Reed's Armory -- A Malcolm Reed Fanfiction Archive


Title: Risking Hope

Author: Mareel

Author's e-mail: [email protected]

Author's Web site:

Fandom: Enterprise

Pairing: Archer/Reed

Rating: G

Category: Slash

Series: Just Yesterday

Sequel to: Dichotomy

Summary: Of hope glinting through the shadows.

Spoilers: Twilight

Comments: This is set during "Twilight" and is a sequel to Dichotomy, though chronologically there might be other stories set between the two stories. We'll call it 6/? anyway since I'm obviously not over this yet.

Archived to Reed's Armory on 11/19/2003.

Risking Hope


Nine years since I last set foot on Enterprise? It hardly seems possible. This is my ship...was my ship; I'm not even in uniform today.

She looks much the same, from a distance. Inside, there is a pall. Trip...Captain Charles Tucker...imagine that...says it's anti-matter conservation. It feels more like lingering defeat. Their loss is less raw than my own, but the scars are deep.

I caught three flashes of hope: a smile, if brittle, from Trip--for old times' sake. The warmth of Hoshi's hug, for friendship.

And the light in Malcolm's eyes. For love.

~the end~

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