Innocentata Medicalos: Junes bad day.

June laid down on her lower bunk crying her eyes out. She didn't mean to be bad. She really didn't. Its just that she couldn't stand the way Wendy was talking about Jenny. Fortunately for June Wendy's parents did hear it but not in time to prevent the fight. As Murderess's violence like that is not tolerated at all. And the punishments are usually worse.

First problem was that they both scraped there knees so both mommies put there charges on the kitchen counters and got out the ointment and put the stingy stuff on there charges knees. Which made them both howl. Then Wendys mom took her daughter home with the note that Wendy will be getting it for two days instead of one because of her starting the hole thing. June smiled to herself on that. A little justice but at a cost.

And June learned the cost right away. Mommy took June off the counter and put her over the back of her chair. Mommy picked up the little helper paddle that was just the size for June and started spanking her daughter while holding her down. "SPANK SPANK I apraiate SPANK SPANK that you SPANK SPANK defended SPANK SPANK Jenny SPANK but SPANK you got to SPANK SPANK SPANK SPANK learn to SPANK SPANK find other SPANK SPANK SPANK ways then SPANK SPANK fighting." June put her hand back to cover her bottom. Mom just started spanking her inner thighs. Poor june was bawling over her chair and it wasn't over with yet.

Then she put June on her cornerstool. While she was sitting on the painful stool Wendy was getting hers and June could tell from the screams of pain but she deserved it.

Even June had to admit she deserves this spankings even while shes crying. After she went into a quiet crying though she still was in pain and Mommy took her off the stool and sat her down on the kitchen table to eat. LUnch wasn't half bad. It wasn't half good either. And she tried not to squirm. Actually Mommy was more considerate lately. Every since she got punished she decided to stop the rule about sitting in the corner durning meals if you squirm.

"I'm sorry I had to do that June but you know the rules."

"Yes mommy."

"I'm glad you understand. One of these days this will help you."

"I know mommy. Can I go take my nap?"

"Yes you may. Now scat and I want to see that you are asleep in five minutes young lady."

"Yes Mommy."

June went upstairs and got into bed and slept soundly for two hours and mom woke her up holding her red maple hairbrush.

June didn't even try to fight she just picked up her nightgown pulled down her panties and laid over moms lap. Her bottom hurt and it hurt a lot worse when mommy spanked her. She cried even squirmed and kicked but she didn't put her hand back. She knew she deserved every single smack. But she cried and squirmed anyways. Mom didn't stop spanking intill June just laid there limp. Then Mom took her to the dresser where she got Junes Painties out. As a murderess for this kind of mistake mom had to take out the level four painties and sent June to the living room corner to thankfully stand in the corner and cry.

Wendy is sitting on her cornerstool right now crying her eyes on wearing level four painties. And they both stayed that way till there daddys came home. Of course Kate came before Dad but mom didn't let June out of the corner. Daddy just sat June down in the kitchen and they all ate dinner. Jenny wasn't there that day she was invited to Dannys house. June was in a lot of pain but ate her food quietly while Kate chatted away about her day. Then after dinner June was taken to the bathroom for her bath by daddy. And daddy didn't look all that happy. She didn't splash. And daddy cleaned her up with emphasis on her sore bottom. Then he just took her out of the tub and laid her across his knee and hand spanked her. When she was laying limp he dried her off and took her to her room where he put her to bed. Well not exactly to bed he put her over the bed and took out a switch and switched her bottom a dozen times then tucked his crying daughter into bed and gave her teddy bear.

Next morning daddy rubbed nanolotion on her sore bottom and put her in a diaper and told her all is forgiven and hugged her. Whereas Wendys bottom was given the nanolotion the day after and told she was forgiven.

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