Innocentata Medicalos: Doctors Office (M/f)

Daddy and Jenny were sitting in the examining room of her doctors office. She felt the familar feel of the examing table. The only thing is it felt bigger then when she was there last. She hadn't visited the doctor since she got rejuved at least not this one. Fornately the disease is undecatable by regular ways. And shes allergic to scanners. Kate was at another doctors office.

"Dad can I please see the doctor by myself? I know what happens to pennys and I won't fight."

"No. I want to make sure you behave."

The doctor came in with his male nurse. One look at Jenny. "Matthew would you take Mr. Chain to my office thank you." The doctor reopened the door. Daddy looked a little shocked. Jenny was a little happy. And the nurse took him to the office. "What happened?"

"I didn't do the crime."

"I left you dying in your bed. What happened?"

"In a delirious state I left the room and got arrested for something I didn't do."

"When did it happen? I mean the crime."

"Two weeks before you left me."

"Why didnt' you call me? I could have verified that you were not even able to leave your room let alone comment a crime at that point and that you were with me."

"And be rejuved as a Medicalos! There still was a chance I wouldn't make it to the rejuvenator and I took that chance."

"And now your here. I'm goign to settle this right now."

"And have me rejuved before the disease even begins. I am not going to die a 4 year old of thirst or a 2 year old of overdose of rejuvenation."

"You know sooner or later things will come out."

"I know but please don't tell anyone just yet. Did you find the cure yet?"


"What about What Melvin recently did?"

"No luck the memory has to be completely gone. Now its time we get the vacinations over with."

The nurse walked in with the needles. He placed the tray next to the examining table, then reached into a cabinet and took out a thick rubber cushion. It was about a half-meter long, flat on the bottom but curved up around 25 cm thickness. He placed this in the center of the examining table, then turned around and picked Jenny up in his strong arms. He quickly unzipped her pink culottes and slipped them down to her knees. Her matching panties were promptly pulled down as well, leaving her bare bottom pointed skyward.

Jenny got ready for her first spanking. While she was getting her painful vaccinations and spankings Kate in the other room was getting a Padling for refusing to let her nurse take her tempt.

After they were done they went home and Jenny and Kate was sitting in the corner on there cornerstools and crying. Both on sore bottoms.

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