Innocentata Medicalos and Dojan: Back to school

Jenny was excited she was finally going back to school after a whole year of getting back Jennys writing skills and reading skills. Its been about a year maybe more since Jenny has been going to regular school not going to school with BJ.

Dressing up was fun Mom bought some great outfits for Jenny while Jenny was with Donny. Donny is going back to school and John and Kate but all of them are in different classes same school. Hopefully they'll see each other at recess and lunch. Well Lunch with Kate and recess on fridays with Kate but thats just because she's a penny and we just have to get used to it.

Kate got basic school outfit at least basic for pennys.

~Melissa, Keri and June were going to the doctors. It was felt because the 2 older ones were going to school and could bring home something and give it to June that she should be vacinated. The 3 girls and there dad arrive there the girls have back-to-back-to-back appointments. The girls play with the toys while waiting to be called. About 10 minutes later.

"The Nathaniels." The 3 girls and there dad get up and walk into the office. The girls all sit in the small chairs provided and Dad sits in the rolling one. A few minutes later A male nurse comes in and introduces himself.

"Hi my name is Matthew. Now how about we start with Melissa." Melissa gets up and climbs up on the table. Matthew grabs a scanner and checks her over. "She looks very healthy ill just give her her shots and then ill take care of Keri next Melissa gets her hypospray and then gets down. The same thing happens to Keri then its Junes turn. "Allright June your turn. Take off your clothes." June is a little confused. "Sir im a soft-timer dont i get a hypospray?" "No sorry even soft-timers get the shots now get undressed or i wont spread the medicine around for you. June does as told and Matthew is nice and even spreads the medicine around for her. Then they go out and get some lunch at McDonalds and June is even allowed to play in the play area.

The next day They go shopping at the mall. "Now girls you need clothes for school and June you could use some more clothes." They go to the clothing store and get Melissa and Keri 6 school dresses a piece and one punishment school dress and a set of plain white pain-tees. Then they go to the punishment dress section and dad turns to june. "Now im sorry June but you need a punishment dress and a set of pain-tees" June nods she dosent like it but knows it wont do her any good to argue. Soon they leave for home.

That monday is the first day of school and Melissa and Keri are excited. In the morning daddy comes up and wakes them up and gets them ready for school. The 3 of them walk to the corner where Jenny, John, Donny, and Kate are waiting. The 6 of them are going to walk to school with there parents today then bye themselves the rest of the time.

~The walk to school was nice Jenny and Donny were chatting away Kate John Melissa and keri were chatting to themselves cause as much as Jenny and Donny try to keep them in the conversations its obvious they like talking to themselves a lot more. The grownups were quiet. They actually listened to the kids talk.

By the time everyone was checked in and in there classrooms only Melissa keri and Jenny were in the same class. John Donny and Kate had to go to there seperate classrooms all different classes. Jenny was dissapointed that she didn't get the same teacher as the last time she was officiallly in school. She liked that teacher. Unfornately the teacher got married and moved to another colony with her husband whos in star fleet. She'll be teaching kidern on other colonies instead. She probably won't like it cause she can't spank them but oh well. The sacrifices for love.

Jenny had a suspicious look on her face when she walked into the classroom fornately for her the teacher wasn't there right that sec. That was fornate for Jennys plans. She put all her stuff away and sat down and got ready just in time for the teacher to show up.

Jenny kept her hands away as the teacher sat down. Jenny noticed 2 new voluntaras Keri another volunteras and Melissa the medicalos. That makes 5 non pennys total that includes Jenny. 8 Pennys. This really was unheard of in a first grade classroom including kidern classroom sometimes non kidern go to kidern classes instead of going to penny neighborhoods but its rare to be that age. One or two non pennys maybe but five in a pennys classroom just hard to believe.

"Jenny Chain" "Here"

"Patricia Chang" Hard timer "Here"

"Salina Cervantes" soft timer "here"

"Marise CHariet." Female Hard timer."here."

"Jan Colemen" soft timer "Here"

"Harley Devine." (no relation to Johnny devine) Soft timer "here."

"Howard Liberman" Hard timer "here"

"Jeannie Marris" voluntaras "here"

"Marie Marris" voluntaras "here"

"Melissa Nathanial" Medicalos with a star "Here"

"Keri Nathanial" voluntaras "here"

"Bobbie Plofker." Hard timer. "Here"

"Elisabeth Wentworth" Hard timer "here."

Finally got through the role call.

"Now children, I want each of you to stand up and tell the class just why you are here. Pennys, I want your Name, Cycle, Sentence and your Offense, please. Jenny"

"My name is Jenny Chain and I'm here cause my doctor is in this neighborhood." Hands still hidden. Jenny could tell the teacher didn't like that answer.

"My name is Patricia Chang and I'm on my 1st cycle of 3x 6-12 for burglury." She looked nervous.

"My name is Salina Cervantes and I'm on my 2 cycle of 3x6-12 for robery." By your second cycle even as a hard timer you get used to it.

"My name is Marise CHariet I used to be male my sentence was 10x4-7 for rape i'm on my 2 cycle" Wow same name.

"My name is Jan Colemen I"m on my 4 cycle of 6x5-11 for spamming."

"My name is Harley Devine I was convicted of copyright fraud I'm on my 2 cycle of 6-12"

"My name is Howard Liberman I'm on my 1 cycle of 10x4-7 for murder."

"Hi my name is Jeannie Marris I'm here cause I was in a low depression and my counselor suggested I rejuve to this age. Shes now my mom."

"Hi my name is Marie Marris I'm here for the same reason as Jeannie."

"Oh you two are sisters" The teacher stated

"Yes ma'am." They both said at the same time.

~"Hi my name is Melissa Nathaniel. I was rejuvied about 10 months ago after being seriously injured saving kindern lives during a fire. That also the reason for the star."

"Hi my name is Keri Nathaniel. I rejuvied to learn star drive physics."

"Hi my name is Bobbie Plofker. 1st cycle 3 times 6-12 for slicing."

"Hi my name is Elisabeth Wentworth. I used to be John Greene. 12 times 4-9 for rape. 2nd cycle."

~"Ok kids normally it would be reading time but since its the first day of school I have to give the welcome spankings. Melissa keri Jeannie and Marie can go play outside till were done here if you want."

All four of them shook there head noticing that Jennys name wasn't said so this would be interesting to see.

"Salina, Jan, Harley as soft timers you will not be getting your welcome spanking but you are supposed to stay and watch. Jenny Chain come up here."

Jenny could hear Melissa giggle and a few others especially those who knows Jenny. Jenny loving this even more walked not showing her IM's to the teacher.

"What where you supposed to tell me and the class?" The teacher said loud enough for the class to hear this was her mistake.

"Why I'm here? Thats what I said."

"Thats what only non pennys are supposed to say now what where you supposed to say."

"I am supposed to say why I'm here."

"No your not. Thats it Go to the...." Finally Jenny picked the perfect time to show her hands.

"What was that you said?" Jenny smiling all the non pennys were giggling.

"Do you want to go to the playground till the welcome spankings are done."

"No thank you. I'd like to watch." Jenny was already having a good time and it wasn't even time to read. :)

"Alright since Jenny is not a penny we will not have earned spanking and just all welcome spankings. Patricia come here."

The welcome spankings went on like usual and Jenny read pretty fast and thoroughly. Then Arts and crafts it wasn't that fun for Jenny. She never could do a good drawing but she tried anyways. Then the teacher had the kids do a sorta musical chairs. Unsurprizingly Jenny won not because it was done on purpose it wasn't actually but because Jenny was always a good runner. Then finally it was recess time for non pennys and soft timers.

Lori was still in moral and ethics of nursing. All the other hard timers got stuck with Moral and ethics.

When recess was over Jenny wrote a story durning printing skills normally this would actually be a spankable offense even for a IM but to give Jenny credit it was durning printing.

"Jenny what are you doing?"

"I'm writing a story want to see."

"Yes come up here right now." Jenny brought up her story. Ironically the teacher just smiled. "Ok next time your already ahead and want to do something thats sorta like it tell me first."

"Yes ma'am don't worry I only did my writing ahead of time."

Jenny went back to her seat and did her writing. Then it was lunch time. 2 lines of four pennys each. Melissa Keri Jenny Marie and Jeannie stayed behind talking. Lunch was good then the little break between was fine then nap was pretty good Jenny even got a good rest even with her birthday coming up on her mind.

When naptime was over Jenny's Anatomy teacher took her to another classroom this would normally be in the main room but since Lori was taking the same class they moved the rooms. Jenny will only be taken once to her other class because she doesn't know where it is right now but next time she can go by herself.

To her surprize Lori reconized the teacher right away from the moral and ethics of nursing class when they arrived at Lori's classroom. Then when they did get to the other classroom the teacher was getting curious about Jenny not her Im this time.

"How come your not taking Moral and ethics in nursing this year?"

"Yeah weirdly enough I should take it considering the only class I got a b+ instead of a A in nursing program was the ethics class"

"why didn't you get the A"

"In a world of immortals no one believes in Euthanasia. I did a report on Euthanasia and got a C I had to do a lot of extra credit just to get it to B+."


Class was normal. Jenny had no choice but to retake the class cause when she was rejuved her ability to tell where everything is was taken cause thats hand eye coordination.

When class was over Jenny meet back up with Melissa and Keri who are taking Korean class as there elective. Jenny would take it but she wants to get the premed classes out of the way as fast as possible and even when she gets into med school she'd be to busy for second language classes.

On the walk home Jenny Melissa and keri with there parents were walking back they forgot that John DOnny and Kate will be coming out of class later times.

"I'm not looking forward to Friday." Melissa said.

"Why?" Jenny looked concerned. "Weekends are supposed to be fun."

"Yeah weekends are but Fridays I'm stuck with Moral and ethical behavior class."

"How can that be? I thought they only did it monday through thursday."

"It is but now theres a new class on friday for repeat offenders and pennys who did a crime durning there sentence and me."

"Thats awful. Moral and ethics class is bad enough for really bad criminals thats really bad."

"How do you know about the ethics class."

"I still have a I on my wrists remember."

"Oh yeah you were though those classes already. I can't imagine you surviving those classes without being furious."

"I learned to listen to anything that I didn't like. A Gorowian taught me."

"Maybe you can teach me those techniches."

"Sure but I hate to say it it takes a while to get it to work."

"Oh well. Lets try anyways."


When THey all got home to different homes mom decided Jenny needed a quick nap. Since a five year olds body is still to young for that much stuff. Actually Jenny was just a bit over six physically but thats cause the machine only took 2 years and 9 months off her but she was tired. So she took the nap.

Till Kate arrived then they both sat in the kitchen and did there homework by the time John arrived they were both done. John finished his homework in record time for a ten year old. Donny won't be home himself for a while. So the three of them played till Donny did get to his place then Jenny skipped upstairs and called him for a hour. Probably a record for a 5 year old. But then again every since that day in the park Donny and Jenny were very close and very talkative.

Unfornately Jennys birthday was still to come and this might be one of her last days of joy.

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