Title: Heart's Desire
Author: r.e.e.n. [[email protected]]
Archive: Soldier of Death
Warnings: yaoi 1x2&2x1, lemon, OOC, angst, violence
Disclaimer: The GW characters belong to Sunrise, Sotsu Agency, Bandai Entertainment


Heart's Desire
by r.e.e.n.

"So we have a deal?" asked a hoarse voice.

"Yes. I'll pay half of the sum we agreed upon now. You'll get the rest later� after I verify your words." The other voice said, a little trace of mistrust and suspicion showing on his face.

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about /that/. I assure you my experiments work /every time/. And this one's my greatest invention. He is perfect. And you can do /whatever/ you want with him. That's what you want, isn't it? And if he /accidentally/ dies.. who cares� No one� certainly not me� and you. That's the part of our deal." It was more of the statement. "Only the results are important, aren't they?"

He didn't like what the other was hinting, even if it was true. He didn't like to be reminded of his 'mistakes'. Yes, that's what they were - mistakes. It wasn't his fault his every attempt was a failure. Those objects have just been too weak. But this man� well, boy from what he heard, would endure a lot more. He was looking so long, sacrificing so many� unnecessary. This� scientist, could he even call him that, had what he was looking for, for so long and he was willing to sell it, well actually more like betray it. But it suited him just fine.

A cunning smile crept slowly to his lips. This time he will succeed, he was sure of it. And he was ready to pay a lot more then he already has. It was worth it. The only thing left was to wait. And he knew how to be patient, oh yes, he knew that perfectly.

"I will be waiting for him. Be sure he's going to get there."

"Don't worry. I took care of everything. He won't suspect anything until it's too late� unless you botch something� He will be there. Just remember, he's a lot more dangerous than he looks. /A lot/ more. I trained him well� too well actually." He could here the smugness in this voice. Was it justifiable? He hoped so.

"He will be there." The other repeated.

"I hope so."

[ Deserted Military Base, a week later ]

A long bony finger traced the path of Heero's jaw as the man leaning above him admired his work. He got no response; the boy didn't even twitch as he touched him. It was a big improvement from the last hour, when the same boy had killed two of his guards. They had to sedate him with something, he didn't care what it was as long as it didn't kill him immediately. The drug seemed to be working perfectly. His lips curved in an evil smile as he explored all the possibilities it gave him. He needed this body� maybe even for something more than his experiments...

// If I could I would keep you for a while, little one... But I have no time for this� //

His trusted people were examining the boy and everything he was told about him was proving to be true. It was incredible. Such thing� without /any/ side effects. And nobody knew it could even be possible. Such a waste� But it suited him just fine. And maybe this time he would finally succeed. With such innocent looking face, so young and almost childish� Beautiful� Sliding one hand down Heero's chest he smiled.

"And� we will make it more pleasurable than I thought it could ever be�"

There was no response. The teen lied still looking at him with empty eyes.

"A little distraction will do us /all/ good" With a sickeningly gentle movement he caressed Heero's face.

"Not now, but� soon� Very soon"

[ The pilot's safe house ]

Duo couldn't find himself a place. Heero had gone on another mission and he was alone in their current safe house with nothing to do. And he was worried. He didn't know why, he just had this gut feeling something wasn't right. He couldn't seat in one place. That uneasy feeling that /something/ was going to happen left him pacing around the room�

True, he's always been hyperactive but now it was fear that kept him moving. His instincts were telling him that something was just wrong with the mission Heero's gone to. And his heart was acquiescing. He just couldn't place it and it made him all edgy and tensed with worry.

"Argh�!" he exclaimed rising once again from the bed. "I can't stand it!"

He wanted to do something, /anything/ just to keep his mind occupied and off from thoughts of Heero. But as he readied himself to go out his eyes fell on the laptop situated on the table near the unmade bed. He paused thinking. It wouldn't do any harm if he'd just checked the mission's objectives, would it? It's not like Heero was going to find out anyway. Duo had done it before and the Japanese pilot had never showed he suspected anything. And it would reassure the braided youth that the mission wasn't a suicide one, what he knew, Heero would never mention to him. Nevertheless that they were best friends, Heero had this irritating habit of not telling Duo anything that he thought might upset the American. Duo hated it, thought it was kind of nice to know the Japanese pilot cared for him so much as to do this, even if unintentionally.

Duo smiled at his thought as he sat before the machine, waiting impatiently while it was booting. Then the password request popped open. Duo frowned.

"Let's see�" Heero changed his codes every month or so just to be sure, Duo presumed. But when you room with The Perfect Soldier long enough, you learn some of his secrets� not many but some... for example how to hack his computer. So now it wasn't so much of a challenge. Heero could be so presumptuous sometimes. The braided pilot suspected Heero wasn't really expecting him to just go messing around with his laptop. He seemed to trust his American partner�

//Yeah� In your dreams�//

And sometimes it just looked as Heero wanted him to do it and that's why he was so� obvious. But it was probably just his imagination. And the Japanese pilot had changed all his passwords not even a week ago. Duo had seen it. There was nothing that could escape his attention when it came to Heero. Nothing. He smiled at the memories. Such small things and they brought so much hope. And he really liked to watch Heero whether [?]� he� was typing� or working� at his� gundam� or sleeping� Nothing� escaped� his� eyes�

"Yes�!" The password /was/ valid. There were a few others Duo had to take care of and he was in. The current missions' parameters were always in one particular directory and they required a separate password. The previous missions' logs were in another one and were easier to access. But Duo needed only one particular file. He thanked God for Heero's pedantry and thoroughness. The Wing pilot never disposed of as much as a bite of information. They could always be of use someday. Duo thought it to be a bit risky but didn't complain. They were useful for him now.

Finding the file he needed he hacked it and scanned the mission objectives. It was simple reconnaissance one. Heero had to locate and confirm the presence of one man in a Verinon Military Base. It was located not far from their current hiding place. Luis Geriani was the name of the target. He was a wealthy businessman, owner of some electronic company with many connections to colony L1. And he was suspected to work for OZ in spite of his evident support for the colonies. It was strange but there was no order to assassinate the man or even access and infiltrate his company's databases. Only confirm his presence in the OZ compound. The mission was to be carried immediately so Duo suspected Heero had only time for a routine check on those data and didn't delve deeper. It seemed all the information he needed were there, together with the base schematics and the target's profile, nothing unusual. So what could be wrong? Because Duo had a feeling there was something odd in those data. Something he couldn't exactly put a finger on.

// I'm just gonna check'em all starting from this Geriani guy� // The man's files weren't much. His fortune was big but couldn't match Quatre's. His company's branches were located on Earth and L1 colonies, mostly. He was in mid forties, had a wife but no kids. And only thing that surprised Duo was that with a name like that he was actually a Japanese descendant. That explained his connections to L1. The Deathscythe pilot noticed also that he had a large sum transferred from his personal account couple of days ago. Duo tried to followed it but with no success. It made him a little suspicious. Obviously the man was hiding something. But it didn't proof his cooperation with OZ.

Sighing Duo tried farther. And here came a surprise. Mrs. Geriani's account was almost ten times bigger then her husband. That made Duo think. He frowned trying to come with a possible solution. And only things that come to his head were that Luis Geriani underwent his wife's every wish because he loved her very much /or/ because she was the one in charge. There was also a possibility that Mrs. Geriani had her own business going on. But there were no traces of another company under Geriani's lead. So Duo opted for the second solution. He thought it the most possible one. But as far as he could see it had nothing to do with Heero's mission. So he began to check the other data. The Verinon Base itself. That name�Hmm� Built a quite time ago, served as a hidden Federation military outpost. Located in�

"Shit! I knew something was wrong!" When he connected the name with the location he instantly knew what was wrong. The Verinon Base was situated in a middle of nothing, literally. Built as a secret Federation complex it was hidden underground in the middle of Nevada desert and was of no strategic use. Together with the disclosure of the base's location in AC 181 it's lost all of its advantages and was abandoned.

// So what on Earth is such a man as Geriani doing there? //

Duo knew OZ wasn't using it. Why waste their resources on such a place? He also knew Heero didn't bother to check this little fact because there were no files on that on his hard drive. Even if it's made him suspicious, he wasn't used to disobeying orders. But why would Dr J send Heero there? Maybe Duo was just overreacting? It /wasn't/ impossible for someone to be using the place. A secret meeting of some sort or a secret operation OZ was planning. There were plenty of possibilities. But his instincts had never failed him in the past and now they were screaming at him there was something wrong with Heero. And Duo always listened to his intuition. He had a new mission. He would just check but not interfere� Unless there was really something wrong. But Dr J wouldn't set up their best pilot, would he? He'll think about it later. But how to tell him about his suspicions without revealing he had hacked Heero's computer to get to those information?

He would think of something. Right now he had some preparations to do. Heero was only a couple of hours ahead and Duo hoped if something was going to happen he would be there on time to prevent it.

//As if the Perfect Soldier would ever need your help�//

"Maybe not but it wouldn't hurt to check." he answered his consciousness cheerfully.


Duo sighed. Heero's attitude was definitely getting to him.

[ Nevada Desert ]

As he suspected he didn't register any military movements in the area. Hiding the noctovisor he carefully neared the base' entrance. It was dark, moonless night and yet he hoped nobody was observing the area because there was just no place to hide.

Getting inside was easy. No guards anywhere. No one. The base really looked abandoned. There was a huge hangar down the wide ramp. And in the middle of it the braided pilot could recognized a black limo and a yet another black car. So someone was here. To the right were the lifts and Duo headed in that direction as soon as he made sure the hangar area was secure.

He stepped in one of them and as soon as the door closed he immobilized the lift.. He decided to use the shaft to get to the lower levels of the base. It was safer and wouldn't hopefully alarm anyone. The compound had fifteen levels and he had to check every one of them.

*** *** ***

He was breathing heavily as he neared the last level. He had almost lost hope to ever find a living person in this base. Fourteen levels and not a sign of anyone's presence. True Heero would never leave any traces but where were the others. Only one level left. They had to be there. Securing himself on the ladder he prided the door open, only a crack to look around the corridor.


He quickly climbed up, his gun ready. This place as a different from the other levels. The corridor was long and dimly illuminated. And as he neared the corner he could here a muffled murmur of voices. Leaning out he saw two figures guarding the door.

// Shit. No way to come near.... // He had to use something quiet and quick. His throwing knives. This was his lucky day; nether of them had his gun drawn. How careless� So much easier for him to eliminate them.

They didn't stand a chance. When a black shadow came from around the corner they only had time to register the swirling rope of� hair�? before two sharp knives embedded themselves in their bodies. With a quiet thud they slid down to the floor.

With self-satisfied smirk on his face Duo came to stand above them. It was nice to know he didn't lost his reflexes and his aim was as always perfect. His smile grew as he looked over the bodies. // Neatly done� // he congratulated himself.

*** ** ***

The sound of the door sliding open was masked by the noise of all the machinery in the room. Too absorbed with what his two scientist were doing the man didn't noticed a black shadow nearing them, the gun raised and violet eyes radiating fury when they took the sight of the tense body tied down to the metallic table.

He was so enthralled with that beautiful Japanese boy, watching him writhe, trying to get away from his men's ministrations, the movements lethargic, almost sensual in their slowness, that when he heard that voice, the voice that made his blood run cold, he hadn't had the time to react as he felt the pain exploding in the back of his head� Everything went black...

*** *** ***

Duo took a moment to regard the corpses lying on the floor and then turned his attention to the fellow gundam pilot now lying motionless on the table. He frowned. He was surprised Heero didn't try to free himself immediately. He was just lying peacefully there and seemed oblivious to his surroundings.

Something was definitively wrong. //What have they done to you, Heero?//

Heero's face was turned away from him so he couldn't see it, his clothes were a little torn but as far as Duo could see there was no major injuries; nothing was broken; there were only some bruises on Heero's face, hands and legs, but nothing serious. So why...?

He decided to let it drop for now. He would have plenty of time finding out later. Right now he had to get them out of here before someone would go looking for that OZ scum. After what he had seen he suspected no one would, but he just couldn't take this chance. They had to get moving.

Duo touched the Japanese pilot's arm shaking him a little and Heero's head moved, cobalt blue eyes concentrating on his face... blank, expressionless cobalt blue eyes. Not that it was something new, but right now their pupils were so enlarge they seemed to lose their original color becoming almost black and the Deathscythe pilot could tell the motionless boy on the bed had been heavily drugged.

"Shit" he exclaimed. That could cause some problems. It was hard to get out as it was, but with the other dead to the world and unresponsive it will be almost impossible. But then there was no other way and would not leave Heero here.

"Come on, Heero, we must get out of here"

Duo got the Japanese out of the straps. The Wing pilot wasn't protesting but he wasn't very helpful either. He just stood there and seemed not to care about anything or anyone...and he probably was. Duo caught his wrist and pulled him towards the door, his gun in the other hand. He didn't think it was wise to give Heero any at the moment. He would probably end up shooting himself... or him for that matter. "Come on Heero, get moving"

Surprisingly the way out was not so difficult like he had imagine it would be. And he made use of the lift this time. Heero complied his every order and they didn't meet any stray guards so in no time they were outside.

* * * * * * * *

They abandoned the 'borrowed' vehicle after a couple of miles and took another one. During the way back to the safe house the two of them where staying at the moment in, Duo spotted some changes in Heero. The other pilot seemed getting out of his stupor, he couldn't stay still on his seat, moaning and whispering something Duo couldn't understand.


Cobalt eyes snapped open instantly focusing on him, trace of recognition flashing in them.


"Yeah, I'm here. We'll get you to the safe house and you're gonna sleep it over." // Hopefully // he added to himself.

"What'ya think...? You OK?" He gently touched the Japanese boy's arm Heero's body became very still, only his eyes moving, trailing the path down Shinigami's face and body, then back. Duo started at the emotions dancing in them. Totally dull only a few minutes ago, now they were turmoil of emotions... only that Duo couldn't put a finger on what they were. He tensed feeling that stare burning a hole in him and quickly averted his gaze to the road before him... but he still could feel those blue orbs on himself.

Motionless again... but still burning...

At the time they got back to the safe house Duo was feeling very uncomfortable. It was almost a relief to get out of the car, away from those intense eyes watching him all the time. Briefly he wondered what sort of a drug had they given him and had a feeling he would find out pretty soon. That thought was... frightened?

He almost regretted killing that bastard without getting some information out of him...



The cabin was small, only one bedroom, a bathroom and a tiny kitchen. There was also only one bed to which he led Heero. Laying him down he could still feel the other pilot's stare. He squirmed.

"Heero, are you all right? I really, I mean /really/ don't like the way you look at me, you know. You aren't going to do anything stupid, are you? Because if you are, I'm getting the hell out of here..." He was nervous... so he was babbling. Again. The suicidal, homicidal - hopefully not now - not to mention drop-dead gorgeous Perfect Soldier had that effect on him sometimes... Well... /all/ the time.

There was no answer only a sharp intake of breath. Duo leaned over the other pilot looking carefully at his face. It was flushed crimson, eyes burning. He looked like he was in pain, he was biting his lower lip and Duo once again wondered what they had given him. He had thought it was just something to make Heero more cooperative and submissive but he wasn't so sure anymore. Maybe he should contact Sally...?

With that on mind he began to straighten when a hand caught his wrist and he was pushed forward. With a startled yelp he fell down right on top of Heero.


He straggled to get up but the Japanese boy wouldn't let him go. He rolled them over so that Duo found himself under the other pilot, his wrist pinned successfully above his head.

"What the hell do you think you are doooohhhmfff...?!!!!"

It took Duo a while to process that Heero was actually kissing him. When he did he began to struggle but in vain. His legs were entangled with Heero's and the other pilot was just too strong. Duo couldn't even get his hands free.

Suddenly his lips were free. He wanted to yell at the Wing pilot to stop but as he was opening his mouth he felt the other's lips on his neck just below his ear, teeth scrapping lightly... and he moaned but not in anger but pleasure.

"Ahhhhh....!!! Heero, God..!!"

Duo ... melted... His weak spot... Heero has found his weak spot... and like a Perfect Soldier he was he began to exploit it ruthlessly.

Duo felt a wave of heat surging through his body and concentrating between his tights. He body was all hot and fuzzy. His eyes clouded with desire and open-mouthed gasps came from between his dry lips.

"Oh, God... Heero!..." he moaned. He threw his head back giving the other pilot better access to his neck. Heero didn't hesitate... The series of light butterfly kisses followed Duo's exclamation covering his neck and then sliding lower to his collarbones. The sharp teeth scraped along them followed by a wet tongue....

Duo eyes suddenly popped open. Heero was shifting letting go of one of his wrists. One strong hand moved down tugging lightly at the long braid snapping the black tie and then wandering to caress his face, sliding lower to his neck and even lower to his sides. It reached his waist and the long braided pilot felt Heero tugging at his shirt, pulling it free from his pants, warm hand sliding under, caressing his stomach...

Duo made a strangled sound quickly catching hold of Heero's arm. "Oi, Heero, I don't think..."

"Shhhh... Don't think... just feel..."

First words Duo heard from his friend and they were so unlike him... Then he remembered. // Drug... they had drugged him! // He began to straggle again but Heero's next words made him stop.

"Duo... I want you..." His eyes widened and then he closed them trying to block away the sight of the other's pilot burning gaze. He always wanted to hear those words from Heero but right now he knew they weren't real ... Heero didn't mean them, would never voice them if he could think straight. But his body controlled his mind and what it wanted was release.

Duo felt his eyes watering. He didn't want to do it, not like this. Not when Heero was barely aware of what he was doing let alone with whom. He was surprised the Wing pilot remembered his name. He knew it didn't mean anything even if he hoped it would. He couldn't stop the tears from spilling down his face anymore.

Immediately hot lips followed the wet tracks licking them away gently, making Duo open his eyes to the passionate cobalt ones he knew would be there. "Why are you crying Duo?"

// Almost childish curiosity ...





...Not him...

...not him at all //

// ... you always wanted to do it ... why hesitate /now/... //

// ...because he isn't by his senses... he doesn't know what he is doing... //

// .... then you will leave him like that... all alone?... //

// ........... //

Duo's grip on the other boy's arm tightened as he came to his decision.

// ...No...

...not him...

...ever... //

// ...... //

// ... And... and... I want it...

...even if I will regret this later... //

Letting himself touch this lovely face he trailed one finger along the jaw and answered before catching Heero's lips with a kiss.

"It's nothing... don't worry...everything's all right..."

Heero moaned deepening the kiss and suddenly Duo's both hands were free as the Japanese pilot choose to caress his face instead, burying his fingers in the silky mass of chestnut hair now almost unraveled from the long braid they were in. Heero lowered himself letting their bodies meet. They both gasped in delight as the sensitive arousals brushed together sending sparks of need through their bodies.

// ...Will you regret this in the morning, Heero...? //

Lips parted and Duo took the opportunity to trail a wet path down Heero's jaw to his neck. He breathed deeply a musky scent of his partner. Dropping a light kiss in the hollow of his throat he licked and scratched his teeth over the sensitive flesh. He made his way to the others neck sweet breath tickling Heero's ear and then he playfully nipped the others earlobe twirling his tongue around it...

// ...Will you hate me for this...? //

Their clothes suddenly became an obstacle. Sitting down Duo began to remove them. First his own... Moments later they were on the floor and he felt deep crimson blush spread all over his skin as those cobalt eyes watched him intensely traveling down the lines of his body and then up to his face. Duo tugged at Heero's clothing wanting to cover his embarrassment. Showering the other boy with light kisses he quickly took them off caressing every inch of that warm skin. It was merged with light scars but he didn't care. For him it was beautiful.

// ...for taking advantage of your state...? //

Leaning over the naked figure on the bed he plastered a light kiss on Heero's chest earning a moan from him. Long fingers buried in his hair trying to pull him closer and he didn't hesitated as he trailed a wet path down that body. Heero was writhing beneath him crying out and begging him for more, begging him for some kind of release. And when his hot mouth closed over the other's erection the Wing pilot arched from the bed screaming with pleasure. Duo's tongue traced alongside of it licking and sucking, scratching it with his teeth being careful of not to hurt him. And then when he felt Heero tense he moved his lips away.

// ...will you hate me for making my dreams come true...? //

Heero whimpered at the loss grabbing his arms trying to force him to continue, but he wouldn't. With playful smile he trailed his lips lower nipping at Heero's inner tights, kissing the delicate skin there, caressing it with his hands and then coming up, bypassing the aching erection, going straight for those tempting lips. Nibbling at the lower one, he outlined it with his tongue forcing his way inside just as he straddled the Japanese boy's hips and began to move slowly brushing their arousals together. Swallowing the loud moans of ecstasy and muffling his own he moved over the other boy feeling fire rising deep in him. He was so close... and judging from the tenseness of Hero's body he was, too.

// ... will you hate me for following my feelings...? //

"Oh, Go~d...!!" He felt it building. He could almost taste it... but he didn't want this to end so fast... because he knew there will be no opportunity later, not when The Perfect Soldier was fully by his senses. So with the sound of regret he stopped and he could almost feel the look of betrayal on Heero's face when he robbed him of his release.

// ...will you look at me like that hating me for what I made you feel... //

"D~duo..!!!??" the other almost sobbed, astonished.

// ...the look of utter betrayal... //

He put a finger to Heero's lips silencing him.

"Not now... Later."

Heero looked at him, unbelieving. He tried to move himself, desperate for some kind of friction on his erection but Duo wouldn't comply.

"Duo...? No~o! I want it!"

// ... will you want me near you when you learn the true... //

In no time Duo was again on his back and Heero was kissing him like there would be no tomorrow. He began to rub their bodies together building the tension once again. But Duo couldn't let it end just right now. He had to find a way to distract him somehow. And he did. With a mischievous smile he let his hands caress Heero's sweaty shoulders, sliding down to his lower back. Stopping there, he stroked his fingers over the sensitive skin tracing random patterns on it. Heero gasped and groaned loudly then lean down to catch his mouth in a kiss. Dou smiled through that kiss and slowly moved his hands down to the buttocks seizing them and pushing down a little and then stopping. They both groaned.

Then Duo's fingers began to explore the crevice there and Heero's body stilled. He stopped the kiss but didn't protest and when Duo's fingers reached the entrance, he moaned loudly closing his eyes. He pushed back on those intruding digits and Duo complied. Long finger pushed in meeting only a slight resistance. The braided pilot was very careful not wanting to hurt the other boy, but he didn't have to worry. As soon as Heero felt that finger intruding his insides he arched back moaning even louder and began pushing back with abandon, impaling himself further.

"D..duo! I.. I want ...hnnn... I want..."

// ... will you want me then... //

Heero's voice broke down he involuntarily cried out feeling Duo touch just the right spot deep inside him.


"Shhhh... Heero, I understand. I know..."

// ... will /you/ understand... //

He gently pushed the second finger in and then after a while the third watching his partner closely and waiting for any sings of pain on Heero's face or in his voice. There were none. Suddenly his fingers were pushed away with such a force that he was afraid Heero had hurt himself. He didn't have time to contemplate it as his wrists were once again pinned down. Heero was hovering over him straddling his hips, his intention clear.

"Heero!!! No.! Don't do it. You'll hurt yourself... Ohhh... fuck...!!!!!

// ...will you hurt me... //

With no preparation the Japanese pilot impaled himself on Duo's cock in one slow but smooth move. Duo arched his back taken totally by surprise groaning loudly. The heat was incredible. Tight passage pushing from all sides... squeezing him...He almost came from the shock of it. Moaning he pushed his hips up trying to move, to get more of that incredible friction, his control totally forgotten. He could hear Heero's strangled gasps when he did this and then a high-pitched yell as his cock hit that place. Heero saw stars. He let go of Duo's hands ramming his fingers in the sheets beneath, instead. He began to move uncontrollably not caring that he was hurting himself badly. Pain mixed with pleasure.

// ...will you break my heart... //

"Duo!!... Ahhnn...!!!!"

// ...will you let it bleed more and more with every cruel word you say...? //

In the haze the braided pilot found himself, he could still hear his partner's cries now filled also with ... pain? That brought him back to his senses. Heero couldn't control himself! The drug wouldn't let him do anything but draw more and more pleasure from his body even if it meant also more pain. // ...until there will be no emotions left... //

Moaning Duo caught Heero's hips forcing him to slow down.

"Heero, stop..."

The Japanese boy seemed not to hear him or even care as he tried to wriggle out of his grasp, causing Duo to gasp and clench his teeth as his mind was almost consumed with intense pleasure. But the braided pilot wouldn't let go.

"Heero, I /said/ stop...!"


"Stop... Heero, please..."

// ...only an empty shell... //

And Heero did. Sinking down he laid his head on Duo's shoulder breathing heavily, his hands clutching the white sheets on both sides of Duo's head.

"Why...? Duo! I want it."

// ...don't let that happen... //

Before he spoke Duo let his fingers wander through Heero's dark hair in slow soothing moves. With the other hand he caressed that beautiful, flushed face merged with an unhappy grimace.

"But not like that, Heero. Not when you are feeling pain."

// ...don't hurt me... //

"It doesn't matter." came a whispered answer.

"Yes, it does. Even if /you/ don't care, I do. And I won't let you hurt yourself like that."

// ...don't hurt me for trying to fulfill my deepest dreams... //


"Not like that, Heero."

"Then ... how...?"

// ...you are the only thing I care about... //

For a moment Heero thought Duo wouldn't answer, but then he felt the braided boy shifting carefully and he found himself on his back feeling the cool sheets brushing against his hot skin. He caught a glimpse of violet eyes just before his lips were captured in a fierce kiss, tongue exploring the depths of his mouth.

// ...the only one... //

// ...I love... //

One hand moved down his chest, fingers stroking one nipple then the other for a moment, then sliding down to encircled his aching erection and Heero's back arched. Duo's hand moved with sync with his trusts and was driving him insane with need.

// ...don't hurt me, Heero... //

Duo was right. There was no pain, not too much to make him uncomfortable, not that he cared anyway. There was only blissful pleasure.

// ... don't break my heart... //

But even that was not enough... not enough.

"Duo! I want more... Deeper... Make it... harder!!"

// ...because even if you do... //

He felt Duo's lips curve in a smile just as he quickened his pace aiming precisely for a spot deep within.

// ...it will change nothing... //

Heero opened his mouth in a silent scream throwing his head back and arching from the bed as the mind-blowing pleasure shot through his body. With all the strength he could master he clutched Duo to himself wrapping his legs around the other boy's waist, driving him even deeper inside and making him hit repeatedly that place that made him feel so good.

// ...I will still love you... //

The fire began to build up within him and Heero involuntarily tightened around Duo's arousal causing the other pilot to gasp. He writhed beneath the braided boy, soft moans and pleas escaping his mouth.

"Duo!!... Please...!"

// ...please... //

And then suddenly it was all too much. He couldn't hold out any longer and he came, his seed splashing on both their stomachs. He hid his face in the other's shoulder to muffle his screams, biting down as white-hot pleasure coursed through his body alongside with panic and fear. Unaccustomed to such emotions he felt tears sprang in his eyes and he wrapped his arms tightly around the warm body above him looking for reassurance. But Duo couldn't help him right now caught in the web of the same pleasure. Heero could hear him screaming as the braided pilot found his release, arching from him and then sinking down, the waterfall of chestnut hair covering them both as they lay there breathing deeply, all sweat and exhaustion, Heero still sobbing and holding Duo tightly to himself.

// So foolish of me... //

After a while he felt the Deathscythe pilot shift to the side, a slight pain accompanying his withdrawal and then one slim, gentle hand moved to caress his face wiping away the tears, comforting him in a way he didn't know such simple light touch could. He found himself closing his eyes and drifting off, the soft hum of the other's voice whisperings sweet nothings in his ear lulling him into a peaceful sleep.

// ...foolish to love /you/... of all people... //

A few hiccupped sobs later cobalt eyes closed and Heero's face softened in deep slumber. The last remnants of tears sank in the pillow and Duo felt Heero's hold on him loosened. Not that he had strength to move anyway. He was dead tired. He couldn't even remember the last time he felt so exhausted. All he wanted was to curl around the boy he loved for so long and follow his example.

// ...but I do love you... //

Giving a deep sigh he covered them both with tin sheets and snuggled closer to the slumbering boy, wrapping his arm around Heero's body and lying his head under the Japanese boy's chin.

// ...just don't push me away... //

His eyes slowly closed and he fell asleep before his consciousness could fully register what had just happened yet alone think about consequences. And he didn't feel the hot tears spilling down his face as his soul wept after the lost friendship.

// ...for the mere fact... that I let myself... love you... //


First rays of morning sun coming from the window near the bed caressed Duo's face waking him up from his deep slumber. His nose twitched, one hand trying to block away the offending light but in vain. His lashes fluttered one violet eye peering from beneath them only to hide away quickly when the blinding sunlight was registered. Turning to the other side he tried to will the sleep to come back to him when his foggy mind registered a few things. First he was all sticky. Second, despite that he felt amazingly good and content. Still half asleep he wrinkled his nose and sighed happily snuggling closer to the warm body beside him. He was falling asleep again when it struck him.

//Wait a minute!� Body! What body?!?!?� //

His eyes jerked open and with a violent move he sat upright and backed away almost falling to the floor. His violet eyes widened when he saw with him exactly he had slept through the night.

"Heero!?�" he squeaked.

And then his sleepy mind registered the exact state they were both in. He gaped open-mouthed at himself then back at sound asleep Heero.

"Oh, God�! Oh God�! Oh my God!"

Backing away even more he took almost all bedcovers with him and now before his impossibly huge eyes there was a sight he always dreamed of. Heero sleeping peacefully, without his trademark scowl. He looked simply beautiful and Duo couldn't help but trailed his gaze down that naked chest and flat stomach, to the waist and even lower where his sight obscured white crumpled sheets. And somehow he knew that under that wrinkled material the Perfect Soldier was entirely naked�


" �..? "

" �..?!?!"

// Nani!!!! //

// Naked??!! //

// NAKED??!!!!! //

// He is - // gulp // - n�naked! And we were together in one bed! Am I� ?! //

Duo averted his eyes from the Wing pilot looking instead at himself. He jerked his covers up and stopped�

He was naked, too� Entirely.

"Oh, my God! We didn't� ! Oh, God!"

His fingers convulsively grabbed for the sheets and he covered himself bringing them to his chin. Behind his tightly closed eyes the vivid pictures appeared reminding him just what exactly had happened the previous night.

~The trip to the base� ~

~Heero drugged � ~

~Together� in bed� ~

~Mind-blowing sex� ~

"Oh, God�ohgodohgodoh� MY GO~D! //

~Sleek bodies moving together� ~

~ Pleasure ~

~ Pain ~

Duo brought the white cloth to his face sure that any minute now he was going to get a nosebleed of his life�

~ Moving in and out of the writhing body lying underneath him� ~

�he didn't. He started to hyperventilate, instead.

~ Lips kissing away his tears�~

// No!! //

Breathing become a struggle as he clutched his fingers in the bed covers tearing it apart. Taking huge gasps of air he tried to calm himself down but couldn't.

~ �kissing� ~

~ � caressing� ~

~ Hand roaming over sweat-covered skin�~

// No!! What have I done? //

He couldn't breathe�

//Breathe�// //I can't�//


//I *can't*!//


//Ok� ok� I'm trying!! �. Calm down, Duo� Calm down�It's nothing�really� nothing. You've just only slept with your best friend�//

//Shit! Don't go *there*!! Don't think of it!//

//Easy for you to say. *You* aren't the one in bed with him� *naked*�//

//Duo, *I am* you�//

// �.//

// Okay� Calm down. Get of the bed� That's right. To the bathroom� ok. Now� *Calm down*�!//

"Ok.ok.ok�! I'm calm�breathing� in and out�in and out�" Duo leaned against the wall, cold tiles cooling off his flushed skin, bringing him back to his senses.

"Don't think about him for a minute. Concentrate on now and here. First� shower. You're all sticky�" Duo murmured to himself refusing to think what was the cause of his state. His own voice was soothing his throbbing senses.

"Get in the shower� Get the water running�"

// There�//

"Mmmm�." Duo whimpered in pleasure and contentment as hot water hit his oversensitive skin. Grabbing a soap he washed himself thoroughly then took care of his long hair.

Twenty minutes later he was sitting before a small mirror brushing away all the tangles. He took the towel to dry them a little more again. Sighing he grabbed the brush once more and with smooth moves began combing the chestnut tresses. Content he closed his eyes�

// Hands buried in his hair freeing them from the long braid�//

// Long strands moving around them waving with their every move�//

Duo's cheeks were slightly red but he discovered that the memories didn't bother him that much anymore. The shower had help. He was calmer and could think straight again. His hands slowed down. For a moment he just stared at his reflection and them gave a deep sigh. He couldn't postpone it anymore. Heero was probably awake by now� and very confused, too.

//And you're not helping sitting in here and trying to pretend nothing had happened.//

He didn't know what he could say to make Heero understand. And besides what was here to understand? He had with premeditation used Heero's state, his body, for his own pleasure. There wasn't a thing he could say or do to make it better. He deserved everything he would get.

"Must go there and face him�" he whispered. He closed his eyes for a moment, but refused the tears to fall.

He finished brushing his hair, braiding them quickly. He stood up thanking whoever was listening to him that he had left some clothes in the bathroom the previous day. He didn't think he could face Heero only in his boxers or better� covered only with thin sheet or God forbid, a towel. Before this night it would be a challenge and fun trying to get the Wing pilot's attention but not now. So he was really grateful for the black pants he had on.

His fingers faltered a little on the doorknob but he was not going to cower. He couldn't spend the rest of the day here and besides he owned Heero an explanation. And it didn't matter he hadn't any or he rather he had but not one Heero could accept. Taking a deep breath he opened the door�


Looking at that face was almost a torture. It's serenity was reminding him the warm expression of those cobalt eyes, now closed in a deep slumber Heero was in for the last ten hours.

The Japanese pilot was still asleep when Duo walked out of the bathroom. Aside of being relieved the braided pilot was really surprised. He was accustomed to Heero already up and working on his laptop by the time Duo dragged himself off of the bed. But giving the circumstances� He was just going to have to wait for his partner to wake up� and beat the hell out of him�

He'd come out of the bathroom to find Heero still asleep. And as hours went by it became obvious that Heero wasn't going to wake up anytime soon. So the Deathscythe pilot decided to clean up a little, despite his fear of his partners awaking. He couldn't let Heero lie in those stained sheets. Blushing awfully he removed them leaving only some warm blankets. Not wanting for Heero to dirty those one too, he was forced to clean the unconscious pilot up. AT the time he was finishing he had the impression the blood vessels on his cheeks were going to explode. And it didn't help that he'd already seen it all�. More or less.

//Don't' wake up� Just don't wake up� don't�//

And Heero didn't. He didn't even twitched while Duo was touching him. Normally the braided boy would immediately meet a barrel of Heero's gun. Heero had a really light sleep. But not this time for what Duo was grateful.

And now he was standing by the newly made bed clutching the dirtied sheets to his chest and looking down at his best friend with longing he wouldn't let himself express was Heero awake and conscious. Thought probably the Japanese boy wouldn't even recognized what exactly Duo's eyes were expressing, the American couldn't risk their friendship in such way.

//But it doesn't matter, now, does it? As soon as he wakes up and remembers you will be a memory, Duo.//

//No! I won't let that happen! I'll think of something. I just did what was necessary� //

//Yeah, right!// answered a sarcastic voice in his head.

//Shut up!! He will understand. I *will* make him understand!//

"I will�!!"

But even as he said that Duo knew he was lying to himself. There was no possibility for Heero to understand, especially when the braided pilot could stop it but he didn't.

//What will you say? I screw you because I had to?//

//Shut up! Just shut the hell up!!//

//Get real, Duo. I best case he will shrug it off. Bygones' bygones. He's ok, capable of thinking straight again, ready for the next mission� No fillings attached. In worst case� he will woke away disgusted� or maybe kill you for touching him. You know how he hates any physical contact� Or maybe he will let you with a bloody nose� black eye� split lip�?

�and a broken heart�//

//Shut up! I don't want to hear that� It won't happen! It won't!!//

Dou clapped a hand over his mouth as tears spilled from his eyes. He quickly turned away running back to the bathroom. Closing the door he slid down to the floor and hid his face in the stained white sheets crying silently.

"He won't, he won't. I won't let him. He will not walk away from me you will see..!"

He sobbed even harder his tears sinking in the linen cloth he was still clutching in his lap.

//You will see... //

*** *** ***

And Duo was right. Heero didn't run away. The braided pilot never saw a look of disgust on Heero's face and didn't have to nurse a broken nose. But not because Heero understood or was all right with what Duo did, what *they* had done together� but simply because he couldn't remember it at all�


� for now at least^_^;;

The sequel (if ever) --- > Soul's Yearning <--- or something similar is in the works... My muses left me!

D: What now?
D2: I have no frigging idea? *sigh*
D: And what's that?
D2: Eh. hehe� Well it's a plan?
D: A plan�?
D2: A story plan� And you shouldn't be reading it!
D: ..aha�
D: �
D: *blushing*
D: I like it�
D: �
D: �?!?!!
D: What the hell is this!?!? � Give me that!
D2: No! Go away.
D: You don't like me..!!! *wail*
D2: You're right. I like your koibito better� *dreamy eyes*
D: *narrowing his eyes* You stay away from him you� you hentai!!!
D2: And you stay away from *my* story�
D: Hmpf�!! *going away*
D2: *looking at the papers* How will I ever write this�! School's in a week *wail


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