Innocentata Medicalos and PSI PEN: group counseling

Jenny was in her room writing on her padd when Mom came up.


"Well what?" Jenny said not even paying much attention.

"What was the test results?"


"You mean the disease hasn't come back?" Mom asked.

Jenny just nodded not looking like she wanted to talk.

"Whats wrong?"

"I'm just writing something" Jenny said not even looking up at mommy.

Mom left the room. She had no choice. Jenny only acted this way three times since she was brought here and the first two mom spanked her on it. Those times Jenny was a hard time penny. Now what is she supposed to do when Jenny's innocent. When Jenny would have been dead the way she wanted if it wasn't for mom.

Jenny took a sorta relieved sigh when mom left and then laid down on her bed. And put her writing down.

~Mom finally came home 2 days after thanksgiving I think there was a reason behind being there on Thanksgiving but wouldn't say my oppionion.

The minute mom came home she weighed me. She probably noticed that I lost more weight then I should have. I lost another 10 pounds. Not a good thing. Especially since that meant I lost it while daddy was the only adult in the house for two weeks.

Mom had a pretty mad looking look on her face. But then it turned into a look of concern. She picked up my hand and led me to my room. Then she sat on the bed and held me in her lap. "Now whats going on? Why are you losing so much weight"

"I don't know." I liked being on her lap but didn't like being questioned.

Mom tried to probe it out of me but it didn't work.

A couple days later Mom took me somewhere I didn't expect. Jenny was walking to the place at the same time.

Mom kinda gave me to Jenny and then left herself reminding me to behave and that she'll be back after my session. I still didn't get what was going on.

When we went into a medium sized room full of chairs in a circular form and most older rejuves sitting in those chairs. I was the only penny there. But then again I also was the only PSi there to. Most vs some Ms all older and of course Jenny. Then I saw the main clue Carol. I heard of her a lot from friends who took her counseling sessions. She does adults as well as rejuves and even kidern.

I sat down a bit nervously.

"Who wants to talk first today?" Carol seemed to be looking at me when she said this but then again I might just be paranoid. I sorta clumped into my seat.

"I'll go first. Ah a couple days ago was the aniversary of my sisters death. I always morned her death every year. When I was a penny for two years I was spanked on the ansiversary. Last year mom left me alone though she still doesn't know whats going on. I just don't think anyone would understand except for you guys."

"My mom forgot my day to remember last year. She tried to make up for it this year but it wasn't the same." A Medicalos said.

"Do you have a day like that Nadia?" Carol asked.

"No. I never even thought of morning Maries death that way." I said while pushing myself up on my chair. "I was only 12 kidern when she died."

"I was only 11 when Carapee died." One of the youngest rejuves there except for Jenny and me, said. "I still have a day of remembering. I think it helps me with all the other 364 days of the year."

Most of the room was nodding with her. "I just don't know" tears started rolling down my eyes. I don't know whats come over me. I was already crying without a spanking without a sore bottom just cause I was thinking of marie to much. Jenny put her arm around me and let me sob in her shirt.

After a few minutes or so I had myself under control again. And the conversation went on. Forunately for me I stopped being the focus.

Half hour later we ate a couple cookies and milk while waiting for our parents to pick us up. I felt a bit better when mom did show up. But not much.

The next day, I stayed in my room laying on my bed. I was trying that day of rememberance they where talking about. Unfornately I don't remember what date Marie died. It was just to long ago for me to remember.

Mom came up that morning. "Hey sleepyhead." She likes to call me sleepyhead in the morning cause I'm always awake before anyone else. Even mommy. "Breakfest time" I just laid there not paying attention. "Whats wrong sweetheart?" I halfway wanted to tell her cause we were getting so close lately but the other part of me didn't want to say a thing. Which one would have won we'll never know "Well if you want to talk I'll be in the kitchen."

I wasn't ready to talk. At lunch time mom came up with a tray full of food that I absolutely adored. Nothing I hated but I ignored it everything except the orange juice. I was thirsty. I was actually hungry to but I was thirsty more.

I really didn't want to eat. At this point even I knew I should but I didn't want to. I know I got to but not today.

When the girls came back from the marits they came up to see if I wanted to play but I just shook my head no.

At dinner time Mom came back up but noticed I hadn't eatten. "Come on eat." I didn't talk.

That night I went to sleep before mom came up to counsel me like usual.

The next morning everything went back to normal. I even managed to tell mommy what was going on yesterday. I think she didn't mind it cause she smiled a weird smile but smiled.

I caught up on eating that morning.

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