PSI PEN: Sensitivity.

The next couple days I spent in the hospital. One night I heard Fred and that police officer talking.

"Your not going near my patient again."

"But I thought I'd try again to get her to testify."

"Not with your attitude. I don't like the way you asked her questions. Send someone else. Otherwise don't get her involved."

I could hear him stomping off. The officer was pretty young and even new to the force.

Then I heard Fred say to the nurses. "No visitors for room 224a except for her mom's."

That sorta made me feel better. Then the doctor came in. "Hi nadia how are you feeling."

I was still laying on my tummy. "OK when am I going home?"

"Tomorrow. I already put your discharge orders with the nurse."


"Now get some sleep. I'll be back in the morning before you leave."

"Yes Sir."

In the middle of the night I woke up to the door opening. I figured it was one of the nurses. They always come while your asleep. Sometimes just to give you a sleeping pill.

"Don't go in there." One of the nurses said.

"What?" I could tell it was the same officer.

"No visitors allowed in 224a."

"Well I'm going to 224b." That sorta startled me actually I had no roommate at least to my knowledge so I looked around from my comfy bed to double check.

"Nice try. theres only one patient in there. Now out." The nurse said just as I realized there was no roommate. I started liking the nurse.

I could hear the police officer stomping off again. Then I heard the nurse coming in just to make sure I was OK.

"You OK?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am."

"OK try to get back to sleep." she didn't have to say that twice.

When I woke up the next morning Mom was back. I was wondering where she went. I figured she was busy with the girls. Mom started putting all my stuff away in bags. I couldn't read it very well cause I still haven't gotten my reading skills back but it basically looked like it said belongings bag.

"Hey sleepy head. Time to eat your breakfast then we'll go."

"I not hungry." I wasn't. I really wasn't. Though I hadn't eaten for the last two days. They didn't force me to eat cause I was on iv liquids but they didn't like it.

"Come on just eat your strawberries I know you like them."

Well I couldn't argue with that. I ate them all. Then the nurse came in with the wheelchair. My bottom was pretty much healed by this time.

So I sat carefully in the wheelchair and she pushed me to the cashier on the first floor. While mommy went to get the Hoover car and put it in the front.

"Discharge 224a."

"Marris." I wasn't listening. "Nadia Marris."

"Yeah that's me." I somehow forgot my new last name.

The women in the window gave the nurse a pink slip and the nurse wheeled me out the door and out of the hospital. (Authors note: would you believe the cashiers scene was based on my volunteer work at the hospital.)

I got into the Hoover car with mom's help and I was put in my carseat. 5 minutes later I was home. Second time I came back from the hospital home like this. Well actually third. But I didn't know this would be my home for sure the first time

When we walked in I saw a new guy I didn't know. I hid behind Mommy.

"This is my brother Jethrow and your new father."

That was it I walked really fast to my room.

~~~~~~~(sorry to third person so Nadia doesn't have to listen if I stay in first)

"She'll come around. She needs time." Mommy said.

"Yeah I guess." fourth new daddy said.

"Boy does this seem hard on her. First daddy she never even seen. Second daddy spanks her. Third daddy well he caned her without cause and shouldn't even have caned her. Now you. Just do me a favor and don't spank her at all. Leave that to me."

"What about earned?"

"Even earned. Leave it up to me."


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Back to first)

A couple weeks later I kept in my room most of the time when daddy was around. During the time we found out that last daddy was convicted of abuse of a penny as a violent offender and sentenced to 10 X3-6 and on his six birthday he'll get the junior cane before he rejuves. With Thanksgiving which is coming up, Christmas (even though his athestist they decided to make it a Christian holidays), Easter, July fourth, Diaspora and his birthday. Normal set for violent offenders like him. Seems they didn't need me after all to testify. The holocam of me being caned mommy set up the cam just in case and the pictures of my bottom and the surgical report (seems it did more damage to my inner then my outer) was enough to make the jury convict.

They decided since I didn't testify that they wouldn't move him next door but they did keep him in the neighborhood. I get to see him during Moral and ethics seminar. He'll learn the hard way to sit still during services. Giggles

I wasn't ready for another day alone without mommy and the day came. Daddy of course was there. Just in case I brought water up to my room while Mommy was still there. The girls had school. I wished I was in daycare of something instead of here.

I knew I should have given him a chance but I was nervous. I mean the last time I gave a man a chance well well......

I was watching the educational channel upstairs laying on my tummy in bed. When daddy came up. "Time for lunch."

I stayed on my bed. Didn't move even when daddy turned off the holovision.

"Come on its your favorites."

I still didn't move. Daddy picked me up and on the way to the kitchen I did what I wanted to do to my x daddy. I kicked him in the place where no person wants to be kicked especially males.

Daddy put me on my cornerstool and left me there to think. Daddy didn't even pull down my shorts. Or put my feet in the restraints.

After ten minutes on the cornerstool I started calming down and realizing things. "Daddy." I haven't even called him anything since I saw him the first time.

That kind of surprized him. I think. "If your trying to get out of punishment it won't work."

"No daddy. I mean ah. I sorry I kicked you can you spank me. I really feel bad."

Daddy came up to me and took me off the stool and we went to the couch and I stood next to him. "Well I was going to have your mom spank you for this but since you asked."

Then he pulled down my shorts and laid me over his wide lap cute may I add. I got a bit nervous but daddy spanked me on my panties for about 5 minutes and then let me up and sent me to the corner to stand. Then after five minutes he had me come back to him. A earned spanking that didn't even go on my bare bottom. I sat with him and cuddled. Thats where Mommy found us. Happy things were back to normal.

And whats even better daddy didn't even mention the kicking incident to mom. So that was the last I heard of it.

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