Reed's Armory -- A Malcolm Reed Fanfiction Archive


Title: Christenings II: Engineering

Author: Nijijin

Author's e-mail: [email protected]

Fandom: Enterprise

Pairing: Archer/Tucker/Reed

Rating: NC-17

Category: Slash

Series: Christenings

Sequel to: Christenings I: The Armory

Summary: Sooooooo.they've had some fun in the Armory ("Christenings").now it's time to have some fun in Engineering.

Comments: Feedback: Um.okay.just so it's very gentle. One reason I've stayed away so long is that I was recently burned very badly at another fandom. I kinda don't want a repeat of that icky feeling.

Archived to Reed's Armory on 11/192003.


*Engineering 03:00*

Although the lights blazed brightly, Engineering was deceptively quiet. He reached behind him blindly searching for just the right tool in the scatter on the floor. Fingertips barely reached the end of what he was looking for so he made a jerky lunge for it. Unfortunately he sent it sliding right off the platform. A metallic "CLANG" reverberated throughout the room as it fell some distance before connecting with the ground below.


Leaning back Trip Tucker peered over the edge of the warp engine catwalk. He frowned with disgust at the hyper-spanner now laying several feet below him on the main floor. A quick smack of his hand to the lower guardrail revealed his mounting frustration. Luckily in his need to be alone he had "shooed out" the night crew several hours earlier and no one witnessed his little temper tantrum.

Still sitting Indian style on the platform he turned back and rested his forehead on the control panel of the warp engine. The heavy sigh Trip released offered no relief or solace. The Southerner knew tinkering with the engine at all hours of the day or venting his wrath on inanimate objects couldn't really cure his cantankerous mood. No...he knew perfectly well the only thing that would soothe him was having his lovers back on Enterprise.

It wasn't that he was worried for Jon and Malcolm's safety. The aliens the away team had gone to visit today were welcoming and friendly. The landing party was a large group, so there was some safety in numbers. And well...the Head of Security was the Captain after all.

There was something else that niggled at Trip...teased him. Of course it made no sense for the Chief Engineer to be part of the away team. He figured it would be the usual first contact stuff anyway. Meet important cultural habits. While he'd certainly find it all interesting it really didn't have anything to do with engines or him.

They would probably do some kinda tour around the main city. Images of Jon and Malcolm walking around together began to steal into his thoughts. Trip could just see Jon putting his arm around Malcolm's shoulders to turn the Englishman's attention toward some fascinating point of interest. Malcolm would probably lean in closer to Jon with that small smirk on his lips. Not so much entranced by what Jon was showing him, as he would be captivated by the older man's childlike delight in all things new.

And Trip's feeling of irritation returned with a vengeance.

Jon...Malcolm...together...without him.


In aggravation Trip lifted his head and smacked it back down lightly on his beloved engine. He was not going there. He was not siree.not one iota.

So what if his lovers were down on the surface discovering new things together? And no it didn't bother Trip that the Cap'n had commed T'Pol earlier today advising that the away team had been invited to spend the night and they had accepted. Trip paid no heed to the fact that this would be the first time he'd slept alone in quite awhile. Not that he'd even gotten to bed yet. And let's not mind that Jon or Malcolm hadn't asked to talk to him before "turning in" for the evening.

Pouting ever so slightly Trip whipped his hand around and shoved several other tools right off the platform. He felt a surge of satisfaction with ever "CLINK, CLANG, CLUNK" somewhere vaguely below him.

He could just hear Malcolm calling him a "Pillock" or "Prat" or some other stupid English taunt for being so "bloody" petty. Or that he was behaving like a big girl's blouse (whatever the hell that means anyway) and Jon would probably just tell him he was a "weeny."

"Yeah.well.yer/ not havin to be a bloody weeny all by yerself tonight", Trip finally huffed to himself.

Trip couldn't help but smile a little at thinking about Mal's expert name calling ability. When Mal was on a roll he could come up with the most unique and often disturbing taunts in a blink of an eye. As good as Mal was at it, Jon basically "sucked eggs" (Jon's own words). Malcolm could let loose a 5 minute soliloquy that included "wanker," "bullocks," "sod off," "todger" and "the arse of a blind beefeater." Jon's best would be, "Yeah.what he said."

There were so many aspects to these two many facets. It amazed Trip that Jon, the Captain, was quite eloquent when it came to diplomacy speak, or more than capable of painfully lecturing a Chief Engineer and an Armory Officer about hair brained schemes gone wrong. But Jon, the lover, was at a loss when it came to affectionate heckling and went almost completely mute when making love. Of course, he communicated in other ways that more than made up for it.

Malcolm was even more of an enigma. Trip, at first, just assumed the man would be shy and quiet in any situation that didn't involve protecting the crew and ship or talking about ways and weapons that would protect the crew and ship. As they became friends and then lovers the Southerner always scolded himself for doing Mal such a disservice. His Armory Officer had a razor sharp wit, and tactical strategy wasn't just reserved for protecting Enterprise. To get maximum affect the Englishman knew exactly when to say something off the wall and outrageous. Trip couldn't remember how many times he'd spit or splurt his lunch or drink across the table in the mess after a Mal quip. Hoshi and Travis laughing hysterically while Mal would nonchalantly take another bite of his own meal. Trip loved to watch Mal stalk over to Jon and whisper something so tantalizing that the older man had to swallow hard and green eyes darkened to jade in an instant.

Trip sighed longingly. He truly wasn't jealous. He simply missed them. Having been together for quite some time now, to his joy Trip found there were things they did together.besides incredible, breathtaking sex.that he'd come to cherish deeply. Most especially that moment of their day when the only mission was to sprawl lazily in bed and over each other. Sometimes to talk, sometimes to laugh, sometimes to comfort and sometimes even to argue. But drift off in sleep near each other.

But not tonight.

He uncrossed his legs and stood up slowly. It was blissful to hear his back popping, decompressing the kinks in his spine. Reluctantly Trip moved around the catwalk starting the task of cleaning up before calling the night crew back to duty. Heading towards the stairs Trip needed to collect the abused tools on the main deck. And then he might as well go to bed (if not to sleep). Besides they'd be back tomorrow full of stories of what they'd seen and done.

Not really paying attention Trip didn't register the "woosh" of the door as it opened and closed. He remained too preoccupied to hear the quiet footsteps heading his direction and stopping slightly back from the bottom of the staircase. Only half way down the small set of stairs did he focus back to Engineering as the room was suddenly plunged into darkness.

"Hello.anybody there?"

Trip let out a yelp when a strong warm hand firmly grabbed his wrist on the handrail.


Trip's reaction was automatic and instantaneous. Gripping the handrails tightly he lifted his legs into a tight tuck before kicking his feet out directly into his assailant's chest. The dark silhouette let out a surprised "OOOOPH" before flying back, hitting the deck hard, and sliding several feet to a dead stop.

Eyes adjusting to the dim glow of the warp core, Trip jumped down from the stairs and fiercely leapt for the unmoving figure. Still stunned, whoever or whatever it was made no attempt to fight back when the adrenaline pumped Commander straddled a broad torso and forced unresisting arms overhead.

Trip's breath was hard and harsh. Still a bit blinded by the low lighting and his own alarm the Southerner tried to figure out who was under him until.

"OW!" whined a familiar voice.

"OW?! What the...? Trip's surprised eyebrows raised into his hairline.

"YES. OW!" The deep voice now sounded more than a little annoyed.

"Cap'n? Jon? What wrong?" Trip's brain was slowly catching up as he loosened his forceful hold.

"OW! Usually means.oh I don't know.hurt.pain.fucking/ get off me?!"

Trip quickly let Jon's arms go. As he started to move off a worried apology played on his lips until.

"Now just a minute." Trip repositioned his straddle over Jon's groin. Crossing his arms in righteous indignation, "Ah'm not the one sneaking up on unsuspecting engineers! What the hell are you doin here?!"

"OW! STILL! AGAIN! I'm writhing in pain while an extremely heavy Chief Engineer refuses to get his fat ass of me! Trip! Let me up! That's an order!"

"Nope.can't.won't.don't think so." Trip moved his hands to his hips and shook his head stubbornly.

"OH FOR GOD'S SAKE! Why the hell not!"

"Don't think yer the Cap'n. He wouldn't do something as stupid as skulking up and attacking a well-trained Starfleet officer and he would never say I was heavy and had a fat ass!"

Trip wondered if Jon could see or hear his smirk, but a derisive snort behind him clearly indicated someone else had.

"I suppose he learned that little kick in the chest trick from you!"

Jon waved an accusatory finger towards the direction of the platform behind the engineer. Trip turned his head to see Malcolm casually sitting on the steps grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Yeah.and Ah git the feelin that this lil huntin party was all yer idea too."

Malcolm raised his hand to his own chest in mock mortification.

"Captain.Commander.I'm shocked that you could ever think I had anything but the best intentions in mind and at heart." In the dim glow Malcolm's expression was the epitome of angelic innocence.






"Sod Off!"

"Get Off! Me! Now! Or so help me, you both are gonna learn a whole lot more about cooking and cleaning with Chef and the Quartermaster!"

Trip and Malcolm looked down at their irate lover in shock and then disdain.

"Well really Jon, a bit testy aren't we, Luv?"

"Yeah Jon.what's yer problem? We were just havin a'lil fun."

Jonathan Archer, Captain of the Enterprise, shining example of the human race, lay sprawled on the deck of Starfleet's jewel in the crown, underneath his Chief Engineer, who's said fat ass was now disconcertingly grinding into his crotch, slapped a hand over his face and scrubbed in frustrated defeat.

"Oh boy."


Malcolm decided it was time to come to his lover's rescue. With a sly smirk he stood, casually brushed down his uniform and sauntered over to attacker and attackee. The Englishman shook his head in was hard to tell who was who.

Jon and Trip only stopped glaring at each other when Malcolm moved into their field of vision. Twin frowns turned up to look at the smaller man bathed in the warp core's soft glow. As Malcolm's delighted face came into focus, his lovers could only reflect in green and blue the warm unguarded affection that glittered in gray eyes.

Malcolm tilted his head slightly and thoughtfully looked at Trip. A halo of glow highlighting the blonde's silky hair...crinkles teasing around playful blue eyes...that snub nose combined with an impish grin gave Malcolm a sudden rush of pure joy. He had never entertained the hope that this kind of love would ever be his. Turning his head slightly Malcolm caught Jon's open and loving gaze and realized he was twice blessed. There it was, so clear in the faces of these incredible, beautiful men. They. Loved. Him. And suddenly, urgently Malcolm had to have them...hold them in his arms...and never let go.

The Englishman held out his hand to the Southerner. Trip took the offered hand and was promptly pulled up off of Jon into a tight hard embrace. After having the initial stuffing knocked out of him Trip relaxed into the hug, nuzzled his nose into Mal's neck and wrapped his own arms around the smaller man. Why had he thought to be jealous? It was more than clear...he was well loved.

Propped up on his elbows, Jon smiled up at his lovers with a giddy grin. Jon supposed he should be jealous but never was. He knew in his soul that Trip and Malcolm wanted him as much as he needed them. Actually it was exciting and arousing to be a voyeur to these tender moments. As though it was a shared secret...a small gift just for him. And Jon had no words to describe how he felt when Trip and Malcolm, every time, without fail, would realize he was missing, search him out and draw him to them. He would never be left out...he would never be alone.

Releasing a contended sigh Trip and Malcolm pulled apart slightly before regarding each other and kissing sweetly. It was almost heaven, but both men knew something...someone...was missing. With an arm still wrapped around each other Trip and Mal turned and looked down at the handsome body still sprawled on the ground.

Jon's look of utter bliss made them smile and automatically reach a hand out to him. Jon grabbed a small deceptively delicate hand as well as the large golden one and let the strength of both yank him up and into them. Jon basked in their comforting warmth for a moment, but familiar, tantalizing scents...caresses...moans compelled the older man to act. With an insistent nudge Trip yielded a delicious taste of his delectable tongue to Jon. Wanting more Archer began to unzip Malcolm's jumper just as the Englishman started working Trip's overalls.

When Jon slipped into his mouth Trip groaned a muffled "oh God." His brain was rapidly turning into mush. By the time Malcolm had pulled down the sleeves of his jumper, Trip was in sensory overload. He vaguely noticed more clothing being pulled and pushed off as he was herded back towards the catwalk stairs.

If they didn't slow down this wasn't going to last long. Trip very badly wanted to take his time, but before he knew it Malcolm was seated naked on the platform and maneuvering him to sit on a lower step so that his head was nestled between the Armory Officer's legs.

Surrounded by everything Malcolm, Trip couldn't resist the column of musky hardness pressed against his stubbled cheek. It was mesmerizing to watch his own hand gently wrap around Malcolm's penis.

Suddenly Trip let out a yip when he felt a hot tongue run along the vein of his own engorged cock. This in turn caused Malcolm to let out a surprised gasp when the engineer reflexively clutched his hand hard around the smaller man's generous member. Engineer and Armory Officer looked down the staircase and were treated to the incredible sight of Jon's mouth engulfing Trip while reaching a strong hand around his own cock. With a renewed ache of desire Trip groaned, turned his head and promptly swirled Malcolm's testicles with his warm wet and very talented tongue. Mal threw his head back and desperately scrabbled his hands in Trip's hair.


Hearing their lover plead was enough to bring Jon and Trip to the brink. Jon moved his lips over Trip's swollen member and gently pulled his teeth over the tip. Trip's warm spurts of cum sent jolts of pure ecstasy through Jon right into his own climax. Knowing his blonde lovers were coming triggered Malcolm's powerful orgasm greedily swallowed down by Trip.

Still lazily nestled between each other's legs, heart rates and heavy breathing began to slow. Hands absently caressed cooling flesh or traced idyllic circles on silky skin. As much as they wanted to stay like this their bodies could only handle pressing into hard metal for so long. Trip was the first to stir.

" was it like down there?"

Trip sat up and began to tug Jon up and closer to his chest.

"Hmmm? was interesting...fine...okay I guess."

Jon answered absently allowing his Chief Engineer to wrap himself around his shoulders.

"That's it? Just okay? That's not like you, Jon. And I thought you were going to spend the night down there? What happened?"

A hint of worry played in Trip's voice.

"Actually, YOU happened."

Trip stared at the back of Jon's head in confusion.


"What Jon is trying to say Trip is that while the visit went well it was hard to accept the fact that you weren't there and we wanted nothing more than to get back here to you."

Malcolm had scooted down closer to his lovers and pressed a kiss into the back of Trip's neck.

And in that moment Trip finally knew in all certainty that he would always be part of Jon and Malcolm and that would be more than enough.

~the end~

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