A Penny's Life for me: Our One day Adventure

Mommy woke me up and started getting me dressed, then helped with Jane. Daddy was at work and we were eating breakfast when I asked if we could play outside. Mommy said we could since we were good the last couple of days. "Mommy can we play in the sprinkler?" "Well, I guess just for a little bit." Jane and I got our swim suits on then went outside to play. after a while we got bored, "lets go in and find something else to do, but Nadia it's boring inside." "Lets see what mommy is doing, okay," "fine, said Jane" We went inside to find mommy asleep on the couch. "Now what Jane?" "Hmm, lets walk to the park, its not that far. We're not allowed to leave the yard you know that." "Mommy won't find out if we hurry," we left the yard and went down the street and saw some beautiful flowers that we just had to have, then we got a little further to hear a little boy getting a spanking. We sneaked up to the window to try to get a peak without getting noticed. Too late he was already on the cornerstool in the corner crying. "Jane, it's sad to see him crying and it probably was an unearned spanking. I have an idea lets give him these flowers! I'll just leave them by the door for him." "Nadia, how is he going to know that those are for him? Well, let me think, I don't see his Mom do you? She looked through the window and shook her head no. I proceeded to lightly tap on the window to get his attention. He glanced at our direction and I pointed to the flowers and then at him. He nodded his head and smiled at me. We left the flowers by the door and kept walking towards the park. We finally made it there to see a lot of pennys and theirs mommys. "Lets go swing for a little bit and hurry home so they don't get suspicious, OK Jane?" "I don't want to hurry I just got here, if you want to hurry home like a little baby then go ahead, see if I care." We were finally next in line to go on the swings when one of the mommys came up to ask where our mommy was. I seemed to not be able to find my voice, Jane spoke up and said she should be here any minute. I couldn't believe she lied! "What are your names young ladies?" I knew we were already in trouble because my tummy started to ache. "Mymymy Name is Nadia, and this is my sister Jane, we were just going home then out of nowhere I heard our names called and knew we were in for it. Mommy looked really mad. Ofcourse Jane ran up to her and started crying telling her that I begged her to come. "It doesn't matter if she begged you to come or not, you're the oldest and you should know better." With that said she picked up Nadia and pulled down her panties, lifted up her dress and started spanking her with the hairbrush. "Owww no mommy not my fault oww pleaze stop oww no more wahhh, Now Nadia if you don't calm down and take your punishment like a good little girl, it's going to get much worse. This is only part of your punishment, you both have a lot more coming to you when you get home. That was for putting Jane up to this charade now go find me a switch." I started crying even worse knowing it wasn't done yet. OK Jane your turn, come here. Mommy put Jane over her knee with the same routine of panties going down and lifting dress out of the way. I can't believe mommy is only using her hand and I had to get it with the hairbrush, not fair, I'll get you Jane!

Mommy is this switch OK? No, Nadia this is too long and flimsy too much for your little bottom no extra swats this time. Here mommy how about this one, its small but sturdy yes I'm sure this will work fine. Let me finish with Jane and then you'll be next again. Stand there with your hands on your head. I am so mad I can't believe we walked here without permission full aware of what we were doing and we didn't even get to play; all this trouble for nothing. "Nadia come here, NADIA what did I just say? Huh? what? Umm I, next thing I knew mommy got up and grabbed me and stripped me naked and started spanking me. When I tell Owww, wahhhaaahhh you to do something ooowwww stop owww you do it, do you understand me? Yes Owww Mommy I'm sorry I didn't hear you. "Ten more than you're done. "Sit on the side walk with your hands on your head, if you try to rub it's 20 more with the switch," "Jane who has been watching all of this started to feel bad for what she did to Nadia, then she thought wait a minute it's not my fault that little runt followed me, I didn't make her do anything. She has a brain she could have stayed home if she wanted too, there's no way I'm taking the blame for her. "OK Jane your turn" mommy finished up on Jane with the same switch but gave her extra swats because she's the oldest. Let's go home, keep hands on your head, every so often she would give one of them a swat with the switch to keep them moving. Once we got home mommy put both of us on a cornerstool in two different corners and tied us in and let us cry till daddy got home. Daddy came home and was really anger and asked how long we have been in the corners and mommy said about an hour or more so daddy said to go on up to our rooms because he was to upset to deal with us right now but first spoke to us separately and asked what happened today I ofcourse told him everything, and Jane as normal blamed it all on me and dad believed her for some reason or another. We went to our rooms and I wouldn't talk to her and Jane was trying to say she was sorry but I wouldn't listen. I realized the holocam was in our room and thought of an idea. I started probing Jane to talk to me and made her say everything that happened and agree it was her idea in the first place; she didn't even realize the holocam was there. I asked daddy to come up to our room and had him watch it while Jane was looking a little pale. Daddy really laid into her and lucky for me he said I had had enough punishment to learn my lesson.

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