Reed's Armory -- A Malcolm Reed Fanfiction Archive


Title: Duty

Author: Lucy

Author's e-mail: [email protected]

Fandom: Enterprise

Rating: PG-13

Category: Slash

Pairing: Tucker/Reed

Summary: Lost in the dark Trip tries to reach out to Malcolm.

Author's Notes: I wrote this at work and I'm afraid that for those of you who like things between Malcolm and Trip to be happy you'll be disappointed.

Archived to Reed's Armory on 07/01/2005.

"Malcolm?" Trip groped through the dark, hands out, searching for his

The pair had been exploring caves on a small moon when they had lost contact
with the rest of the away team and now Trip had lost their only source of
light as well.

"Mal? Lieutenant report." Trip shouted angrily. Feeling guilty for having
let Malcolm out of his sight and even more so for his own incompetence Trip
kept picturing the armoury officer lying helpless in a pool of his own
blood. His concern for his friend was so great that Trip completely failed
to notice the increasing pressure building in his left leg, injured at the
same time he had lost their torch.

"Stop Commander." The English-accented voice in his ear made Trip spin round
and putting out his hands he found them reassuringly full of Malcolm, a
Malcolm who was leading him away backwards. "There's a drop just there,"
the voice was faintly amused, "one more step and you would have fallen over
the edge."

"How do you know that?" Relief was touched by an aggrieved tone and Trip put
up a hand to touch Malcolm's face, reassuring himself that the man was
actually there.

"I've been exploring. Isn't that what we're here to do?"

"I thought you were hurt," Trip pointed out and with his fingers still on
Malcolm's face he could feel when the man smiled in response.

"I'm touched by your concern Commander."

Trip shivered, the words had been almost a caress, he felt sure of it.
Malcolm's face was so close to his own that he could feel the man's warm
breath on his cheek and without thinking Trip leant forward, closing the
small gap and pressing his lips onto Malcolm's. It had been such a long
time since he had been this close to Malcolm that for a moment he was
overwhelmed by the man�s presence and he stepped closer, pressing his body
against the warm form in front of him.

Malcolm recoiled and Trip stepped back, aware that he'd overstepped the
mark, that he'd broken the unspoken agreement that the two men had had in
place since before leaving Earth, that the attraction that sparked between
them should be ignored, that the last night they had spent together, would
indeed be the last.

"There's nobody here Malcolm." There was a note of desperation in his voice
that Trip couldn't have expunged even had he wanted to. "Nobody would

Malcolm's laugh was short and cold. "We're here Commander. Our uniforms are
here, our rank, our responsibilities, our duties and up there," Malcolm
gestured, even though he knew Trip couldn't see it, "is Enterprise."

The cold tone in Malcolm's voice shocked him. It suggested that a distance
had grown up between them, perhaps one that couldn't be breached and Trip
found himself thinking of another voice on Enterprise. One that filled with
warmth and laughter whenever he was around, a voice that he had strongly
resisted, certain that Malcolm would eventually come around to his way of
thinking. He was shocked, he realised, and not for the first time by that
fact that Malcolm so obviously would put duty before love.

It recalled to him a shouted conversation that they had had, shortly after
coming aboard Enterprise, a conversation that had left wounds that had
taken many weeks and months to heal.


"How is what other people think more important than us, than what we had?"
Trip had asked angrily.

"You've been drinking," Malcolm accused. "I don't want to talk to you about

"You've been avoiding me for long enough," Trip took a step forward. "And I
want to talk about this."

"Well I don't. We made our decision on Earth, the right decision."

"Made by you." Trip accused. "I didn't want this. I love you."

"Our responsibility to Enterprise, to her crew has to come first," Malcolm
had responded coolly.

"You sound just like your Father," Trip accused, wishing the words back in
his mouth when he saw the shutters fall in front of Malcolm's eyes.

"This conversation is over Commander."

Even as angry and drunk as he was Trip could see how much that comment had
upset Malcolm and he had gone then, back to his quarters and back to his


�I want us to be together,� Trip said desperately.

"We've talked about this," Malcolm responded gently, "last time you said you

"I lied." Trip snapped. "I don't understand why we have to deny our
feelings, it's not as though anyone on Enterprise is going to bat an eyelid
at us."

"Why does this mean so much to you? I can't say I've noticed that you've
been lonely." There was, Trip realised, no accusation in the comment,
Malcolm was merely stating a fact.

"I only date to make you jealous. I guess I'm hoping that it might make you
see sense."

"It hasn't."

Trip felt the exhalation of breath as Malcolm sighed and he steeled himself
for the words that he knew would seal the fate of their short-lived
relationship. He was grateful for just one thing. That in the
pitch-blackness Malcolm would be unable to see him cry.

"I thought you'd accepted this.� Compassion for his friend and the
realisation of just how much pain he was inflicting on Trip made Malcolm
want to explain his reasoning as clearly as possible. �After we met, you
were all I could think of. I barely remember my interview with the Captain
about Enterprise my head was so full of you. That first meeting of all the
senior officers I barely heard a word and I realised that I have a job to
do. A duty to the crew and that I couldn't do it, couldn't tear myself in
two like that. It was you or Enterprise. I couldn�t have you both"

�You chose Enterprise over me.�

�You chose Enterprise,� Malcolm murmured so quietly that Trip barely heard

Trip turned away, for the first time becoming aware of the pain in his leg,
he found himself wishing that he had fallen through the hole in the cave's
floor and then as quickly banished the thought as unworthy.

He no longer wanted to talk to Malcolm, he'd spent the past year hoping that
something would change between them but Malcolm had just banished all his
hopes. Feeling the tears that he had so successfully avoided for so long
finally beginning to stream down his face Trip sank onto the cold rocky
floor of the cave. Letting his head fall backwards Trip let the pain take
over, it filled his mind and left him unsure as to why he was crying
because of Malcolm's words or because of the pain.

Drifting in and out of consciousness Trip was unaware of the passing of
time. He failed to notice Malcolm's unwavering efforts to communicate with
Enterprise or the growing light that heralded the arrival of rescue.


Trip's eyes flickered open and fastened on the concerned face that looked
back into his own.

"Travis." Trip found his voice, it was shaky and barely audible but the
recognition brought a smile to the young man's face.

"You're still with us. Good. I was worried." The dark eyes were searching
his face, Trip realised, looking for something and the quiet glow of
satisfaction told him what was sought for had been found.

"My leg," Trip exclaimed. "I must have bumped it or something. Feels odd."

Cool hands passed over his leg, gently manipulating it and when Travis
looked up there was a worried expression on his face. �We need to get you
back to Enterprise. Do you think you could walk with my help?�

Trip nodded and Travis moved to crouch by Trip�s left shoulder, ready to
help him stand. With Travis�s face so close to his own, Trip glanced away
as though that would conceal his feelings from the young man but the gentle
touch of fingers on his cheek, wiping away the trail left by his tears told
Trip he had been unsuccessful.

As Trip slowly stood and realised that he could bear to put a little weight
on his injured leg, he turned his head and saw Malcolm standing to one
side, observing in silence. There was realisation in the grey eyes and pain
as well but Trip couldn�t allow himself to acknowledge the fact. Later
perhaps he and Malcolm could talk, rebuild their friendship but for now, he
realised, he had to concentrate on himself and on the man supporting and
guiding him out of the cave.

~the end~

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