Reed's Armory -- A Malcolm Reed Fanfiction Archive


Title: How Far From Morning

Author: Mareel

Author's e-mail: [email protected]

Author's Web site:

Fandom: Enterprise

Pairing: Archer/Reed

Rating: PG-13

Category: Slash

Series: Just Yesterday

Sequel to: Afterglow

Summary: I was with you.

Spoilers: Twilight

Comments: This is a response to Hannah Moonmoth's lyrics challenge. The lyrics (below) are Enya's "Falling Embers." This is set during "Twilight" sometime during Jon's nine years on Ceti Alpha Five.

Archived to Reed's Armory on 08/17/2004.

Once I had everything I could want...stars flickering like embers through my viewport...Malcolm in my arms, his eyes outshining them all...hearts full of love and dreams for our future.

Twilight now...the stars are fixed. They don't glow as they stream past, locked forever now into time and place. As am I, holding only memories and unfulfilled promises.

When Malcolm visits, we cling to all that's left us...our past and the fleeting moment. His eyes still shine with love, but every morning I wake again to find him gone, along with the dreams...and the stars.

"Fallen Embers," by Enya

Once, as my heart remembers,
all the stars were fallen embers.
Once, when night seemed forever
I was with you.

Once, in the care of morning
in the air was all belonging.
Once, when that day was dawning
I was with you.

How far we are from morning,
how far we are
and the stars shining through the darkness, falling in the air.

Once, as the night was leaving
into us our dreams were weaving.
Once, all dreams were worth keeping.
I was with you.

Once when our hearts were singing,
I was with you.

~the end~

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