Why is Portugal such a good target?
Why do white supremacists have such use a strong fixation in Portugal? Why is Portugal such a good target?
There are several reasons why Portugal is apparently the perfect target. For starters, Portugal is an unknown country to most of the American population, who is the main target audience of Kempists and other revisionists.
Americans are particularly vulnerable to white supremacist propaganda for historical, geographical and even cultural reasons.
America was a colony for a very long time, and like all colonies it used slave labour in large numbers. The days of slavery are long gone, but its legacy lives on. American society is divided by skin colour to such an extent that is simply not understandable to most Europeans. In Portugal, you are a "preto" (black) if you look clearly Negroid. You are a "mulato" (mulatto) if you are mixed and show Negroid admixture. You are a "cabrita" (quadroon), if you look basically Caucasoid, but you still show some light Negroid admixture. There is no word in Portuguese for "octoroon". Why? Because an octoroon doesn't usually show any visible Negroid traits, therefore they are for all purposes, whites.  
In fact, race is so much not an issue in Portugal (as in most of the rest of Europe), that just recently I came to the conclusion that a very old friend of mine that I haven't seen in like 10 years had African ancestry. I came to that assumption only because I recently remembered going to his house when I was a kid, and seeing several African art pieces. As a teenager, I never even associated the fact that he had a much darker skin than my own to the fact that he might have African ancestry. All his friends were white, and he was never seen as "different" from the rest of us. This sort of thing could never happen in a country where race has such a great importance as it has in the USA.
Geography is also a huge cultural setback for America. While white Americans are essentially Anglo-Saxon descendants, they are isolated from their "motherland" by the North Atlantic. Their isolation made them less permeable to contact with other cultures other than the Anglo-Saxon than Britain itself, for instance. Isolation and slavery, added to hordes of starved immigrants, forced the American society to establish itself on a strict set of rules where race, culture and skin colour played a crucial role.
Isolation also prevented the ordinary American to get in touch with all the phenotypes in their own ancestral motherlands. For instance, when asked about the ancestry of Catherine Zeta Jones, I am quite sure that most Americans would say that she had Asian or Amerindian ancestry, rather that risk saying that she was 100% Welsh. Another example is Antonio Banderas. While Antonio Banderas is a good example of a particular type of Spaniard, he is not representative of all the phenotypes one may find in Spain.
It wouldn't be incorrect to state that while Portugal is a very good target, Americans are a very susceptible audience. Most Americans might be totally against any sort of racism, but their own society was initially built based on it, and that makes them good listeners. Much to the delight of White and Black supremacists alike.
But what does all this have to do with Portugal?

Well, everything, and at the same time, nothing at all.
Portugal is one of the oldest countries in Europe, it won its independence in 1143 at a time when there still was a Roman-Germanic Empire in the West and a Roman (Byzantine) Empire in the East. Portugal started out as a direct consequence of the Crusades against the Moors. The first Portuguese king started his career as the count of a small fief, in charged of fighting off the Moors. He was so successful against the Moors, that he decided to try his luck against his own king, Alfonso VII of Leon, and with a mix of madness and brilliance, he won the right to be called Rex Portucalensis (King of Portugal). Only 100 years after its independence, the Portuguese kings had already managed to expel the Moors from their domains, and Portugal saw itself with a large army and no enemies. One solution was to wage war against the Moors still fighting the Castillians. The other solution was to wage war on the Castillians themselves. These solutions worked out fine until Castille started getting way too strong for Portugal to handle on its own.
After fighting off a Castillian massive invasion from 1383 to 1385, the new Portuguese king saw himself with the same problem faced by his predecessors: the invasion had been fought off, the Castillian army was destroyed, and now he had a huge idle army. He had to find something for his unruly men to do, and he had to do it fast. As usual, there were two obvious options: either fight Castille, or fight the Moors. The king and his advisors chose a third option, and that was to turn their backs to Europe, and expand southwards (to Morocco) and westwards. To fight Castille was no longer an option. And so, in 1415, a huge Portuguese army of 25.000 soldiers, backed by another 25.000 sailors and hundreds of vessels, attacked and conquered the Moroccan city of Ceuta, which was used as a trade centre for a large portion of North Africa.
100 years later, the Portuguese had the greatest trading empire the world would ever see. Portuguese galleons patrolled the south Atlantic and the Indian Oceans, destroying or capturing any ship that sailed under a different flag. In 1520, Portugal was the richest country in the world, it had the most powerful navy and one of the strongest and best equipped armies. Portuguese ships returned to Europe with new sources of food, Portuguese poets wrote some of the best poems written in the XVI century, Portuguese physicians found new oriental medicines, and Portuguese explorers and adventurers even went as far as to the Himalayas or to the shores of Japan, where they introduced the use of firearms which allowed to end once and for all the clan wars that had been ravaging the country for so many centuries.
And then, the Portuguese dream crumbled to pieces with the ascension to power of the young and incompetent king Sebastian. His foolishness led the country into an unwanted and unneeded confrontation with a vastly superior Moroccan army in Qsar al-Qbir in 1578. As a result, the king died in battle in North Africa, leaving his great uncle D. Henrique as the sole guardian of Portuguese independence. In 1580, the old man died without leaving any heirs, enabling Phillip II of Spain to rightfully claim the Portuguese crown. Phillip was an excellent and fair king to Portuguese and Spaniards alike.
Unfortunately for the Portuguese, this Iberian Union also meant that Portugal was now a direct enemy of England, France and Holland. As an example, several Portuguese troops and ships were included in the Invincible Armada. While Phillip II was deeply mourned at his death both in Spain and in Portugal, his successors were not. Both Phillip III and Phillip IV started treating Portugal like a Spanish province and not like a partner. Worst of all, the Spanish kings were using Portuguese troops to defend the Spanish possessions while neglecting the Portuguese colonies themselves. Consequently, the Dutch and the English became the main forces operating in the Indian Ocean.
By 1640, the Portuguese had had it, and decided to start a revolt against Spain. In the following years, they managed to secure Brazil (which had been occupied by the Dutch) as well as some of their African colonies, but the Indian spice monopoly was lost forever and consequently, Portugal focussed most of its interests in Brazil. Large sugarcane plantations were established and millions of Black Africans were brought to work on those plantations. Brazil prospered, and so did Portugal. In the beginning of the XVIII century, gold and diamonds were found in Brazil, and those managed to return Portugal to its former splendour. The Portuguese royal court was once again the wealthiest in Europe, and huge monuments were built, like the Mafra Convent or the 40 km long �guas Livres Aqueduct, which was built to supply water to the whole city of Lisbon. Since this newly acquired wealth was not built on industry nor on commerce, when the gold mines eventually reduced their output, the Portuguese Crown saw itself once again, without money. To make things worse, a devastating earthquake destroyed Lisbon in 1755. During the rule of the prime minister the Marquis de Pombal as well as during the rule of the Queen D. Maria I, important reforms were made, that modernised the country. Science and the arts were sponsored, the army and the navy were modernised, Lisbon was rebuilt as a modern XVIII century European capital, the industries thrived, and commerce with Brazil was stronger than ever. Once again, due to foreign interference, all this limited progress was abruptly ended. In 1789, the French revolution forced most of Europe to declare war on France. Portugal was included in the coalition, and Portuguese troops fought gallantly in the Roussillon. All was well, until Spain signed a peace treaty with France which left Portugal completely isolated. Spain, a former ally against France, suddenly became a foe. In 1807, a Franco-Spanish army invaded Portugal, and the Portuguese royal family fled to Brazil to avoid capture. From 1807 to 1811, Portugal was ravaged by war, until the French were finally defeated. As if the ensuing destruction was not enough, Brazil, the crown jewel,  rebelled in 1822, and from 1828-1834, a bloody civil war between the liberals and the absolutists made sure that Portugal was to remain a destroyed country on the following decades. This sequence of catastrophic events forced Portugal to stay well behind the rest of the European colonial powers for the next of the XIX century. And naturally, those same European powers started questioning if Portugal deserved its colonial possessions. This well justified fear of losing all its colonies, resulted in the regicide of 1908, in the republican revolution of 1910, and forced Portugal to join the war in 1916. 
But what does all this have to do with white supremacy and race mixing?
Anyone that bothered to read a Portuguese history book, will eventually realise that the decay of the Portuguese Empire was due to competition by other European colonial powers, by a lack of manpower, lack of Portuguese industries, and to some extent, it was due to bad luck.
What the white supremacists see is something completely different. What they see is a country that was invaded by the Visigoths, a country that managed to repel the Moslems, and a country that managed to build an extraordinary empire in 100 years. They claim that the Portuguese were at this time a Nordic people, thanks to the Goths - that while representing only 5% of the Iberian population, somehow had managed to erase the Iberian, Celtic and Roman presence from the Peninsula. When they mention the "Nordic" Portuguese Empire, they forget that the Moors stayed in parts of Portugal for 500 years. The Moors were also a minority (4% of the Iberian population), but they obviously contributed to the Iberian gene pool.
White supremacists see Portugal importing hundreds of thousands of African slaves, when only some 40.000 were brought in. They say that most of them were males that negrified the Portuguese "whiteness" , when genetics proves that there is almost not any Negroid paternal DNA contribution to the Portuguese genome.
White supremacists see the Portuguese Empire being replaced by those of Northern European countries like Holland or England (while forgetting for instance, that Britain received more than twice as many slaves as Portugal, and that Holland was the chosen homeland for the Portuguese Jews that would as much responsible for the Dutch trading empire, as they had been responsible for the Portuguese).
In their minds, Portugal is perfect. A country that had minor Nordic contribution (so that they can claim that those 5% were responsible for the wealth and success of the country), a country that built an empire out of nothing (never mind that they only did it 1000 years after the Goths first invaded), a country that imported some thousands of slaves (so that they can claim that the Portuguese blood was henceforth "tainted"), and a country whose empire eventually declined (so that they can claim that the tainted blood was responsible for the decay). It is just perfect for propaganda!
The Portuguese themselves should be blamed for sitting back while their country is slandered. Portuguese nature (the "laissez faire") is the best help the White supremacists could ever hope for. They can always say "The Portuguese are mulattos... Are any Portuguese objecting? There aren't, are there? Then it must be true."
It isn't, but by not caring or not knowing about what is going on, these Portuguese are allowing these Neo-Nazis to take advantage of their ancestors, heritage and country. While some of this reluctance to fight back may be explained by the legacy of the Revolution of 1974 (which immediately associated any sort of moderately patriotic behaviour with fascism), the rest is all owed to the Portuguese nature.
If the Portuguese won't defend their own heritage, no one else will - it's as simple as that.
Refuting Kemp
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