Reed's Armory -- A Malcolm Reed Fanfiction Archive


Title: Little Things Mean So Much

Author: Zoe

Author's e-mail: [email protected]

Fandom: Enterprise

Pairing: Tucker/Reed

Rating: PG-13

Category: Slash

Author's Notes: Written for Qzee, who wanted an exhausted Malcolm getting a foot rub. Hope this is okay for you, hon J

Archived to Reed's Armory on 04/12/2008.

Malcolm slowly trudged back to his room. His shoulders slumped, his arms hanging limply at his side and his head lowered. Letting out a huge yawn, he quickly scanned the corridor, relieved when he saw nobody else around.

It had been a hell of a day. One of those - luckily rare - days when nothing seemed to go right. All the scans and checks he and his staff had done had had to be performed at least five times, with all that entailed. More than once Malcolm had found himself clambering into the Jeffries tubes to sort out yet another problem.

They hadn't even encountered any unfriendly aliens, which would have compounded matters even further. After staying on an extra three hours after the time he should have finished work, Malcolm was thoroughly exhausted and hungry. His breakfast first thing seemed a long way off, and he really hadn't had time to eat anything since then.

Entering his quarters, he realised the room was dimly lit, a enticing smell of food wafting over his way, and soft calming music was playing in the background. His lover had been sitting on the chair by the computer, but as Malcolm entered, he had risen and gently enfolded Malcolm in his arms.

"Ahh, darlin', you look so tired." Trip whispered in his ear.

Enjoying the closeness of him, Malcolm's head had casually fallen onto Trip's broad shoulder, and he could feel his eyes closing. With difficulty, he prised them open and raised his head. Planting a soft kiss on Trip's mouth, he answered him. "I am, love. Tired and hungry. Been a bad day."

"I know it has - I've been keeping tabs on you. If engineering hadn't been so short staffed, I'd have been down there to help you."

"I know you would. Thanks." Malcolm grinned. "I don't know whether I want a shower first or food."

"Go get showered, that'll freshen you up, okay? The food'll keep warm." With that, Trip walked his lover into the small bathroom and helped him to undress.

"Shower's a perfect temperature. Enjoy, Mal."

Tiredly, Malcolm entered the shower and stood directly under the hot water. As the water cascaded down, Malcolm groaned and stretched his muscles out, enjoying the feel of warmth. As his body relaxed, he was beginning to feel much better. Cleaning the day's sweat and toil away, he closed his eyes and tilted his head up into the shower stream.

Finally, clean and revived, he stopped the shower and stepped out, reaching for the fluffy towel to dry himself on. Glancing at the door, he saw his towelling robe. Smiling, he realised that Trip had obviously left it there for him, and, gratefully he pulled it on.

As he walked back into the bedroom, Trip pulled out the chair for him. "How do you feel now, Mal? Better?" he asked, as he shoved the plate in front of a ravenous Malcolm.

Malcolm could only nod as he filled his face and stomach with much needed nourishment. Finally replete, he sat back, a look of contentment on his face. Reaching out to Trip, he caressed his face. "Thank you, love. That was perfect, just perfect."

"It's not over yet, darlin'. Go lie down on the bed, on your back."

Malcolm did as he was asked, snuggling down onto it with a blissful sigh. Closing his eyes, he listened to the music and to Trip pottering around with various things. "Did I tell you lately how much I love you, Trip?" he asked, his heart overflowing with love for this man of his.

"Not since you walked through the door - but I know it anyway. Love you too, Mal. Lift your feet a second, will ya?" As Malcolm obeyed, Trip placed a towel underneath them. "Okay, you can lower them - keep still, okay?"

Tiredness slurring his words, Malcolm could only whisper "Okay."

Trip reached for the right foot and, using peppermint lotion, started massaging them - first the soles, then each toe in turn. When he finished, he continued with the left foot, lavishing the same care and attention on it.

Malcolm had been groaning out his pleasure as Trip worked his magic fingers over his aching feet, but as tiredness won out, the only sound Trip could hear was the quiet snoring as his frazzled lover slept.

Carefully, quietly, Trip undressed and joined his lover in bed. He snuggled softly against Malcolm, throwing an arm across his waist and spooning up. Smiling to himself, he gave Malcolm's shoulder a soft kiss and whispered, "Love you, darling Mal," before joining him in sleep.

~the end~

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