A Chance at a New Life - A Penny Starts Over
Part 4 - Getting to Know You

After a good nap, Annie woke up on her own bed. Mommy had changed her out of her Painties and back into regular clothing and had put her to bed when they got home without ever waking Annie up. "Yow!" Annie rolled over onto her back to get up. She was amazed at the pain when her bottom touched the mattress. Annie hopped up and went over to the mirror and pulled down her panties to get a good look at her tushie - it was barely red, but there were definite bruises where the paddle had hit. Annie resolved right then and there to ensure that she would avoid doing anything that might lead to a longer session with that nasty old paddle.

She heard Mommy downstairs and went to join her. "How are you doing dear?" asked Mommy when she saw Annie on the stairs.

"I vewy swore, and ter are bruthes on my bottom."

"Even though I had to spank you at the mall, you were a pretty good girl, so when its bedtime, I will put nano- lotion on you bottom. You'll feel much better in the morning."

'I may feel better in the morning, but how bad is the night going to be!' "Tank you mommy. I pwomith to be de betheth Penny in de world."

"It's pretty rough the first few days, isn't it? I know the spankings are hard, but you did commit a crime. Also, after you have settled in, they will get lighter and you will get used to them. And, remember, when your sentence is over, you have no record and can live a productive life. You just have to make it through the hard- time. It's going to be an adjustment for you, and Daddy and I will do everything we can to help."

Patting the sofa next to her, Mommy invited Annie to sit down so they could talk.

"Mommy, in de stwore, you saith tha you were a Penny. Wha you do?"

"I was a very naive college student and got myself into trouble through a prank. At least it started as a prank. Someday I'll tell you about it, but right now we need to talk about you."

"Tak bout wha?"

"Oh, lots of stuff. First, you need to know what holidays you have gotten. Since you are a Christian, although no longer practicing, you've gotten Christmas, and Easter, as well as your birthday and Diaspora, and...since you did a fairly severe crime...Thanksgiving."

"Whaaaaaa. Sniffle, Sniffle."

"I know, it doesn't seem fair, but remember, you are a naughty little girl.

"Uh...sniffle...un," replied Annie nodding. "I knowd I wuz wong."

"We have sworn to the Corrections Board that we will give you regular spankings, 'Just Because', also, you can earn spankings. And after you start school, you will be spanked for bad grades. We are not allowed to do any permanent harm to you. It may not seem like it during the spanking, but you will survive. We also will use nano- lotion to help your bottom heal. There is one down side to the nano-lotion, it leaves you bottom smooth and soft - it removes any callous that you might develop. On your special days, the spankings will be MUCH harder and longer, and you can expect blisters and bruises AND you won't get any nano- lotion until the next day."

All Annie could do was sniffle as she pondered her fate. At least 16 more years as a hard timer. 'Do the holidays change? Get easier? Get lighter, maybe? Yeah right, I've screwed up big time and I'm gotta pay.' "I unnerthand."

"It will get easier. I promise. Lets get ready for Daddy to get home."


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