Its easter sunday and Melissa and Keri are Very excited. It was there 1st easter together since they were Kindern. There dad was taking the 2 of them and Jenny, John, Danny, Martin (the I from I vs IM), and Rena to the non-penny easter egg hunt. Mainly because it was felt that all the other kids parents were needed to deal with there penny's. So dad was waking them up early and they were all gonna go sing in the choir. So dad brought all 7 of them to the church and they got ready for mass.

Mass was fun Melissa actually got to play the bongos, she was always a music lover, and jenny got to play the tamborine. After mass the kids all said goodbye to there parents and brothers and sisters and they went to a non-penny easter egg hunt. It was great and even there hands made a difference the V's got 1 hour, the M's got 1.5 hours, the I's got 2 hours and jenny got 2.5 hours to look. So every half-hour time was called Jenny was nice and actually ran towards the back. Now all these eggs had choclate, candy, and credit chips in them. After 2 and a half hours the time was called again and everyone came back to open there eggs and see what they got. They all made out real good and then they got to go have pizza and good stuff like that for lunch they all really enjoyed it and had a great time.

After lunch they all went back to Melissa's house and because it was warm enough got to swim in the in-ground pool in the back yard. They all had fun and Danny even helped jenny swim a little and actually taught her how to swim. They all had fun and were good kids then as an extra special surprise a person in an easter bunny outfit showed up and the kids got even more candy and credit chips, this is another reason for them to be together, they all had fun sitting around him and he gave out LOTS of goodies. After a 1/2 hour he left he had many other houses to visit. Then it was supper time. Daddy set up the grill and they all had hotdogs and hamburgers. Then they got ice cream and an easter bunny shaped cake.

After they were done eating daddy made an announcement. "All right children I have some great news with all of your parents permission You will ALL be spending the Night." in unison "YEAH." "Now the girls go up to melissa's and keri's room and roll out the sleeping bags up there. And the boys you will be sleeping in the guest room. Now why dont you all go get the sleeping bags set up and girls you can watch holo in melissa and keri's room and boys you can watch it down here but put on your PJ's first" "Yessir."

The girls ran upstairs and got ready then they watched some holo videos, mainly old bruce lee remakes, and at 11 pm mom came upstairs. "All right girls bedtime." "AHHH" "No arguing or you all will be sleeping with sore bottoms including jenny." The girls crawled into there beds and feel asleep.

The next day the parents came and got them and they all went home with goody bags full of stuff.

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