Crimean Gothic dictionary:

Created by Ansuharijaz (© 2003)

In the 16th century AD two Dutch ambassadors in Constantinople wrote down some words they had learned from a man who came from the Crimea (a peninsula in modern day Ukraine), in 1562 they handed over this list to the Dutch researcher Busbecq who wrote a small text about it.
This text also contained Crimean Gothic numerals and the first 3 lines of a Crimean Gothic song, though it is difficult to translate this lines because they were probably not written down correctly, anyway, here they are:

Part of a Crimean Gothic song:
Wara wara ingdolou
scu te gira galtzou
hæmisclep dorbiza ea

Crimean Gothic numerals:
ene = one
tua = two
tria = three
fyder = four
fyuf = five
seis = six
sevene = seven
athe = eight
nyne = nine
thiine = ten
thiinita = eleven
thunetua = twelve
thunetria = thirteen
stega = twenty
treithyen = thirty
furdeithien = fourty
sada = hundred
hazer = thousand

Crimean Gothic - English

ada = egg
ael = stone
alt = old
ano = hen, chicken
apel = apple
atochta = evil
baar = boy
bars = beard
boga = bow (and arrows), arch, bend
borrotsch = wish
breen = to roast
broe = bread
bruder = brother
brunna = spring, well
cadariou = warrior, soldier
daur = door
eriten = to cry
fers = man
fisct = fish
gadeltha = beautiful
geen = to go
goltz = gold
handa = hand
hoef = head
hus = house
ich = I
ich malthata = I say
iel = hail, health
ieltsch = hails, whole
iel vburt = be whole, be healthy, wassail
ies = he
ies varthata = he did
kilemschkop = draining/emptying the cup
knauen = good
knauen tag = good day
kommen = to come
kop = cup
kor = corn, wheat
lachen = to laugh
lista = little
marzus = wedding
menus = meat, flesh
miera = ant
mine = moon
mycha = sword
oeghene = eyes
plut = blood
reghen = rain
rinck = ring (circle)
ringo = ring (finger)
rintsch = mountain, hill
salt = salt
schediit = light
schieten = to shoot
schlipen = to sleep
schuos = betrothal gift
schuualth = death
schuuester = sister
siluir = silver
singhen = to sing
stap = she-goat
statz = earth, ground, land
stein = star
stul = stool, chair
sune = sun
tag = day
telich = foolish
thurn = entrance, gate
thurn daur = entry door
tzo = you
tzo warthata = you did
vburt = be, become
waghen = wagon
wicht = white
wichtgata = 'white thing', list, writing table
wingart = vineyard
wintch = wind

English - Crimean Gothic

ant = miera
apple = apel
arch = boga
be = vburt
beard = bars
beautiful = gadeltha
become = (see: 'be')
be healthy = (see: 'wassail')
bend = (see: 'arch')
betrothal gift = schuos
be whole = (see: 'wassail')
blood = plut
bow (and arrows) = (see: 'arch')
boy = baar
bread = broe
brother = bruder
chair = (see: 'stool')
chicken = (see: 'hen')
come (verb) = kommen
corn = kor
cry (verb) = eriten
cup = kop
day = tag
death = schuualth
door = daur
draining the cup = (see: 'emptying the cup')
earth = (see: 'land')
egg = ada
emptying the cup = kilemschkop
entrance = thurn
entry door = thurn daur
evil = atochta
eyes = oeghene
fish = fisct
flesh = (see: 'meat')
foolish = telich
gate = (see: 'entrance')
go (verb) = geen
goat = (see: 'she-goat')
good = knauen
good day = knauen tag
gold = goltz
ground = (see: 'land')
hail = iel
hails = ieltsch
hand = handa
he = ies
he did = ies varthata
head = hoef
health = (see: 'hail')
hen = ano
hill = (see: 'mountain')
house = hus
I = ich
I say = ich malthata
land = statz
laugh (verb) = lachen
light = schediit
list = (see: 'white thing')
little = lista
man = fers
meat = menus
moon = mine
mountain = rintsch
old = alt
rain = reghen
ring (circle) = rinck
ring (finger) = ringo
roast (verb) = breen
salt = salt
she-goat = stap
shoot (verb) = schieten
silver = siluir
sing (verb) = singhen
sister = schuuester
sleep (verb) = schlipen
soldier = (see: 'warrior')
spring = (see: 'well')
star = stein
stone = ael
stool = stul
sun = sune
sword = mycha
vineyard = wingart
wagon = waghen
warrior = cadariou
wassail = iel vburt
wedding = marzus
well = brunna
wheat = (see: 'corn')
white = wicht
white thing = wichtgata
whole = (see: 'hails')
wind = wintch
wish = borrotsch
writing table = (see: 'white thing')
you = tzo
you did = tzo warthata