Innocentata Medicalos: Brotherly advice.

John walked upstairs to cheek on the girls. He was allowed to babysit today. It was day time. John found his way to Jennys room who was getting frustrated with her Padd. "Shoot."

"Whats wrong?"

"I can't get my writing skills back. DaRn these fingers."

"Why do you care. You should enjoy this year and worry about writing next."

"You don't get it. This writing is all thats left of me of my family when I'm gone."

"Your not going to be gone for a while."

"You really haven't heard have you."

"Heard what."

"If the cure they gave me doesn't work and the disease comes back. Next year will be my last year alive. And I'm not going to get rejuved again."

"Why not?" John was really clueless.

"I'm dying. I already died before and I'll probably die again."

"Oh don't say that. Your going to make it."

"I wouldn't bet on that. This disease killed more people then are in the house right now but all differently."

"What do you mean differently?"

"My great great grandparents died of a overdose of Morphine some say it was euthanasia. Then my Great grandparents committed suicide. My grandparents died in a fire saying they rather die of that then of thirst."

"I wounder which is worse."

"I never want to find out. Then theres my parents. They got a rejuveator and tried it out. To much. They programmed it to stop rejuvenating the minute the disease is gone. What they didn't realize was that the only way it would go away permeanately is to die of to much rejuvenation."

"So there still around."

"But they don't even remember that I'm there daughter. They call me autie Jenny because I wanted to stay in touch but we had to keep things limited. No one else even knows them as there adults. Only there parents now. My sister she died of the disease itself. Died begging for thirst. She was the youngest so far that died of the disease. My brother he died of a fever giving up totally on life. All I could do is watch."

"Wow. Why don't you tape it. At least till your able to write it. You have a way to say things. Its not always the way you write that counts."

"Thanks John."

John leaves the room and Jenny picks up a taperecorder she found once at the historical society and pressed Record. "It all started with my Great great grandparents......"

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