PSI PEN: Daddy

A few days after Holloween mom end up having a family emerency. This meant the girls and I were left with Daddy. Unfornately. I was still not used to having a good daddy. I mean out of all the daddys I have had he was the greatest and yet I was still a bit crazed about him. I know time heals all wounds. But mine was pretty deep and I have the physical scares to prove it.

Although the physcical side has really pretty muched healed every where. And luckily I didn't get a infection in my bottom. Did I forget to mention that Hank my x daddy already got a spanking outside of services. He thought the services where the boringest thing in the world. They were boring but I learned the gorowian techniche as well on how to keep from dying of boredom. Did I mention I went to Gorow durning the summer of my graduation year of high school. It was a graduation present from my parents. At that point I was a bit worried about my college classes and needed to make sure I could make good grades in boringest classes. It saved my butt so far.

Mommy won't be back for two weeks. Daddy was so generous and let me play around the house as long as I stayed on the first floor and near him. The girls were at school. SO I played hide and seak with my dolls. Yeah I am that weird. But also Mommy recently got me one of the extras on Marie that lets her move about on her own. And although it took a while for the doll to find a hiding place I got to enjoy it. After fifteen minutes of this. Daddy called me to the couch.

"Hey daddy did I do something wrong?"

"No way. I just thought you'd like to watch this documentary on the rejuve system."

"Sure." I won't bore you with the details well not really boring but I wouldn't be able to summerize it without boring you.Well anyways I cuddled up to daddy and watched the show. When the show was over it was time for lunch.

Daddy gave me all my favs and didn't force me to eat it all. Though I actually managed to eat it all up. Lots of strawberries. He knows how much I love them. We talked throughout lunch about this and that.

When I finished Daddy went back to his armchair and I got Marie my dolly and put her over my knee. I spanked her for 10 minutes just for the joy of it. Actually when the spanking didn't hurt that bad I kind of enjoyed getting spanked. Especially since it made me feel a bit less guilty.

Then I went and took a nap.

After dinner, that night daddy and I watched a movie together with the girls But I stayed snugged up to my daddy till the movie was over at 7:30.

Then daddy took me to my room. I was sorta hoping that since mommy wasn't here I wouldn't have anymore counseling for 2 weeks. I was wrong.

"So any problems lately" Mom usually asked that same quesiton every night. It helps her know if I need any help and helps me start talking.

"No daddy. Are you doing counseling now?"

"Well only till your mom comes back. I have a degree is phychology. Mom and I were pennys together thats how I'm her brother. I wasn't brave enough to try to become a psychiatrist."

"Whats the difference?"

"Psychiatrist goes to medical school. Psychologist has a phd."


After the counseling was over daddy said something I never heard from any of my daddys before. "I love you now go to sleep"

After that I think I finally accepted him. And loved him to.

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