Innocentata Medicalos: the innocence of youth.

A few days after christmas Jenny was sitting in her room curled up on her rocking chair thinking about life. Sometimes Jenny likes to do this especially when shes stressed out or thinking of her real parents which is hard to do when her other parents are watching.

Which was what today needed a little time to think about things.

Which also was the moment when mommy came in. "Penny for your thoughts."

"Mom if I asked to be rejuved to much do you think corrections would help"

"I reallly dont' think they would. What brought this on?"

"I miss believing in santa clause."

"What do you mean?"

"I miss the innocence of youth. I was watching a ep of Night court I remember one quote in particular 'Austronaunts killed the man on the moon and growing up did the rest.' Everyone wanted youth. I mean we hear about the fountain of youth in our history books and how people kept searching for it. The rejuventor is not a fountain of youth if it was it will bring back the belief in santa clause and anything else little kids believe in. Hey its not even a cure all. My parents died of it. I am more likely going to join them. The rejuvenator didn't cure me. I just want to believe in santa clause. Is that so wrong?"

"And what are you going to tell your real parents. That you gave up totally on life."

"No. I don't know what to tell them. But then again I can join them."

"Jenny. You know the one thing that I noticed about you since you where here the first time. Even when you where getting spanked."


"That you never gave up on life. You fought for the right to live and the right to die your own way but you never gave up. Even when you where on the death bed though I wasn't there I knew you where fighting to the very last breath."


"So this is giving up on life. I know you miss it and you miss your parents to. But are you really willing to die like that."

"Maybe not."

"Just think about it."

"Yes mommy" (privious) (index) (next) 1

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