy."

"Well its time for one anyway." Mommy brought her hand back. "Little girls(smack) 'Yow' who do crimes (smack) 'OUCH not so hard' get there (samck) 'Wah' bottoms (smack) 'wahhhhh' spanked (smack) wahhhhhhhhhh' ON there 'wahh' (smack) 'wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' birthdays. (real hard smack right were she sits) 'Yeowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww'" Mommy pulled up Kates nightgown. "'No' Now you (smack smack) 'OWWWWWWWWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE' know all birthday (Spank Spank) 'wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' spankings go on (smack smack)'wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' bare bottoms (really hard smack) 'wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' and its time to make you bare 'No not bare'" Mommy ignored her pleas and gave her 6 good hard spanks on her sit spot and one to grow on all bare no more lectures because Kate was babling so hard she couldn't comprehand. Jenny was just watching from her bunk. Mom didn't mind Jenny watching besides this would be Jennys bottom soon. Jenny just hoped that it would be she just wanted one birthday party even though her bottom will not like it. Jenny watched fancinated as Mommy spanked as hard as she could with the helper paddle to the point where it broke and flew across the room almost hitting Jenny. "Sorry hon." Kate was crying hard and Jenny just ducked.

"Its ok mom."

Kate screamed when she felt the familar back of her red maple hairbrush on where she didn't want a hairbrush to be. The seven swats of it made her bolt and scream and cry.

Now she stood her darling daughter Kate and mom made a discussion. "Jenny get on Kates bed till I finish with her. Ok."

"Yes mom." Jenny climbed up on Kates bed and mom put pillows on Jennys bed in the middle Jenny lied sideways down so she can see. Then finally mommy finally started spanking her with her very own paddle.

By the time the 7th swat of the paddle happened even June next door could hear Kate crying and thats behind two closed doors. Whats even worse was that Kate got two blisters on her sit spot. She definately won't be happy to sit. Mommy pulled up Kates white cotton panties and dressed her so that her panties can be seen. Then she dressed Jenny in a normal outfit after all she almost hit Jenny. Then they went off to the mall. Mommy doesn't usually shop in the middle of the week but today was important, She needed a new Mothers helper paddle. So both Jenny and Kate where put into the discipline zone. Jenny loved the dicipline zone. She had this real good way to make sure she won the Truth and consequences. Even on the rare occasion she lost she had enough free cards to save her bottom. Its a game of chutes and ladders but for every Ladder you get a green card that saves your behind later. But for every chutes you pick a red card that is for a spanking.

Since Kate was still to young to go to school and Jenny came in to late in the year neither go to school so they both spend most of there time at home, at there neighbors (June has fast become Jenny and Kates friend since Melissa babysat for them), or in the displine zone.

When they got to the Discipline Zone the worker who was about 30 year old she reconized everyone so she just told Jenny to get the helper paddle out of the paddle board. Kate went to Marie the worker and she bared Kate and spanked her 6 times with the paddle on the sit spot and one to grow on on the top thighs. Kate went into huge howls and had another blister on her sit spot. After everyone picked 6 excuse cards, when they got to play Chutes and Ladders Kate won. Actually Jenny made sure that she won.Her bottom was safe because she didn't lose her cards at all and shes still six. Plus she climbed up the ladders twice. So on a sore bottom Kate got to give spankings to the three three year olds without enough excuses to save there bottoms.

After the games were done they all had punch and cake. And mommy came back and picked them up. Paddle in her hand and she was smiling. The paddle looked a little bigger then the one they had before. They walked home mostly so that other parents can perfer the surprize party at Kates house. Of course Kate knew about the party but it was treated like a surprize. When they finally arrived home the place was ready and her neiborhood friends especially June and of course a couple of kids from Sunday school and some friends from the discipline zone which made a dozen kids plus Jenny of course who was purely enjoying this. Although she was somewhat jeolous. Kate was getting a birthday party Jenny wanted even though it would have an horrible effect on her bottom.

They all had ice cream and cake and to Kates surprize Jenny's joy (she helped Mommy pick out the outfit) Kate got a spanking Susie Doll for her birthday but daddy decided not to let her play with it till tomorrow. The presents were great. Kate loved them.

Then came Jenny's fav. game Pin the paddle on the bottom (authors note: I hope you don't mind the title I couldn't help it. Lurking dragon.) As Jenny liked to call it. Kate did pretty good on her try of the game. Unfornately Jenny is the best at pin the tail on the donkey as a Kindern so she knows exactly how to play. She won the game so she is going to be allowed to give two bare bottom spankings to Kate with whatever instrument she wanted. After everyone gives her a hand spanking over her dress. June actually wanted to go first. Everyone actually gave her more of love pats then spankings but Kates bottom was still so sore from her earlier spankings that it made her cry. When it was finally Jennys turn she decided to only use her hand. She gave 6 and one to grow on a little harder on the bare and again this time harder then the last.

Then she hobbled over to the door and thanked everyone for coming to her party really thanked them though. She even got to thank Jenny. She was more thankful to Jenny after all Jenny didn't have to use her hand not anything worse.

Kate was sat on that awful cornerstool to eat dinner she did but it was hard. Normally they would feed her in the corner on the cornerstool bottled formula but special days go by the rules not what they do do.

Mom and dad decided not to let Jenny watch the rest of kates punishment because of the icident with the paddle. So they told her she could watch holofilms instead. But Jenny decided to do her Z's she was almost done with the alphebet. Her parents understood but of course daddy would look at it when his finished with Kate.

Daddy gave Kate a bath and then hand spanked her 21 times on her wet bottom. Then he dressed her in her babydoll nightgown and now the real spanking begins. He first spanked her with the oak hairbrush. She hates that brush. If she was older she might have loved the look and how good it did her hair but now she only can focus on the damage it does to her bottom 14 spanks in total on the hard side one time on her nightgown then on her bare. Then he reversed sides and spanked her using the bristled side. Then he picked up her very own paddle and spanked her on her right cheek with it. Then her left cheek. She just got more blisters on her cheecks. The howling and crying was so loud Jenny had to move to the end of the house where it was the least hearable. Finally dad used the finale instrument the dreaded Nursery cane. He lied her across the chair with pillows under her stomache. Kate actually managed to hold position the entire canning. THen he put her to bed fastened his little girls hands and put on her delta inducer. Her birthday was finally over. The next morning he will put the nanolotion on.

He came down and found Jenny finally after finishing her last letter watching MASH on the holoremakes she was so happy they didn't edit the show out on these versions. She saw her fav. ep Dr. Pierce and Mr. Hyde. She always cried at I'll be home for christmas. So thats where daddy found her crying at the holo and throughly enjoying herself. Her letters were more then perfection. SO after she saw the best scene with Hawkeye asleep Trapper playing soilaire and Henry drinking she was sent to bed to go to sleep.

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