Innocentata Medicalos: Another day at school.

"Matthew come up here." Matthew walked up to the teacher who was already getting the first grade number four paddle from her desk. "You got a D on your reading quiz. And this is the second time you got it. What did I say would happen if your grades didn't impove." Jenny was watching stunned also a little weak.

"But they did. I got a D- the last time."

"Don't talk back at me. Now what did I say?"

"You'd send me to the principle to get a canning after your paddling."

"Thats better now get over my lap."

Matthew layed across her lap and she gave him 20 good wacks of the paddle on his bare bottom. After the twentieth spank Matthew was crying hard over his teachers lap and it wasn't over. "Go stand in the corner no rubbing." Matthew did as told. "Durning lunch you can go to the principles office. Jenny Chain please come here."

Jenny got up weakly and felt weird and came to her teacher who was putting away the paddle. "You got an A- on your anatomy quiz. I'm afraid I have to give you a spanking."

"Ok Ma'am." Jenny feeling a little weakly slowly layed across her teachers lap. Her teacher started handspankng over her pantyclad bottom not that much. "Stand in the corner and hold your shirt up."

Jenny obeyed but wasn't doing well.

"Stanley I'll be seeing you after class for your D in math."

"Yes ma'am."

Jenny figured the reason she didn't do as well as she usually does is because she slept more and wasn't able to study as much but didn't tell her teacher that nor would she tell her parents that. She'd rather get a handspanking then tell them that. But before she knew it the room was starting to spin and before she knew it she was laying on the floor looking up at her teacher. Her teacher helped her up and put her hand on Jennys forehead. "I'm fine ma'am."

"YOu don't look fine. Stanley take her to the nurses office. And Jay go with them."

Before Jenny knew it she was carried to the nurses office by the only to voluntaras. She was in the nurses office in five minutes flat. "I'm fine I swear I"m fine."

"What happened?"

"I fainted thats all."

"Turn on your tummy." Jenny obeyed glad it wasn't the scanner.

"Just don't use the scanner I'm allergic."

"Don't worry I won't."

The nurse took her tempt rectally and then changed her into a hospital gown penny style. Doesn't cover bottom at all. "Now I want you to take this medicine." Jenny opened she mouth and the nurse gave her the medicine. "Ok lie down and sleep. I am going to call your parents to pick you up. Ok."

"Yes Ma'am."

Mommy picked her up that day but she wasn't getting better. So she took her to the ER. Which didn't make Jenny happy. She was begging to be taken to her doctor or office.

Forunately for her the doctors gave her a shot for the ear infection and put her on iv liquids for dehydration. She slept the entire time and Daddy came when she was discharged and sent home. Jenny told mommy about her grade but the doctors said she shouldn't be spanked for a couple days.

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