The African Black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis) is a large and highly venomous snake species native to much of Sub-Saharan Africa. It is the second longest venomous snake species in the world and is the fastest moving land snake, capable of moving at 4.32 to 5.4 metres per second (16–20 km/h, 10–12 mph).[25][30] It is by far the most feared and most dangerous snake species in Africa and it has a legendary reputation as a very fierce and territorial snake. Black mambas are well known to have an irascible temperament - they tend to be high-strung, nervous, agile, extremely quick, are highly aggressive and will attack with no provocation.[25][26] When cornered or threatened, the black mamba can put up a fearsome display of defense and aggression. A black mamba will often mimic a cobra by spreading a neck-flap; exposing its black mouth, raising its body off the ground, and hissing. It can rear up around one-third of its body from the ground, which can put it at about four feet high. When warding off a threat, the black mamba delivers multiple strikes, injecting large amounts of virulently toxic venom with each strike, often landing bites on the body or head, unlike other snakes. Their strikes are very quick and extremely accurate and effective.[15] If the attempt to scare away the threat fails, it will strike repeatedly.[25] This species of snake often shows an incredible amount of tenacity, fearlessness, and aggression when cornered or threatened, during breeding season, or when defending its territory.[8] They are also known to have a 100% rate of envenomation. The probability of dry bites (no venom injected) in black mamba strikes is almost non-existent.[31][32] The venom of the black mamba is a protein of low molecular weight and as a result is able to spread extraordinarily rapidly within the bitten tissue