Reed's Armory -- A Malcolm Reed Fanfiction Archive


Title: Veni, Vidi, Vici!

Author: Zoe

Author's e-mail: [email protected]

Fandom: Enterprise

Pairing: Tucker/Reed

Rating: NC-17

Category: Slash

Summary: Malcolm needs Trip. Trip needs a clue!

Author's Notes: For anyone who may not know, the title was allegedly said by Julius Caesar (according to Plutarch), and means "I came, I saw, I conquered!"

Archived to Reed's Armory on 07/01/2005.

Malcolm was stalking Trip. Even though Trip was completely oblivious to it, Malcolm was stalking him. He'd had his eye on the Chief Engineer for quite some time and now was the time to strike.

Enterprise was running smoothly. There were no evil aliens about to attack them, and no sign of any weird planets for them to explore. All in all, it was a boring period of time.

So Malcolm decided to stalk Trip. Which entailed a lot of shitty legwork, he'd realised. If Trip wasn't on the bridge, Malcolm excused himself and headed down to the armoury, via Engineering. Inevitably, Trip was unavailable.

If Trip wasn't in Engineering, he was on the bridge. So Malcolm headed for the bridge. Only to find Trip ensconced with the captain in the ready room. If Trip headed for the mess hall, Malcolm followed, only to realise that Trip was heading for Hoshi and Travis, and what Malcolm had to say to Trip was for Trip's ears only.

Malcolm quickly came to the conclusion that Trip was avoiding him. Why, he had no idea.

Malcolm was following him again. Trip couldn't understand his fellow officer's reasoning. Why the hell would someone like Malcolm follow someone like him?

He frowned. Out of his eye corner, he saw Malcolm enter the mess hall, and he quickly piled food onto his tray and headed towards Hoshi and Travis. "Hi guys, may I join you?"

"Why, are we falling apart?" Travis reposted. Hoshi burst out laughing, which drew Malcolm's attention.

Trip sighed with relief when he saw the other man collect his food and sit a few tables away, on his own.

"What's wrong, Commander?" Travis had heard the sigh, and questioned the senior man.

"What? Oh, er, nothing Travis. And it's Trip, you know? In here."

"Trip, what's wrong? And why are you staring at Malcolm?" Hoshi queried.

Trip sighed, and lowered his head. "I think Malcolm is.stalking me."

At Hoshi's smirk, he glowered. "Don't you dare laugh, Hoshi. He is! He follows me everywhere!"

"I'm not smirking at you. I'm." she paused, unsure how much information she should let slip. Still, Malcolm had said to her that if the time ever came, she could sort of let Trip know about his interest. "I'm smirking at Malcolm!"

Trip frowned. "Why?"

"Because, dumbass, anyone with an ounce of sense would realise exactly why Malcolm is stalking you!"

"Dumbass! You called me dumbass!"

"Yes I did!" Hoshi wasn't going to back down on this one. "There is a reason for Malcolm's behaviour. But I'm not gonna tell you. Work it out for yourself, Trip." And with that she stood up, collected her tray and winked at them both. "See you later, guys."

Trip looked at Travis, completely confused. "What the hell was that about, Trav?"

"Sorry sir, that's for Hoshi to say. See you later." Travis also departed, waving at the by now thoroughly perplexed man.

Trip ate his food slowly, pondering on Hoshi's cryptic comments, and casting brief glances towards Malcolm. During one of these glances, he caught Malcolm looking back and was amazed to see his eyebrows raise, a flush appear on his cheeks and Malcolm hastily glancing away from him.

"Cap'n, may I see you in your ready room?"

"Sure Trip." Jon rose and walked across the room. Trip followed, conscious of Malcolm's intense gaze directed towards his back.

Once the door was closed, Trip slumped opposite his friend in one of the chairs.

"Trip? What's wrong?" Jon's voice was coloured with concern.

"I dunno, Jon. I.I think I have a problem."

"With engineering?"

Trip glanced at Jon and smiled ruefully. "No! You know as well as I that the ship is running on all 10 cylinders! No. Malcolm is.I dunno.I think he's stalking me. For whatever reason. Don't you dare laugh!"

Trip was shocked as a beaming smile appeared on Jon's face. Why was Jon laughing? What the hell does everyone else know, but I don't?

"I'm not laughing, Trip, honest. But why do you think Malcolm is stalking you?"

At this juncture, Trip rose from his seat and paced the room. "I have no idea. Funny, Hoshi said something very similar at lunch today. Why would Malcolm be stalking me?"

Jon shook his head in disbelief. He loved Trip like a brother and knew him to be extremely intelligent--hell, he wouldn't have got anywhere near Enterprise if he hadn't been--but when it came to matters of the heart, he was utterly clueless.

"Oh Trip, how the hell did you ever manage to date anyone?"

Trip's brow furrowed, and he was baffled at Jon's statement. "What the hell are you talking about? What does dating have to do with.oh!"

He paused, his mind in a whirl. Finally the clue bus came to a screeching halt in his brain, and it was shouting 'Malcolm fancies you, fuckwit' in extremely loud voices.

"Oh," he repeated. "Malcolm me, doesn't he?"

Jon only smiled at him.

"Malcolm fancies me. Shit. What should I do? Does he know I'm straight?"

"Straight?" Jon laughed. "Since when? Who do you think you are talking to, Trip? I'm your oldest buddy, we've been friends since way back.and I know you swing both ways."

Trip blushed at Jon's frank words. "Sorry Jon. But why me? Why the hell does he have a fixation on me?"

"Well, why the hell not?" Jon raised his eyebrows questioningly.

"But." Trip faltered, unsure how to continue. After thinking for a few minutes, he continued, "anyway, how the hell does everyone else seem to know and not me? And what the hell should I do about him anyway?"

"What do you want to do about him?" Jon ignored the other question, deeming it rhetorical.

"I.don't want to date him, and that's that!" Trip folded his arms defensively and he pouted.

"Don't you? I'm surprised. Given that you spend every waking hour with the man. Well, you did. Until you decided he was 'stalking' you."

The blond blushed. What Jon had said was true, but Trip wasn't about to admit it. "No I didn't."

Jon laughed. "Oh yes you did. Who did you spend shore leave with?"

"Malcolm. But."

"And who do you look after when he's injured himself?"

"Malcolm. However."

"And who do you take breaks with?"

"But." At Jon's glare he finished, "Fine, Malcolm. But it don't mean anything!" Trip protested.

Jon just smiled, and sat back in his chair, waiting.

When Trip's shoulders slumped and he sat back in the chair, comprehension written all over his face, Jon knew he'd reached the same conclusion he himself had several weeks ago. "See?"

"Oh, God. Jon, I think I love him." Trip groaned, his head falling into his hands.

"Yes, you do, Trip. I know you do. And I believe, as do several of my senior officers, that he loves you. Madly. In fact, we are all fed up of watching you two flirt with each other."

Raising his head, Trip cast an anxious gaze at his friend. "Flirt? Oh shit, we do flirt, don't we?" He lowered his head again. "Fuck."

Jon reached out his hand and patted Trip on the shoulder. "So, what are you going to do about it?"

"Do? Me? Nothing!"

A frown darkened Jon's face. "Yes, you are. We are all tired of watching you two toy with one another. If you don't do something, I will!" He threatened.

Trip believed him. He knew what his friend was capable of, and this was one of the nicer things. "Fine. I'll do something. J'st.don't rush me, 'kay?" With this, he stalked out of the ready room, noticing as he did, Malcolm's sudden lowered head. As he watched the dark head, he realised he was actually ready to do 'something', now!


The dark head rose, and the midnight blue eyes gazed at Trip. "Sir?"

"I need to speak to you. Follow me."

"Certainly." Malcolm sprang up from his seat and followed his superior officer out of the room, into the lift.

Silence reigned in the lift as the two men stood on opposite sides, each lost in their own thoughts.

As the lift came to a halt, Trip walked out, followed by the armoury officer, who was somewhat surprised to find himself on the senior officers quarters level.

"Commander? Where are we going?"

"You'll see." And Trip continued on his path without turning or looking at Malcolm. If he had spun around, he didn't think he'd have been able to make it to his quarters without embarrassing them both.

As they arrived, Trip opened the door and motioned Malcolm in. Once the door had closed and they were both in the room, Malcolm turned around. He was about to speak when Trip pushed him roughly against the bulkhead and kissed him passionately.

Malcolm's mouth opened at once to Trip's insistent tongue, his teeth nibbling on the full lips. His arms came up around the blond haired man's waist and pulled him closer.

As their groins met, passion-filled groans were emitted from both men. Trip grabbed hold of Malcolm's zipper and pulled it down. He pushed the uniform off his mates' shoulders and shoved his hands underneath the black tee shirt. As his calloused hands reached the sensitive nipples, he felt Malcolm's jolt, and he continued his exploration of Malcolm's body, whilst kissing the life out of him.

Malcolm, in the meantime, had curled his hands around Trip's curvaceous arse and was kneading them with all the enthusiasm of a baker. Moving his fingers around to the front of the uniform, he mimicked Trip's movements and lowered the zipper. However, instead of shoving his hands underneath the black tee shirt, Malcolm crammed his hand down the blue shorts that comprised Trip's underwear.

As his hand collided with the hot, throbbing cock, he curved his hand around it, thrilled to feel Trip cuddle him closer. Trip's hot pants in his ear were arousing him more than his dreams had ever done, and Malcolm rubbed his thumb over the tip.

"Fuuuuuck, that again!" Trip gasped, his voice harsh in the silence of the room.

Malcolm did so, adoring touching the almost alive cock. He could hardly believe what was happening--this was his dream, his hope, his life. And that Trip shared them? It was almost unbelievable, but Malcolm wasn't about to protest his luck!

Malcolm fell to his knees to worship at the Alter of Tucker. Licking his lips at the rosy-tipped arousal before him, Malcolm licked the glistening prism of pre-come off the tip, his hands feeling the shudder from the man in his control. As he deep throated him, he hummed and Trip quivered from head to toe.

"Oh my fucking God. Mal.darlin'.do that again. Oooohh!"

The hands at his shoulders were pulling him up, so he stood, and accepted the sensual, hot kiss of his lover. His tongue was chasing after his own, and Malcolm wrapped his arms around the man before him, arousal touching arousal, groan meeting groan.

"Trip?" he whispered, huskily.

"Mal, I want you. I mean, really want you.can I." Here, Trip's words faltered.

"Oh! Fuck, yes!" And Malcolm let go of his lover and lay on the bed, pillow under his hips, erection thrust proudly into the air, like a skyscraper reaching for the sky.

Trip fell on it like a starving dog on a bone. He licked and nibbled, teased and caressed, until Malcolm's warning that he was about to come.

As Malcolm edged further away from his epiphany, Trip found the lube and applied lots to Malcolm's sensitive area, slipping first one finger in, then two.

"Shiiiit, Trip. I need you. Now!"

Trip obliged. He lowered his body onto his lover's and pressed his very demanding, and now copiously weeping cock into the hot.oh god, oh so very hot, tight channel.

Hearing Malcolm's groans filled with Trip with delight, his heart pounding as though it was about to escape his lust-filled body. Thrusting, he captured the heart of Malcolm every single time and it wasn't long before Malcolm was verbalising his orgasm, his come spurting from his cock in long strands, and his body contracting around Trip's cock.

Trip came. In long, hard, hot explosions, deep into the tight cavity of Malcolm's wonderful body. He clutched at the man beneath him and whispered words of love. Rainbows and waterfalls coloured his mind, and bolts of molten lightening shot through his body before finally the pleasure came to a trembling halt.

"Mal! Oh, fuck, Malcolm!"

"Oh Trip.that was.unbelievable."

"I know, Malcolm. I know. I love you too."

The grip around him tightened. "You do?"

"I do."

"Oh Trip. I love you."

In the twilight of their orgasms, Trip and Malcolm were holding each other tight, each reluctant to let go of the other.

"They were right, you know."


"Hoshi. Travis. And Jon."

"The captain? What were they right about?"

"About the fact that I love you."

"They knew?"

"They knew."


"What, right away? Give me chance to recover!"

"Haha. You know what I meant."

"Yeah, I did. And so?"

"So what?"

"Are we.are we a couple?"

"Do you want us to be a couple?"

"Absolutely! On one condition."


"That you stop stalking me."

"Oh. You knew about that?"

"Come on, Mal, everyone knew about it."

"Oh. Okay. Well, I guess I can call a halt to it."

Kiss. Snuggle. Smooch.

"You certain?"



~the end~

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