Reed's Armory -- A Malcolm Reed Fanfiction Archive


Title: No Tomorrows

Author: Mareel

Author's e-mail: [email protected]

Author's Web site:

Fandom: Enterprise

Pairing: Archer/Reed, Sato, Reed (friendship)

Rating: G

Category: Slash

Series: No Tomorrows

Summary: Hoshi's perspective on the loss of both the captain and the man.

Spoilers: Twilight

Comments: A double drabble--one part general, one personal--both from Hoshi's viewpoint.

Archived to Reed's Armory on 11/23/2003.

Things have changed on Enterprise over the years. Greeting Captain Archer...I still think of him as Captain...when he came aboard today was difficult.

I'm sure he noticed. I know we all look tired...older...and we've worn our grief for long enough for it to fit comfortably. I could see that his was new and chafing, and he couldn't understand that what passes for acceptance is merely resignation.

We'll follow Captain Tucker wherever he takes us--as our sworn duty. We followed Jonathan Archer because we loved him. And would again tomorrow.

Were he ever to have one.

Then there's Malcolm. For him there's no veneer of acceptance, no resignation. His grief is fresh each morning when he wakes alone.

He talks to me, and when unbearable loneliness wells up, I hold him close. It's no substitute for Jonathan's arms, but mine's a safe shoulder to lean on, and all he'll accept from anyone. He knows I won't press him for more.

One night he fell asleep, his head against my arm. Nestling closer in sleep, he breathed Jon's name as a sigh. The smile on his lips broke my heart.

There's never a tomorrow for him either.

~the end~

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