Reed's Armory -- A Malcolm Reed Fanfiction Archive


Title: Captain's Letter

Author: Zoe

Author's e-mail: [email protected]

Fandom: Enterprise

Pairing: Tucker/Reed

Rating: PG

Category: Slash

Warnings: Deathfic

Spoilers: 4.22 These Are the Voyages

Summary: None provided

Archived to Reed's Armory on 07/01/2005.

Trip is dead.

I am dead.

Or I soon will be. I cannot bear this emptiness inside. The pitying looks, the sympathy.

Oh, I know everyone hurts, I know Trip was the life and soul of Enterprise. Wherever joy, laughter and sunshine were heard or seen, Trip was sure to be at the centre of it all.

I know Trip was friends with everyone, but he meant everything to me, and he was mine, as I was his. We pledged ourselves to each other--till death do us part.

How was I to know that death would stealthily creep up on us, stalking us, sending it's tendrils of darkness to lure my Trip into its arms?

And now he's gone, the pain is eating me alive, but I cannot feel it. And everywhere I look, I see him, the memories of him, of our love.

We had such a short time together--eternity wouldn't have been long enough. Eternity is all we have left.

I must join him. I have nothing left to bind me here. Not even my loyalty to Jonathan Archer can keep me here.

I'm sorry, sir. But I must do this, don't you see? If I can't feel, I can't keep anyone safe, least of all you.

It's been an honour and a pleasure to serve you and Enterprise.



~the end~

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