Innocentata Medicalos: One Innocentatas easter.

Her doctor moved in that week. He felt she needed him and her parents agreed.

So she woke up hearing Mommy giving Kate a handspanking she actually was torn of what to watch. Two kids in one bedroom. One kid on each side of the room outside in the windows. Of course she wouldn't care much to see Junes and Kates spanking. After all there her sisters. But the other to both did something wrong to her and she wanted to watch them both but how. So she found a solution. Since Wendy was so young she would watch her first part of the spanking first then see the rest of Loris spanking.

So she stood on the side of the room that had Wendy in it.

This was really a treat for her. She always thought Wendy deserved the best. Wendys mother put her over her knee and started smacking her. All Jenny could do was see it. The windows were closed and it was to cold to open windows. So she coudln't even hear wendy count. Which was required of all Pennys on easter that are getting there spankings. And it actually looked like Wendy missed a count. And got a extra. So her mommy spanked her 19 times. Then though Jenny was tempted to keep watching. Jenny moved to the next room. And watched Lori get still 10 more from her mom before she was sent to her father. Who spanked her hard 29 times. well wendy just became 4 whereas Lori is 6 so her base is a bit higher. Then they were both put into there painties and they all left for church.

Then Jenny fell asleep. Still to exhausted. But the good news is shes only going to go in and out of fevers for the next mouth or two.

After five minutes Mom and dad came in and woke up jenny softly. "Time for church."

"Yes mommy." So Mommy and daddy took the three of them walking to church. Jenny is the only one not crying. June and Kate were in painties and were just sore from there trip over mommy and daddys lap.

Then they went to church. Since it was easter Sunday no one had sunday school. To her mommys surprize Jenny fell asleep durning Services normally she would be up listening. So daddy put her on his lap and let her sleep. But the ushers come over to see why a penny was asleep in church. When Daddy noticed the ushers he just raised Jennys little hand that showed her beautiful I. No one can deny its beautiful. The Usher realizing it was Jenny who was on the news then left. After church services where over Jenny woke up and mommy suggested for her to show the priest her new wrists. Which of course she would be happy to do.

While she was waiting in line for those kids that have been really bothersome durning church. Normally she would be in the front of line but she wanted to watch so she waited.

Mom dad and the doctor were outside. "What are we supposed to do with her? She can't come with us to the festivities."

"Well I can babysit." Dr. Marcus said.

"You can't babysit her. You never babysat before."

"I stayed with her before."

"As a adult. Your talking about a adult in a child's body with the muturaty of a child."

"Shes good."

"All right you may go with her but I think I"ll give you Melissas phone number anyways."

"I won't need it. But thank you." Mom gave him the phone number anyways.

Jenny finally got to see the priest. "Hi Father Sir."

"Hello little girl. Have you been a good.... Oh i didn't see that I. You must be Jenny."

"Yes Father Sir."

"I hope you live a long time."

"Thank you Father. But unfornately it won't happen. But leave a prayer that I go to heaven for me please."

"That I will garentee young lady."

THen her doctor took her home. She was kind of happy he did. She didn't feel like going to the festivities though she would love to see Wendy get it.

"I can't understand why you don't allow us to try the cure. Just take the cure Jenny."

"You watch your sister die of thirst and beg for water. You watch your brother give up all hope on living and die of a high fever just because he was to stubborn. You watch your parents die in a rejuvenator thinking its a cure all. And hear them call you uncle not knowing you were there son. Then you can talk to bme about getting the cure."

"I'm sorry hun. I know how bad it was."

"You don't know how bad it was. And I hope you never find out."

"Thank you Jenny."

"Can I go to bed now. I'm tired."

"Yeah you can."

Later that day Jenny got to see Wendys dad finish up with wendy with the switch. She was to young for the nursery cane. 50 strokes. Poor wendy was a horrible mess and was crying very hard when she was done. Then daddy gave her five wacks of the paddle and put her to bed. And Jenny got to stay up later. She slept a lot that night so she could stay up.

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