Reed's Armory -- A Malcolm Reed Fanfiction Archive


Title: Forever, Now

Author: Zoe

Author's e-mail: [email protected]

Fandom: Enterprise

Pairing: Tucker/Reed, Tucker/OFC

Rating: PG-13

Category: Slash

Beta: Beta'd by the magnificent and wonderful SueC.

Summary: When the new crewmembers board Enterprise, someone becomes jealous.

Author's Notes: Idea from the recent SlashGang weekend--and you know who you are, girls! This is dedicated to each and every one of you--SueC, Sal, Elffie CT, Hannah, Kerstin and Nitaq.

Archived to Reed's Armory on 07/01/2005.

"Nothing but blackness above
And nothing that moves but the cars...
God, if you wish for our love,
Fling us a handful of stars!"

--Louis Untermeyer, Caliban in the Coal Mines

Malcolm was rather depressed. He had been for several weeks now, ever since the new set of crewmembers joined Enterprise. It wasn't that he didn't like them, because he did. Well, that wasn't quite true. He liked all of them, apart from one.

Ensign Jodi Anderson. Fair of hair, curvy of figure, green of eye and completely stunning. She'd only been on board ship for three days when, whilst Malcolm was strolling with his friend to the mess hall, Commander Tucker had managed an outstanding double take, a quick about turn and talked her into a date with him. That night. Movie night. Even worse, he'd taken her by the elbow and wandered off, deep in conversation with her, leaving Malcolm stranded by the wayside like a spare phase cannon.

That thought made Malcolm even more disheartened. He'd always looked forward to movie night. Not particularly for the movie itself, that was his secondary concern. No, movie night was memorable for one reason only--Trip Tucker.

Malcolm hadn't especially liked Commander Tucker when first introduced to him and in fact had spent many a day locking horns with the man. As time had passed, though, their fights lessened and Malcolm grew to like and respect him. Unfortunately, his respect had metamorphosed into the lust it now was--and Malcolm wasn't entirely sure it was just lust; his brain kept throwing words like 'love' and 'adoration' at him until he'd firmly shoved them into the deepest recesses of his brain, into a box marked Things Not To Think About Your Superior Officer (Unless Your Shift Is Boring).

"Tucker to Reed." Malcolm jumped as the voice of his friend came through the comm..

"Reed here. How can I help you, commander?"

"Oh for. lose the commander business, Malcolm. How are ya, anyways? Have you had a good shift?" Malcolm became highly suspicious as the honeyed tones of Trip asked after his welfare.

"I'm fine. What are you up to, Trip?"

"Now Malcolm, why would you think I was up to something? Can't a friend ask another friend how he is?"

"Certainly. But I know you. You want something, am I correct?"

Upon hearing a put-upon sigh, Malcolm knew he'd been right to be suspicious.


"Yes, Trip."

"I need ta ask you a favour. A real big favour." Trip's accent thickened as he went into full-blown wheedle-mode. "Ya know it's movie night tonight?" At Malcolm's reply, he continued, "Well, Jodi has a friend."

"This had better not be what I think you are going to suggest." Malcolm threatened harshly.

"Um.well.I sort of already told her." Trip gulped audibly, "you'd double date with me an' Jodi. Please, Malcolm? I wouldn't ask normally."

"No, because normally you'd be going to the movie with me." Malcolm folded his arms defensively. He wasn't jealous. Not at all. He was just.irritated--yes that was it. Irritated with his friend. At the presumption Trip had just made. "You think I've got nothing better to do than watch you make goo-goo eyes at some over made up tart with big.prospects? Well, I'm sorry, commander. The answer is no."

There was a tension-filled pause, before finally Trip spoke again. "Malcolm? Are you.jealous? Because there really ain't a need, you know?"

"Really." A statement rather than a question.

"No, really! Her friend is j'st as gorgeous. Please Malcolm? I wouldn't ask only.only she wants safety in numbers. Says she'd heard all 'bout my reputation.gawd knows how.and I." Trip's voice tailed off as he heard a roar of laughter from the other side of the comm..

"Oh Trip, how do you get yourself into situations like these." Malcolm leant against the wall, trying desperately not to collapse. Tears rolled down his face and he clutched his aching stomach. "Your reputation," chuckle, "oh my, that's a good one." As he regained his composure, Malcolm finally agreed to Trip's request and he signed off after arranging to meet them at 1900hours.

As he showered, shaved and dressed in readiness for the date, Malcolm's musings turned yet again to Trip. No matter what happened, he thought, there was no way he could let his guard down around his friend. His emotions were already too near the surface, and he'd almost dropped himself in it earlier by behaving like an envious ex-boyfriend.

Ostensibly Trip hadn't picked up on it, choosing instead to believe Malcolm was jealous of him, and his relationship with Jodi. Malcolm wasn't about to correct him. He just hoped he could make it through the evening without letting any of his feelings slip out.

Glancing in the mirror, Malcolm was pleased with his look. Dressing for Trip's benefit, although he was positive Trip wouldn't even notice anyway, he'd chosen his soft navy blue trousers and a aqua short sleeved shirt. It was his favourite outfit, one he felt comfortable and confident in.

One final adjustment to his hair, and he was ready. Before he could leave the room the door chimed. As he opened it, he found Trip outside.

"Trip? I was under the impression I was to meet you all there?"

An expression swept across Trip's face, one Malcolm struggled to put a name to.

"Wow, Malcolm. You look.great!" A wide smile lit up the commander's face, and Malcolm returned it.

"Thanks Trip." He grimaced at the outrageous shirt his friend was wearing. "I wish I could say the same back. Where do you get those shirts from anyway?"

Trip's smile faded, and Malcolm berated himself mentally. Stupid, stupid, stupid, he thought.

Trip pouted. "Well, I like them!"

Malcolm barely managed to stop himself from grabbing a firm hold of him and kissing him wildly. Coughing to cover up his nervousness, he managed "Shall we go?"

They walked up the corridor in companionable silence, both men deep in thought. Malcolm's heart leapt as he realised Trip was casting glances his way. As they arrived at the appropriate room, Malcolm frowned. "I thought we were double dating?"

"We are. I told the girls we'd meet them here."


"Because this is where the film is being shown."

"No, Trip. Don't be obtuse. You know I didn't mean that. I meant why are we meeting them here? Wouldn't you normally arrange to collect them from their rooms?"

Trip flushed and his eyes refused to meet Malcolm's. "Well, see, that's j'st it. I wasn't sure you'd still come tonight and I thought.if you didn't come, I could arrange to be tied up in engineering or something, rather than look a fool when you didn't show."

"Hence the reason you came by for me first?" At Trip's sheepish grin, Malcolm smirked. "So, are the girls inside? Or are we meeting them out here?"

"Inside. You sure you're okay with this?"

"Certainly. I haven't got all dressed up just to go back to my quarters, you know." A mischievous thought danced through Malcolm's head, and he let rip. "After all, I haven't been laid for months. You never know, I may get lucky tonight!" As Trip's jaw dropped, Malcolm winked wickedly and sallied on through the open door, leaving an astonished Trip to follow in his wake.

Spying the blonde female, Trip, over his astonishment, edged his way past Malcolm. "Jodi, hello. Let me introduce you to Lieutenant Malcolm Reed. Malcolm, this is Ensign Jodi Anderson." The two shook hands.

"Nice to meet you, Ensign."

"And you too, Lieutenant. Um." Jodi nervously elbowed Trip. "Trip? May I talk to you one second?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"No, I mean." she gestured towards the door. Her anxious darting looks were beginning to annoy Malcolm, and he cast his eyes around the slowly filling room.

"Shall I find us seats, Trip?" As the blond man nodded he left them to it and, grabbing a couple of bowls of popcorn, found their usual seats, albeit with two extra. Musing on the female that had so caught Trip's eye, he could see why Trip would like her. He didn't have to like it, but at least he was here and able to keep a keen eye on him. And her. He wasn't sure how he would react if they started making out right here. But he was damn sure he was going to sit next to Trip.

The couple had walked back into the room. Malcolm was puzzled to see a highly discomfited Trip, and he was at a complete loss as to why that would be. Unless.he glanced at them as they made their way towards him. Jodi and Trip. But no third person.

"Um.Malcolm? I hate to be the one to break it to you," Trip scrubbed a hand through his hair. "Becky can't make it tonight. She, um, has to work."

Malcolm's heart sank. "Oh." He lowered his eyes, fixing his gaze on his bowl of popcorn. The uncomfortable silence grew. "I' you want me to leave?" As he raised his eyes, he saw a gleam of triumph in Jodi's perfectly made up eyes. That decided him--nothing on Earth, short of an emergency, would make him leave Trip to this hard-faced bitch, and he continued before Trip could do so. "Actually, I do want to see this film, so I think I will stay anyway." And he settled further into his chair, not missing the almost comical dismayed expression that flitted briefly across her face.

Trip grinned guiltily, and as they took their seats, whispered into Malcolm's ear. "Thanks bud, you're a good sport. You sure about this?"

As he turned his head, he was shocked to find his mouth about 3 centimetres away from Trip's. It was, Malcolm thought, temptation indeed; one small forward motion and he would be able to capture those alluring lips in a sensual kiss. Reeling that notion in with a very firm hand, he instead answered Trip's question. "Absolutely. Wouldn't want to miss this film!"

Malcolm hadn't even known what film it was, but he certainly did by the end of it. It had been an utter waste of an evening. The film turned out to be the worse ever horror movie he'd ever had the displeasure of watching. Actually, it was probably the worse ever movie he'd ever seen. Period.

And, as if the movie hadn't been enough, he'd had to endure Jodi draping herself all over Trip, her hands straying from grabbing popcorn and feeding the alternatively bemused and bewildered man, to outright groping. All the time she kept casting malicious looks toward an increasingly seething Malcolm.

Trip was oblivious to these looks; he was even almost oblivious to her blatant attempts to get into his pants, so caught up in the film was he. Malcolm also very much enjoy a small piece of entertainment when, during a tense part of the film, she tried for a kiss and Trip had whispered "Will you please leave offa me?" Malcolm threw a smug grin her way; delighted with the way Trip had handled it. This confirmed his belief that Trip wasn't really interested in her at all.

As the lights came back on, Trip stood and stretched. "Great film, wasn't it Mal?"

"Great film? How can you say that was great? It was, without doubt, the worse film I've ever seen."

"Oh we loved it, didn't we Trip?" Jodi gave Trip an adoring, sugary-sweet, eye-widened look and Malcolm's stomach almost turned. He waited to hear Trip's reply. It wasn't long in coming, but when it did, Malcolm felt like he'd been punched.

"Sure did, darlin'. Fancy a night cap, my room?"

Trip and Jodi made to leave, before Trip suddenly seemed to remember something. "Oh, sorry don't mind, do you?"

Aghast at Trip's decision and appalled at his own fierce reaction, he could only nod. As he watched the couple leave, he saw Jodi glance back at him with what he could only say was triumph leaching out of her eyes.

It was a long, lonely walk back to his quarters and he knew he was in for a bad night. Lying in bed, he replayed the whole scene. His jealousy, Trip's apparent obliviousness, her spitefulness. The whole thing had been a complete farce--Malcolm understood that now. He tormented himself with visions of what they were doing in Trip's room.

Even now she was probably undressing Trip and creeping all over him like a rash. Malcolm wondered if she would blow him, and decided she probably would--she looked the sort. Slutty. Nasty. His heart sank--maybe he should rename it Titanic, as it seemed it had done nothing else--as the entire sexual encounter played itself out in his mind. He couldn't even focus on Trip, like he usually did. All his minds eye could see was her. Shagging his Trip.

Groaning, he rolled over, head in the pillow. This was no use, he understood that. But try as he might, he just couldn't sleep. Which was handy when the sudden and loud banging on his door occurred.

He leapt out of bed when the very feminine yet not at all attractive yelling started. "Reed? Reed, open this fucking door now!"

Already highly annoyed at his reactions earlier that evening, he was angry and storming for a fight as he opened the door on a very furious Jodi. Her face contorted into an evil and decidedly ugly-looking visage.

"What the hell do you think you are doing? It's," a quick glance at his clock, "midnight."

He got no further as Jodi smacked him hard across the face with her hand. "How dare you? How fucking dare you. Don't you go telling me what time it is." She raised her hand once more, as if to hit him, but Malcolm wasn't known as the most dangerous man on the ship for nothing. Before she even knew where she was, Jodi found herself yanked into his quarters with her face against the wall and her arm up her back.

Malcolm hissed in her ear. "Now, Ensign, would you like to tell me exactly what that was all about? I am not especially fond of being disturbed at midnight. Particularly by relatively new Ensigns with a predilection for blonds."

Jodi struggled against the muscles of the armoury officer; she too had underestimated his strength and was even now regretting her stance after departing rapidly from Tucker's quarters. She wasn't about to let go of her anger so soon, however. Viciously she spat "You and Commander Tucker. It's disgusting."

Pulling back in shock, Malcolm watched as Jodi wrenched herself free from his hold and turned around to face him. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Oh, don't pull that one--it won't work with me."

"Ensign, I have no idea what you are talking about--but you'd better tell me quickly otherwise I'll have you on report quicker than you can say Enterprise."

A flush stained her cheeks as she thought back on the complete embarrassment she'd felt after arriving at Tucker's quarters. She'd so wanted the guy--what wasn't to like about him? He was cute, blond, friendly and so sexy in real life. Obviously his reputation had preceded him, but she'd felt he was worth the risk.

Unfortunately, once in his quarters all he'd done was talk about Malcolm; how Malcolm was a hero; how they were best friends; how Malcolm went on shore leave with him. Her temper had erupted and they'd ended up rowing, finally culminating in her telling Trip that she was leaving "because it was obviously Malcolm who Trip was in love with," and "why don't you go fuck him, because that's who you really want."

Relaying all this to Malcolm, her temper subsided as she saw the unexpected anguish appear on his face. And in a sudden flash of insight, she saw it all. Trip was patently in love with Malcolm, as Malcolm was with him, but the two men had clearly not deemed it necessary to tell each other this fact.

All she had done was come between them. Despite wanting Trip, Jodi wasn't a bad girl, she wasn't hard hearted and she could see now just how much Trip meant to Malcolm. As she reached out towards the distressed man, she spoke, "Malcolm? I.I mean lieutenant? I'm sorry. Truly, I am. I never meant to cause anyone hurt. Trip is a terribly attractive man, well; you know that already I'm sure. Go to him. Tell him. I'm positive he feels the same."

As she ended, Malcolm cast her a very hesitant look, unsure whether she actually meant those words. Could he believe her? One look and he knew she did. He cleared his throat. "What makes you think.?"

He couldn't finish, but Jodi knew exactly where he was going. "I have eyes. A woman knows these things. Lieutenant."

Malcolm interrupted, "It's Malcolm, Jodi. I." he tailed off.

"Malcolm. Trip really does love you, I'm certain. And if you go to his room now, well."

The Englishman narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "Why are you doing this? I mean earlier, while we were watching the movie, you were all over Trip, weren't you?"

"I was. And Trip is, would have been my ideal man. But it seems his idea of an ideal partner and mine differ somewhat. Go on, Malcolm. Go to him. Please? Prove me right?"

"Jodi. Whether it's right or wrong is entirely my business and mine alone, and I intend to keep it that way. Thank you for telling me what occurred between you and Trip, but I, I know you should leave right now."

"But." she hesitated as she saw Malcolm's eyes darken and his eyebrow rise in query. Slightly afraid and somewhat in awe of his reputation, she decided to

cut her losses and go. "May I say one more thing before I go?"


"I want to apologise for my behaviour, especially the slap." She flushed as she recalled that particular incident. "I'll await whatever punishment you deem necessary. Good night, lieutenant. And good luck." She left without waiting to hear if Malcolm would respond to that.

Malcolm followed shortly after, his heart in his mouth. Just outside Trip's room, he inhaled deeply, gathering all his courage. His mouth was dry and he felt like his stomach had taken wings.

One last deep breath and he pressed the door chime. Twice. He frowned, and checked the door. Yes, it was Trip's all right. But where the hell was he? He tried knocking. Still no answer. Anxiety clouded his judgement and he quickly overrode the security codes and entered.

The room was in darkness, apart from a small light over the bed. As he checked the small shower room, Malcolm knew exactly what he would find, and he was correct. Trip wasn't in the room. Slumping into the chair, he was puzzled. Where on earth could he be?

So deep in thought was he, he never heard Trip enter and he jumped a mile when Trip spoke.

"Malcolm? What're you doing here?"

"Oh shit! You scared the life out of me." Malcolm, having leapt up at Trip's voice, managed to sit back down again, heart pounding. "Where the hell were you?"

"Why? I wanna know what you are doing in my room, Malcolm."

Realising how suspicious it looked, Malcolm didn't have a ready answer and his garbled response and burning cheeks was enough to convince Trip that his friend was nervous. About what he had no idea but he was determined to find out.

"Mal?" Trip sat on his bed in an attempt to make his friend feel more at ease, but, if anything, he seemed increasingly more anxious. "C'mon bud, if you have a problem, you know you can tell."

"I love you."

"Me. What?" Trip was incredulous. Did Malcolm say what he thought he'd said?

"I mean, uh, what?"

Malcolm's eyes were firmly fixed on the flooring, and he felt shame and embarrassment run through his body as his friend was obviously shocked by his declaration. "I.oh God, sorry Trip.I.sorry/!" And Malcolm hightailed it out of the room, making for the relative safety of his quarters.

His hands were shaking so much it took him several attempts to input his code until finally he was inside. And he collapsed at the foot of his bed, trembling from head to foot.

"Oh God, Malcolm. You've really done it now. The friendship you've built up has been completely destroyed and all because you believed some tart--why the hell do you think she told you all that? So that you and Trip could live happily ever after? Wise up, stupid. She told you that so you went and made a fool of yourself. So she could pick up the pieces. Oh Malcolm, you idiot."

Malcolm was frantically castigating himself. He was dreadfully ashamed and deeply mortified--he wasn't certain how he would be able to face his former friend, even less positive how he'd be able to work with him again. Head held in his hands, he completely missed Trip entering his room.

After Malcolm had fled from his room, Trip had been--not shocked--but astonished, stunned. Speechless. It had taken less than a minute for him to comprehend fully that Malcolm had been deadly serious in his admission. And less than a nanosecond to recognise similar feelings in himself. Feelings he'd kept resolutely under lock and key, believing that Malcolm could never truly feel the same way.

Now, though, that particular can of worms had been well and truly opened and Trip had no hesitation in following the distraught man back to his quarters. Quarters that Malcolm had, unbelievably for the chief of security, left wide open. As Trip walked in he was upset to see how disconsolate the other man was, and he hurried to his side, kneeling along side him.

"Mal?" he whispered, huskily. As the other man shuddered, Trip gathered him into his arms, and held him tightly. "Malcolm, darling. Don''ll be all right."

Dull, red-rimmed eyes met Trip's. "No, it won't. She won, you see. I made a fool of myself and she won."

Trip shook his head at the idiocy of his friend. "She didn't win, you ass. You did. Or maybe I did? Whatever. You see, I think I've loved you for a long, long time. Ever since we got trapped in that shuttlepod and I had to listen to you wax lyrical about all those girls!"

An almost-giggle escaped Malcolm's lips, and Trip continued. "You see, you keep me from doing stupid things.well," he shrugged, "almost. Yet you're right there beside me, keeping me from blundering further into trouble. I know what you are going to say, so you can keep your yap shut. All those women.I think that was my way of trying to keep you at bay. Because if I didn't, I swear, I'd never let you outta my sight. So you see, Malcolm. look at me, babe?"

As Malcolm raised his eyes once more, he could see the sincerity in those aqua blue eyes. "T.Trip?" He murmured, softly.

"Mal, I love you. I can't promise I'll always keep out of trouble, but I can promise you this. I will be faithful to you, from this day forward. I will love and worship you. I will try and keep you out of trouble."

Malcolm snorted at this part, and was about to speak when a nicely timed finger placed on his lips prevented him from doing so. "No, let me finish, darlin'. I also promise no more alien women, and lots of goddamn hot sex. I want you. I need you. And I promise." Trip paused and waited for the inevitable question. It wasn't long in coming.

"What? What more do you promise?"

"I promise that I'll make out with you at the next movie night!" He grinned as a smirk appeared on his soon-to-be lover's face.

"You're barmy, Trip! I can promise you I'll probably drive you mad. I can't promise to ever stop arguing with you, especially when it comes to my armoury. I can't promise to keep you from hurting, but I can promise I'll be right along side you, hurting with you. I can promise I will love you, and I will be faithful. And."

Before Malcolm could finish his avowal, Trip had taken the beloved face in his calloused hands and covered his mouth with his own in a tender, yet passionate kiss.

"No more talking, Malcolm. Let's start our forever. Now."


~the end~

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