Reed's Armory -- A Malcolm Reed Fanfiction Archive


Title: I Just Wanna...

Author: Zoe Ride

Author's e-mail: [email protected]

Fandom: Enterprise

Pairing: Tucker/Reed

Rating: PG

Category: Slash

Summary: I was listening to one of my fave songs tonight, and this came to me in a flash. Please enjoy, I hope.

Archived to Reed's Armory on 04/20/2003.

" no and NO!!!"

"But whaa???"

"Why?? 'Cause.....NO!!"

"But.....ahm sure you would enjoy it"

"No way, absolutely not"

" But whaaa??" he could hear himself whine

"BECAUSE......" he stopped himself

Sighing, Trip walked away to the door

"If tha's the way you feel, ahhm goin'"

His accent thickened, as it always did when upset, angry or in the throes of passion

The door whooshed shut, leaving Malcolm cross with himself.

"Why did you tell him no? Why?"

There was only one answer, and he would only get it in one place

Swiftly, he left the comfort of his room, and followed Trip towards his.

Trekking through the corridors, he was deep in thought.

So deep in thought he never saw the Captain or Porthos.

"Hey, hey, hey, steady Malcolm" said Jonathan Archer

Shaking his head, Malcolm looked up to see his Captain

"Oh, sorry Sir, I never saw you there"

"That's ok, but where are you rushing to, this time of night?"

Malcolm sighed "I need to right a wrong"

"Hmm, those words seem familiar" Jon looked as if staring into space

"If you will excuse me, Sir?" Malcolm even more wanted to rush to Trip's side

"Hmm?? Oh yes, certainly....go to Trip," the Captain smiled

Malcolm dashed on, then suddenly stopped. "Trip??? How does HE know?"

Pondering this thought, Malcolm found himself outside Trip's quarters.

He pressed the door chime. No answer. Surprise, surprise he thought.

He tried again. This time, the door opened.

Trip stood there, despondent.

Malcolm walked into his room, and waited until the door shut behind him.

"Don't look like that, please" Malcolm pleaded. "Do you know why I didn't want to go with you, to the party?"

Trip shook his head, and looked even more downcast than before.

"Why I didn't want to share you with everyone?" Trip looked up, a little confused.

"Oh my darling, there is only one reason I didn't want to go with you..."

"Whaaa??" asked Trip, a little more cheerful than before.

"I just want to stay here and love you!"


~the end~

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