A Chance at a New Life - A Penny Starts Over
Part 3 - Getting Adjusted

Mommy went upstairs to wake up Annie for dinner; however, when she got to the room, Annie was sleeping so soundly, Mommy decided not to bother her.


Annie woke up with the sunrise, and started to explore her room. It was appropriately utilitarian for a penitatas - no visophone, computer terminal or holovision set. (Note: according to the LD stories, this is the proper spelling. I appreciate the note Nadia. :)) There were no other toys than her Doggie Do-rite, but the bookcase on the wall was full of books designed for a young Penny, just learning to read. Her bed had a Fairy Jenny quilt on it. And on the rocking chair, was the matching pillow cover. She had a desk with the requisite straight- backed chair. In the corner, was the nasty CornerStool, it seemed well-used, as if a Penny had spent many hours sitting on it. A four-drawer chest and nightstand completed the furniture in the room.

Annie could wait no longer, and went to find the bathroom. It was down the hall, next to "Sam's Room"; Annie noticed that the door had a lock on it. She knew that "Sam" was definitely not a penny, that was a privilege never accorded to a penitatas, neither hard-time not soft-time.

Annie went to the bathroom, then washed her hands and face and went back to her room. Anne made her bed and went to the closet. There were a few dresses, not very many though. Annie got one down. It looked a little big. The chest of drawers was almost empty. Her panties, t-shirt and socks from yesterday had been washed and put away. Pulling them out of the drawer, Anne realized that she and mommy were going to be going shopping today.

As Annie was getting dressed, mommy came in to wake her up. "Good morning, early bird. Do you always get up so early?"

"No mommy. I justed woke up cauth I was hungry. I din't hear you up, sos I made my bed and gots drethed."

"I'm glad the dress isn't too big, it's a handme down. One of our previous pennys was a big girl and she outgrew the clothes we had purchased for her very quickly. After breakfast, we are going to go the mall and take care of getting you clothes. In the mean time, are you ready for breakfast?"

Annie had never been a big breakfast eater, but as a penny she made up for it. After she cleaned her plate, she "helped" mommy with the dishes.


Annie was put into the child restraint seat; she wisely decided not to complain about the childish seat and accepted the fact she *was* a child on the way to the mall.

When they got there, mommy got a KidCart to push Annie around in. They were at the mall to power shop and mommy didn't want Annie to get tired out.

They went into Penny's Clothing, "We specialize in all your Penny's clothing needs!" A saleslady came bustling over to them, "It looks like your little penny is freshly rejuved. What all do you need for her?"

"Just about everything. She is a 6x4-12. I know not much can grow with her, but let's try to get as much use as possible out of the clothes. We need a full wardrobe."

Annie tried on more clothing than she had ever had a Kindern. She would have been content with anything she tried on, but mommy rejected and reselected outfit after outfit.

After mommy was content with a moderate number of outfits, and enough underwear and nightclothes, the saleslady took them to the punishment section of the store. "Do you want a punishment dress?" Mommy nods while Annie looks at the floor. "And how many sets of Painties? The standard or the white? Will she be attending any kind of schooling this year? No, then I recommend the standard set."


"I know you are tired young lady, but yelling and telling me what to do are not acceptable behaviors, especially for a penitatas." The saleslady had already brought over one of the chairs for the expected punishment.

Mommy asked the saleslady if Penny's carried helper paddles of any kind since that was the next purchase on the list. "Sorry, Penny's only carries clothing."

With that, Mommy took off Annie's dress and panties. 'She isn't really going to spank me HERE. She can't. She won't. "We will be wearing some of our purchases out of here!" She lifted Annie over her knee, and held her securely. 'The whole world can see me. I am not going to cry. I am not going to cry! I AM NOT GOING TO CRY!'

Mommy began with a volley of crisp spanks to the most tender under curve on Annie's bottom. "You do not tell me what to do

Mommy's expert application of spanks to Annie's hiney broke through the bravado Annie tried to maintain. "Mommy, I thowy. I na mean to. Pease stop. I thowy. WHHHAAAAAAA. WWWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"

"Will you ever yell at me again "

By the last spank, Annie was just limp across mommy's lap sobbing out her pain. Satisfied that the hand had done its job for now, mommy rubbed her back and talked quietly to her until the sobs turned to sniffles.

"We need the level 1 Painties please, and a pair of the jean shorts and a polo." Mommy requested of the saleslady.

Annie's crying renewed when the Painties were pulled over her bottom. While mommy helped Annie with the rest of the clothes, the sales lady commented on the spanking. "You certainly can spank. That is one of the most effective spankings I have seen in quite a while."

"Thank you, I've had lots of practice, and I was stupid after college and wound up as a Penny myself, just a short cycle, but long enough! Her spanking isn't finished yet, when we go to Paddles 'R Us, I am going to try out the merchandise before we buy it. Just to ensure its effectiveness."

'I surely didn't hear her right, more spanking, on top of this. Yowch. These bitters hurt.' "Mommy, I sowy foh welling at you. Pease don pank me gain. Pwetty pease."

"Annie, you broke the rules, so you have to be spanked. I know it hurts, but it's necessary. If you behave and cooperate for the rest of the trip, you won't have to do any corner time when we get home."

Annie resolved to be the best possible little girl in the world to avoid the corner.


After a few more stops, they got to Paddles 'R Us. The first thing Annie noticed was the number of crying pennys, of all ages. Apparently, her mommy wasn't the only mommy who liked to try the wares.

Annie was pushed to the 4 year old section. The store was segmented into age groups to ensure the proper implement for the age of the child.

Mommy picked up a Mommy's Helper paddle and told Annie to pull off her shorts, but to leave the Painties up. Annie started to cry but complied instantly, wanting to avoid the corner.

Annie even climbed over mommy's lap without being told, hoping that cooperation would limit the number of swats.

"Now then, I'm not going to lecture you. This is going to hurt too bad for you to pay attention, but remember this is for yelling at me. You are going to get 5 with this helper."






"Do you have a helper paddle with a different angle on the handle. This one is a little awkward and after a long spanking, my arm will be tired."


"Much better. Thank you. Annie, go stand with your nose against the wall while I find "Your Very Own Spanking Paddle."

Annie sniffled her way to the wall. She realized that no one had paid any attention to her spanking there were so many other pennys in the same position.

After about five minutes, and eternity to Annie, mommy called her back over. "Up over my lap, one more time please."

Crying, Annie assumed the dreaded position one more time.



"Lets see how this is doing on your bare bottom." Mommy pulled off Annie's Painties to reveal a crimson backside. "Red, but not too red, hot, but no sign of a blister. Two more I think."




"Will you please ring these up while I dress my little girl?"

Annie was too worn out to even cry when the Painties came over her bottom. And she was asleep in the KidCart before they even got the hovercar.

Annie didn't even wake up when mommy strapped her in the car.


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