Reed's Armory -- A Malcolm Reed Fanfiction Archive


Title: Cover Me!

Author: Zoe

Author's e-mail: [email protected]

Fandom: Enterprise

Pairing: Tucker/Reed

Rating: PG-13

Category: Slash

Comments: Written for Lt. Blackfire's 5-minute challenge on EntSTSlash. Just tided up a little.

Archived to Reed's Armory on 08/17/2004.

Malcolm sighed and opened his eyes. He was comfortable and warm, just having woken up from a good night's sleep. Turning over, he glanced at his clock, and sat up immediately; it was 10: 00. He should have been on the bridge two hours ago...

Leaping instantly out of bed, he stumbled and stubbed his toe on a discarded PADD. With tears in his eyes, he remembered reading in bed the night before. Suddenly, he remembered WHAT he had been reading. And he blushed a rather fetching shade of scarlet.

Hurriedly, he walked to the bathroom, quickly washed and shaved and then made his way to his wardrobe. As he reached in for his uniform, the door chimed.

Opening the door, he was shocked to see Trip standing there, grinning.

"Well Malcolm? Did you like it?"

"Um..." Malcolm blushed again, "yes...I did."

Trip's gaze softened. "And, um, you think you would be up to practicing some of the more intricate moves with me?"

Moves? What moves is he talking about, Malcolm thought? He glanced at his friend, observing his rapt face. He wondered whether he dare answer, but, grasping his courage in both his hands, he said "Certainly, Trip, if you like," hoping that was the correct answer. Judging by the delighted look on Trip's face, it was.

Trip sauntered towards Malcolm, a soft smile in place.

"Oh shit, I forgot, I'm late for work!" Malcolm grimaced. "I'm sorry, Commander, but I have to go now, I'm already going to be in trouble."

"Er, Malcolm? Surely you can't have forgotten?"

"Forgotten what?"

"The captain gave us today off...he wants us to update our chess skills for when we meet the Ohrains later today. DID read that PADD, didn't you?"

"I read A PADD, but I don't remember chess in it..." he paused, turning his puzzled gaze towards said PADD. Bending to pick it up, he managed to turn it on. And once again, his face reddened, and he gasped.


He daren't look at Trip; he was so overcome with embarrassment. He knew that the PADD wasn't his, but...surely...surely it couldn't be Trip's? Could it?

"Um..." he muttered. "This is the PADD you gave me...not chess..."

Taking the PADD, Trip gave it a spare glance, and then a sentence caught his eye. Looking more closely, he read <he lifted Doyle's legs to his shoulder, gently placing a kiss on his knees, whilst softly pushing his cock into that soft, secret wonderful place, knowing he was going to find paradise. "Oh Bodie," Doyle murmured. >

Trip joined Malcolm in the lets-see-who-can-blush-the-brightest stakes. " This isn't chess. I'm sorry Malcolm; it looks like I gave you the wrong PADD. But I guess you had to find out sooner or later."

"About what? That you like gay porn?"

"Not just that, but I like to WRITE gay porn...about The Professionals!"

"You WROTE that?" Malcolm was stunned. "I have only one thing left to say to you."

"What's that?"

"Cover me!" And with that, Malcolm grabbed hold of Trip, and kissed him, encouraged by the fact that Trip seemed to be kissing him back.


~the end~

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