Dojan part 2

The next day Jenny, Kate, John and Mom went to Michaels at the mall. When they got there they saw quit a few people there including danny, the male Medicalos, and Pat, the female Voluntaras from the park. Also a bunch of others they didnt recognize. a couple of them wer being fitted with different sizes and some of them were getting specila stripes being attached to there bases of there tops.

Mommy walks them over to a sales associate and asks "Why are some of them getting those special strips of cloth?" Associate says "This is for children who have trained previously." Mom turns to the 3 kids and asks "Have any of you trained before?" All 3 answer in unison "No mom." Mom "Ok. I need 3 toeboks. One with an IM on it for the 5 year old here.(Site owners note: sorry I had to keep the discriptions of jenny away.) One with a V for the boy. And one with a drop seat and gray filled in P for the other one." Associate "Yes Mamn ill take them and get them fitted right away do u want 1 or more for each?" "One for now and if they need more well get them later."

They get fitted and and go and pay for everything including there a kicking bag and mouthpieces.

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