Reed's Armory -- A Malcolm Reed Fanfiction Archive


Title: Anniversary

Author: Lucy

Author's e-mail: [email protected]

Pairing: Tucker/Reed

Rating: R

Category: Slash (m/m)

Summary: Malcolm and Trip are celebrating their anniversary but a face from Trip's past threatens their relationship

Author's Notes: This story is complete but I am thinking of writing a sequel although it could be quite a while before it's finished. Hope you like it.

Archived to Reed's Armory on 04/19/2008.


"I can't believe we've been together for a year." Malcolm raised his glass of
champagne and smiled broadly at Trip. The pair clinked glasses and drank, eyes
fixed on each other.

"Well I for one am very glad you have been." Jon Archer was smiling paternally
at his two officers and Malcolm caught Trip's eye and grinned.

"To the man who gave us each other," they chanted in unison, raising their


Ten crewmen, Malcolm Reed among them, had been exploring a small moon when they
lost contact with Enterprise. As the most senior officer it had fallen to
Malcolm to ensure they were kept occupied until the situation was resolved. He
divided them into three groups of three and dispatched them. One to search for
shelter, one for food and the third to look for anything they might be able to
make a fire with. Malcolm meanwhile headed back to the shuttle determined to re-
establish the comm link and make sure that they wouldn't have to spend the
night on such a dreary little rock.

He was hungry and the ration bars in the shuttle were a good hours hike away so
Malcolm helped himself to a handful of blue-green berries that had already been
identified as being edible. He ate them quickly, stripping the bush bare and
continued on his way, still chewing. Overhead the sun shone in a clear sky, its
heat reflected by the rocky slope up which Malcolm was forced to scramble. At
the top he rested for a moment, letting his head fall back against the rock
wall which extended up above him.

"It's a bloody good job I don't have to go that way." Malcolm muttered to
himself, searching for his water bottle. Moments later when he tried to stand
he found his legs had gone to sleep. He stared down at them, frowning intently
and tried to will them into action but even as he reached out to massage the
life back into them he could feel the numbness creeping up into his chest,
slowing his heart and dimming his sight. As he slid into unconsciousness he
couldn't help but worry about his crewmates and their safety.




"Lieutenant Reed!"

The shouts reverberated across the moon as search parties picked their way
through the darkness trying to find Malcolm. Enterprise had contacted
Shuttlepod One shortly after nightfall by which time the crewmen, per Malcolm's
instructions, had gathered to meet him. Shortly after that the Captain himself
had arrived to lead the search party.

"Malcolm!" Archer was starting to get worried, no, he was starting to get more
worried. The thought of his tactical officer lying injured somewhere put his
heart into his mouth. Trip will never forgive me, the thought spun through his
brain and Archer swung his flashlight in a broad circle. "Malcolm!" There! He
thought he saw something slumped at the foot of the rock face. It had to be
Malcolm. Archer stumbled forward.

"Malcolm!" There was no answer and the relief at having found the man
evaporated like summer mist. Hands and legs shaking Archer crouched down and
felt for a pulse. He checked again, making doubly sure but it was there. Slower
than he would have liked but at least it was strong and regular. He fumbled
with his communicator. "I've found him. He's unconscious." Archer didn't wait
to listen to the reply but turned back to Malcolm, strands of dark hair had
fallen forward across the pale forehead and Archer smoothed them back. Malcolm
looked so peaceful and Archer smiled, at least he would be able to take good
news back to Enterprise.


"Well at least he's in one piece this time," Phlox commented dryly, bending
forward to prise open one of Malcolm's eyelids. "He seems fine," Phlox told
Archer. "I see no reason why he shouldn't simply wake up in due course."

"Let me know the moment he does." Archer breathed a sigh of relief and turned
to go. He had things to do.


The door was unlocked and Archer stepped into the room smiling. "Trip?"

"You found him?" The blonde-haired engineer leapt to his feet, worry lines
etched on his face.

"He's alive. Unconscious but alive."

Trip turned away, struggling to hold back the tears. He'd been so worried about
Malcolm. Scared that the man would die and he would never get the chance to
tell him how he felt.

"Phlox says he'll be fine." Archer stepped forward and wrapped an arm around
his friend's shoulders. "Are you going to tell him now?"

Trip shook his head. "I can't."

Archer opened his mouth to speak but aware that he would be simply going back
over old arguments he sighed instead. "Trip.."

"Please Jon. He's safe, that's enough for now."

Archer didn't bother to say any more. He knew Trip well enough that he wasn't
about to force him into making a decision. However perhaps a subtle push in the
right direction might do the trick.


"Hoshi." Trip smiled politely at the young woman and stepped aside to let her
into the turbo lift.

"Commander," Hoshi eyed Trip cautiously. "I'm on my way to the mess, do you
want to join me?"

"I don't have time to eat. Thanks for asking."

"Have you been up all night?"

"There was a small problem with the life support system. It's fixed now."

"So you're going to bed?"

Trip's look was guilty. "I've gotta check in with Malcolm before my shift

"He's still unconscious Commander. He won't mind if you don't go and see him
this once."

"I'll mind." Trip jerked his thumb towards his chest.

"You really like him don't you?" Hoshi asked, her perception somewhat
heightened by a discrete conversation that she'd had with Captain Archer the
day before.

"He's a friend."

"Only a friend?" Hoshi suggested innocently.

Nonplussed Trip stared wordlessly at the Ensign.

"I think it's sweet," she continued blithely. "I'm sure Malcolm would to if you
told him."

"He's unconscious!"

"I realise this is none of my business but I've seen the way Malcolm looks at

Trip gaped at Hoshi and she smiled sweetly at him but before he could actually
think of anything to say in reply the turbo-lift had come to a halt and Hoshi
had practically skipped away down the corridor.


"I didn't realise I was so popular." Malcolm said, shaking his head. "It feels
like every crew member has been to see me today. Except one."

Travis Mayweather looked up at Malcolm intently. "Someone didn't come to see
you?" He asked in a mock serious tone.

Malcolm shrugged, "I'm sure Commander Tucker has plenty of other things to do
then sit with me for a few minutes."

Travis frowned. "You're upset because he hasn't been to see you since you woke

"No of course not."

"You've been unconscious for four days," Travis commented. "During that time
Commander Tucker has been to see you eight times. He's spent more time in here
than in his quarters and only marginally less than in Engineering." Travis
smiled. "He's been reading to you and when his voice cracks and he can't read
anymore, he'll just sit and stroke your hair."

"You've seen him doing that?" Malcolm asked, half horrified and half pleased.

"Not as such," Travis was forced to admit, having gained the knowledge second-
hand from Captain Archer. "But I know he likes you."

After Travis had gone and Phlox had examined him and admonished him to relax
Malcolm lay back, his mind whirling. Trip liked him? This was unexpected. His
friendship with Trip had been slow to develop but nevertheless the two men had
formed a close bond. The issue of just how attracted he was to the Commander
was something he had been sure to keep a tight lid on. He'd seen countless
women fling themselves at Trip and simply didn't feel he was qualified to
compete. Was it possible that the attraction was mutual? That the ladies man
was in fact a mans man? He'd been a little upset when the Commander had failed
to visit him but upon reflection Malcolm could see that in Trip's shoes he
might have done something very similar.

Malcolm sat up, he needed to see Trip. He swung his legs off the bed and swayed
as he stood up. Phlox had explained that the berries Malcolm had eaten had had
a strange reaction to his body chemistry and that effectively Malcolm had
anaesthetised himself. The effects would take a little time to wear off

"I need to see Trip," Malcolm told himself firmly as he fought the dizziness
but he only managed to take a couple of steps before Phlox descended on him,
disapproval evident on his face.

"While I am not going to put any more anaesthetic into your body," Phlox told
Malcolm as he marched the man back to his bed. "If you refuse to remain in bed
voluntarily I will have to strap you down."

Phlox sounded as though he meant it, so with a bad grace Malcolm lay down
again, stifling a yawn as he did so. He'd been unconscious for nearly five
days, so why was it that all he wanted to do right now was sleep?


"I'm surprised to see you here Commander," Hoshi commented, seating herself
opposite Trip. "Malcolm's being released from sickbay today."

"I've still gotta eat."

Hoshi gave him a strange look. "Have you actually been to see him since he woke

Trip shook his head.


"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Only that I don't understand why you'll spend every minute possible with
Malcolm while he's unconscious but you won't go near him once you can actually
hold a conversation with him."

"What would I say?"

"Well you could start with hello, how are you feeling, do you want to have
dinner with me sometime?" Hoshi gestured expansively. "It isn't that hard to
find things to say you know."

"I couldn't say that to Malcolm," Trip protested, "it just wouldn't feel right."

"You don't think Malcolm would like to be wined and dined?" Hoshi asked. "You
think it would be better if you just grabbed him and.."

"All right Hoshi, that's enough." Trip stood up. "Let me handle this at my own
pace. I don't want to spoil things by rushing them."


"Travis," Malcolm nodded absently at the man seated on the rowing machine.

"Don't sound so disappointed. You were hoping for somebody else?"

"I thought Trip might be here," Malcolm shrugged and climbed onto the exercise

Travis hid his smile. "You miss him?"

"It's not so much a question of missing him," Malcolm explained. "I've been out
of sickbay for two days now and I thought he might have come to see me."

"He blames himself you know," Travis remarked, settling into a steady rhythm.

"For what?"

"You getting hurt. Maybe he just doesn't want to let you down again."

"Let me down?" Malcolm shook his head. "I'd hardly call it that."

"Maybe you should go and talk to him," Travis suggested. "He might be worried
about how you'll respond."

Malcolm gave Travis a look. "Since when did you become so perceptive?"

"I've always been this way," the young man responded quickly. "You've just
never noticed it before."


Maybe it wasn't so much a case of if Malcolm was interested in him, Trip
reflected, but more a question of what to do about it. He'd never really
worried overly about the question of rank but he knew that it was a cornerstone
of Malcolm's very being. It was a fear of being seen guilty of harassing
Malcolm that had kept Trip away from his friend for so long. The last thing he
wanted was for Malcolm to feel as though pressure were being put on him to
capitulate and despite Hoshi's assurances that Malcolm was willing he couldn't
shake the feeling that the wisest course of action was to let Malcolm make the
first move.

He'd decided in light of this that the best thing to do was to stop in at the
Armoury and have a chat. The only trouble was that Phlox had decided to keep
Malcolm off duty for what seemed an inordinate amount of time and Trip thought
that approaching Malcolm in his quarters was just a little inappropriate.

"Are you all right?"


"You've been staring at your drink for the past ten minutes," Archer looked
with concern at his friend. "Am I not good company?"

"It's me who's not good company." Trip swirled the liquid round in his glass
and then drained it. "I can't stop thinking about Malcolm."

"You haven't spoken to him yet?"

"I don't know what to say," Trip admitted. "I've been over it in my head a
thousand times but what I come up with either sounds too demanding or too
casual. I don't want to frighten him off but I also don't want it to sound as
though I'm not serious."

Archer nodded sympathetically. "I wish I could help."

"You could tell Phlox to let Malcolm go back to work," Trip suggested.

"You know I can't do that. Doctor Phlox is afraid that those berries might have
had a longer lasting effect on Malcolm and I need a tactical officer who isn't
going to collapse on me."

Trip nodded glumly, "that's what I thought."


"Cap'n," Trip looked up as Archer entered Engineering. "To what do we owe the

"An invitation. Can you come to my quarters tonight at 1900?"

"Sure. That's all?"

"That's all," Archer confirmed. "Don't be late."


In fact Trip was two minutes early. He pressed the door chime and was somewhat
startled when Malcolm's voice called out, "come in."

"Where's the Cap'n?"

"I don't know." Malcolm frowned. "He said he wanted to see me but when I got
here he told me he needed to speak to T'pol and I was to wait here."

"Uh huh," Trip looked round the Captain's quarters. "Have you noticed Porthos
isn't here." Trip was beginning to smell a set-up.

"Phlox says I'll be able to go back to work next week," Malcolm commented as
Trip prowled around the room.

"Glad to hear it," Trip paused by the Captain's bed and picked up the padd that
was lying there. He scrutinised it for a few moments and then burst out

"What?" Malcolm strode over to Trip anxiously.

"Read it."

Malcolm scanned the padd and a broad smile crept across his face.

"So what d'ya think?"

"I think you should ask me."

"I'm not terribly good at this," Trip admitted.

"I'm certainly not the world's most experienced man in this area either."

"Mal," Trip looked across at his friend, pure emotion in his blue eyes. "Do you
want to try.. a relationship with me?"

Malcolm nodded and then he was in Trip's arms, breathing hard. But as Trip's
mouth came towards his, he swayed backwards and collapsed onto the floor.

"Malcolm?" Trip dropped to his knees beside the prone body. "I guess Phlox was
right about those berries," he muttered, bending to kiss Malcolm's pale
forehead before calling for medical assistance.


"It certainly wasn't the most auspicious start to a relationship," Malcolm
commented dryly.

"We haven't done so badly," Trip took another sip of his champagne and wrapped
an arm around Malcolm's waist.

"Not at all," Archer agreed. "So what are you two going to do with the rest of
the evening?"

Malcolm exchanged glances with Trip and then grinned. "Old photos."

"Well the folks finally managed to put some together for me."

"You mean you finally gave in and agreed to show me some," Malcolm riposted.

"Touch�." Trip smiled gently at his lover. "The best ones were on Earth."

Archer raised his glass. "Well I wish you happy reminiscences. Here's to your
next year together."


"Why is it that you're scowling in every single picture?" Malcolm asked
innocently. "Oh no you're smiling in this one."

"That's a picture of my sister," Trip took the padd from Malcolm and peered at
it. "Although I am there in the background."

"Scowling!" Malcolm crowed. He picked up a second padd from the floor.

"My first years in Starfleet," Trip told him, "so don't expect anything good."

Malcolm smiled. "They're not that bad although.."

"Although?" Trip prompted.

Malcolm looked up, grey eyes dark. "Who's this?" The picture showed a head and
shoulders shot of a young man with dark curly hair and intense brown eyes, he
wasn't smiling and Malcolm felt a shiver run across his body.

"That's Todd. My ex. Mom must have sent that one by mistake."

Malcolm nodded cautiously.

"We split up a long time ago," Trip explained quickly, "before I even met Jon.
I'm not sure I even know where he is at the moment."

"More champagne," Malcolm suggested. "I wish I knew where the Captain got it
from." Malcolm reached out for the bottle but Trip caught his hand.

"I love you Malcolm Reed," he muttered hoarsely, "don't you ever forget that."

"I won't," Malcolm reached out for Trip and was surprised by the tension in his
lover's body. "I love you too."


Malcolm paused outside the Captain's quarters, deliberating over whether or not
what he was about to do was a good idea. He hadn't mentioned the photograph
again but the normally enthusiastic Trip had been very subdued for the rest of
the evening and in fact the two men had not ended the celebration of their
anniversary in quite the way Malcolm had expected. That thought made him
determine to speak to the Captain. If a photograph of an ex-lover could quash
the spirits of the unquashable then Malcolm needed to know why.


"I'm sorry for intruding Captain."

"It must be something serious," Archer put down the book he had been
reading. "Sit down Malcolm."

"I wanted to ask you something. About Trip." Archer raised an eyebrow and
Malcolm ploughed on. "There was one photograph last night that seemed to worry
Trip. He says it was an ex, ancient history."

Archer inhaled sharply. "Did he say anything else?"

"No but he was very subdued."

"The man's name is Todd," Archer looked distracted and Malcolm clenched his
fists. "He and Trip were together for eighteen months. I only met him once."

Malcolm felt his stomach turn over. "What was he like?"

"Angry." Archer shrugged. "Convinced that the whole world was out to get him
and that the only good thing in it was Trip."

"Why did they break up?"

"I'm not convinced that Todd ever recognised that they did. There's no need to
worry," Archer smiled reassuringly, "Todd's a long way from here."

"How do you know?"

"He's in a penal colony, serving a life sentence for murder."

Malcolm was very careful to make sure no reaction crossed his face. "Who did he

"A young man. Someone who took a fancy to Trip." Archer sighed and for a moment
he was lost in his memories. "It happened shortly before I met Trip."

Malcolm felt sick but found himself asking, "what happened?"

"Todd was very possessive of Trip. He handled it well, not letting Todd get too
much of a hold over him. One night Trip met a man in a club, they had a drink
and at the end of the evening Trip went home, alone." Archer paused and looked
intently at Malcolm. "It seems that Trip made quite an impression. The man
managed to track him down and for a week I think they had an affair and at the
end of that week Todd killed him."

Malcolm let out the breath he'd been holding.

"Todd wanted Trip to give him an alibi but even though he refused it took him a
long time before he would actually accept that Todd was a murderer. That's why
he reacted badly to the photograph, it must have brought back some unpleasant

"Staggered by the information Malcolm stood up. "Thank you Sir."

Troubled Archer rose too. "It might be best if you didn't mention this to
anyone. It took Trip a long time to get over Todd and it wouldn't be a good
idea for him to have to go through all that again."

Malcolm nodded thoughtfully, "yes Sir."

Once Malcolm had gone Archer finally let the worry and concern he was feeling
for Trip show on his face. He hadn't told Malcolm the whole story. Hadn't told
him that Trip had been deeply in love with Todd and that the engineer had never
accepted that his ex-lover was a murderer. Archer had allowed himself to
believe that the whole sorry incident had finally receded from Trip's mind but

Archer stood up. He should probably go and talk to Trip, just to make sure his
friend was all right.


"Come in," Trip stood up as Archer entered the room and pushed a padd on his
desk to one side.

"Trip," Archer smiled at his friend. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Trip glanced guiltily at the padd. "Was there something you wanted?"

Archer stepped further into the small room. He wasn't sure now what to say,
perhaps he should take the advice he had given to Malcolm.

"What are you working on?"

Trip coloured. "Just looking over the engine specs," he dissembled. "Seeing if
I can't find a way to improve them."

"Can I see?" Archer held out his hand and reluctantly Trip handed the padd over.

"I don't see.." Archer started, then he paused, reading, his face growing
darker. "You're writing to him?"

Trip shrugged. "I though he might appreciate a letter."

"So this is the first one?"

"No," Trip admitted in a small voice.

"How long exactly?"

"All the time we've been on Enterprise. Jon, please understand."

"Have you told him about Malcolm?"

"In passing." Trip winced at the anger on Archer's face.

"Todd killed a man because you had an affair with him. What do you think he'll
do to the man who's been your lover for the past year?"

"He didn't kill Andy," Trip muttered, "I've never believed that."

Archer sighed and sank down onto Trip's bunk. "Don't you think Malcolm should
know about this?"

"I don't love Todd anymore," Trip stated with conviction. "But he has no one."
Blue eyes pleaded with Archer to understand. "It's just one letter, once a
fortnight. It helps him."

Archer shivered. He had believed that he had managed to convince Trip that Todd
was, if not a murderer at least dangerous and that Trip should therefore cut
off all communication with him. He'd been wrong.

"All right," Archer stood up. "It's none of my business but Trip," he
pleaded, "tell Malcolm."

Trip nodded but watching him Archer knew that he wouldn't.


After a couple of months had passed Archer began to stop worrying over Trip's
letters to Todd although he continued to keep a watchful eye on his
relationship with Malcolm. It was second nature to him now. It certainly wasn't
that he disapproved, he had after all worked hard to get the pair together in
the first place. Being in a relationship had mellowed both men. Malcolm held
the worst of Trip's impulsiveness in check and Trip's influence had resulted in
a much more relaxed tactical officer. It was good for them and good for the

"Sir," Hoshi broke through his reverie, "there's a Vulcan ship hailing us."

T'pol raised an eyebrow. "There are no Vulcan ships in this region of space,"
she stated calmly.

Archer allowed himself a discrete smile. "Put them on screen Hoshi."

The face that appeared on the screen was not Vulcan but human. A faint sense of
unease began to build in Archer's mind although he was as yet unaware why. The
man on the screen looked old, older than Archer with lines etched onto his
face. His close-cropped hair bore the faintest suggestion of a curl and was
uniformly grey although a few dark hairs still lingered at the temples. The
eyes were dark and impenetrable, certainly not a window on this man's soul. So
what was this man doing in charge of a Vulcan ship?

"You must be Captain Jonathan Archer," the man inclined his head
mockingly. "Enterprise is quite a ship. Congratulations."

"Who are you?" Archer kept his voice calm even though every part of his body
was screaming out a warning.

"You know me Jon," the other man replied grimly. "We met once."

Archer could feel the tension around him on the bridge. Hoshi and Travis were
both staring wide-eyed at him while T'pol kept her normal inscrutable
expression although her eyes were firmly fixed on him. But it was when he
looked at Malcolm that his breath caught in his throat for there was a look of
both understanding and fear in the tactical officer's eyes.

"I was hoping I could talk to Charlie. Is he available?"

"Charlie?" Archer questioned innocently.

Anger flashed across the man's face. "Don't play games with me Jon. I know he's
on Enterprise. Chief Engineer or some such thing."

There was a gasp from Hoshi and Archer surreptiously waved his hand at her but
the man was smiling, his eyes cold.

"You've got two minutes Jon and if I'm not speaking to Charlie at the end well
I guess I might just have to try out the weapons on this ship."

Archer nodded at Hoshi and the screen went blank.

"Sir?" Malcolm was poised to unleash a barrage of fire against the Vulcan ship
but Archer shook his head.

"No weapons Malcolm. Maybe he'll go away once he's seen Trip." Even as he spoke
Archer knew he didn't believe what he was saying and neither did
Malcolm. "It'll be all right Malcolm." Archer turned away to activate the
communicator. "Commander Tucker could you come to the bridge please."

"Is something wrong?"

"I need you up here Trip. Now."

Commander Charles Tucker made it up to the bridge in record time but the
question he had meant to ask the Captain froze on his tongue as he saw the man
on the screen.

"Todd!" Trip could barely believe his eyes and he realised that his heart was
hammering at the sight of his ex-lover and he gave Malcolm a queer appraising
glance but no one but Archer heard the small moan that escaped Malcolm's lips.

"Charlie!" Todd sounded animated. "It's good to see you."

"You've been released?"

"Not exactly," Todd's face darkened. "I had to do some persuading."

"What are you doing here?" Trip modulated his tone and turned to smile
reassuringly at Malcolm but the dark-haired man refused to meet his eyes.

"I came to get something."

Suddenly uneasy Trip took a step toward Malcolm. He could vividly recall all
the times that Archer had taken him aside, trying to quietly convince him of
Todd's guilt. He'd never believed it. He hadn't wanted to believe it but he was
now no longer so sure and he began to bitterly regret all the letters he had
written under the mistaken impression that Todd would wish him well.

"I got all your letters Charlie and I thought I'd come and see if this guy
Malcolm is as wonderful as you say he is. So are you going to introduce us? No?
Well I'll have to work it out for myself and I know he's tactical officer so
he's bound to be on the Bridge." Todd glanced at Archer and shook his head. "I
know you," he drawled and then his gaze fell on Travis. "You're pretty but too

Trip stepped forward, he needed to get Todd's attention but it was too late
because he'd seen Malcolm.

"You were right Trip. He is gorgeous. Say goodbye."

Todd's face disappeared from the screen a split second before Malcolm started
to dematerialise. Trip started forward but his hands passed through thin air as
he reached out desperately for his lover. Malcolm was gone.

Trip cried out in rage and frustration as an atmosphere of stunned disbelief
settled over the Bridge.

"Is the ship still there?" Archer asked but before T'pol could reply the Vulcan
ship fired one shot before it engaged its warp engines and disappeared.

"The warp engine is off-line," Trip reported dully, from Malcolm's abandoned
station, "but even if it was operational we couldn't catch Todd."

Archer glanced sharply at Trip, blonde hair tousled, slumped against the
tactical station Trip resembled all too clearly the young man who had tried to
retreat from the world all those years ago when his lover had been accused of

"Captain," Hoshi's voice broke through the uneasy silence that had settled over
the Bridge. "We've been sent a set of co-ordinates and a message."

"Read it out."

"You've got three days. If you get to me before then I swear Malcolm will be
returned to you unharmed."

"Captain," T'pol spoke up, her voice too calm for the situation, "without the
warp engine we will never reach those co-ordinates in time."

"Then we have to get the engine working again. Trip!"

"Trip looked up, his eyes dull. "It can't be done."

"Find a way," Archer urged.

"No," Trip shook his head, "I can't."

"If you don't Malcolm will die," it was brutally put but the statement did at
least elicit a response from Trip.


"You don't think Todd's capable of killing him?"

"It was today," Trip murmured quietly.


"The anniversary of the day Todd and I first met." Trip looked up at Archer,
all life gone from his face. "Jon I can't.."

Archer knelt down by his friend. "You have to Trip. For Malcolm's sake."


Pins and needles shot along Malcolm's arms and legs and he gritted his teeth
against the pain. He was confined in a cage which was too small for him to
stand up in or stretch in any way. Standing in front of the cage was Todd, his
expression showing clearly how much he was enjoying Malcolm's discomfort.

"I think I timed that rather nicely don't you?" Todd smiled at Malcolm who
glowered back at him. "To be honest I wasn't sure whether or not I'd make it."

"Make what?" Malcolm growled, despite only being clad in his regulation
Starfleet underwear his forehead glistened with sweat.

"Our anniversary, the day I first met Charlie."

"That was over a long time ago," Malcolm pointed out.

Todd ignored him. "He was chatting up a waitress when I walked into the bar but
I knew the first time I saw him that we'd end up together. I was the first man
he'd ever been with and I think it surprised that it felt so good, so natural."

"He's with me now," Malcolm stated, determined not to let this man get to him.

"I didn't realise you'd be so English," Todd commented, "all this stiff upper
lip nonsense.

"Enterprise will come for me."

"Oh yes I'm well aware of that." Todd crouched down in front of Malcolm. "And
when she does we'll find out which one of us Charlie really loves."

Malcolm closed his eyes, he couldn't bear the sight of that face anymore, the
mocking dark eyes and the supercilious mouth, but most of all he couldn't stand
the expression that said, Trip's mine not yours. He wanted to scream, to vent
some emotion but he wasn't about to give his captor the satisfaction of seeing
him lose control. He was Lieutenant Malcolm Reed, Enterprise's tactical officer
and he was scared of no one. Trip. Soundlessly his lips sketched the word and
when he opened his eyes Todd was sneering at him.

"You think Charlie loves you? He's lonely, missing me. That's why he wrote me
all those letters."

"Letters?" Malcolm betrayed his surprise.

Todd rocked back on his heels, a satisfied smirk on his face. "You didn't know
he's been writing to me," the man crowed. "Oh yes, letters, lots of 'em. Once a
fortnight, regular as clockwork."

"He told me he didn't know where you were," Malcolm's voice was quiet but it
still sounded loud in the cargo bay where Malcolm's cage had been placed.

"So he lied to you," Todd shrugged. "Obviously honesty isn't a big thing
between you two. Strange basis to build a marriage on."

"Marriage?" Malcolm had been completely knocked for six and he shook his head
violently trying to restore his equilibrium.

"Letter a month or two back," Todd was enjoying this. "Told me he was going to
ask you to marry him. I'm sorry that didn't work out for you."

Trip had never mentioned marriage, it wasn't something that they'd ever
discussed or that Malcolm had ever thought about. He could feel tears
threatening and he choked them back, he mustn't show any weakness, no emotion,

"Well much as I've enjoyed our little chat I've got other things that need my
attention. One of my crew will bring you some food later. Just relax, enjoy the
ride. I know I will."


Malcolm wasn't aware of how much time had passed before two heavily muscled men
entered the cargo bay and opened the door of his cage.

"Get out Starfleet," the taller of the two growled and Malcolm, too weary to
even think of refusing, crawled awkwardly and painfully from his prison.

"Can't you stand up?" The voice was rough and the hands that yanked Malcolm to
his feet were even rougher but his legs wouldn't hold him up and he collapsed
onto the floor, helpless.

"Well," commented one man to the other, "it's not as though he needs his legs
for what we've got planned."

Malcolm froze and began to crawl awkwardly backwards but the men were too quick
for him and he was unceremoniously hauled back. Both men started to loosen
their trousers and Malcolm's blood ran cold. Tears of frustration welled up as
he tried to will his limbs back to life. Normally he would have been more than
a match for these two but in his debilitated state he could make no more than a
token show of resistance.

"I said unharmed!" The bellow made the men step suddenly away from Malcolm.
Todd strode into Malcolm's view and to his disgust he found that he was feeling
grateful for Todd's presence.

"Unharmed!" Todd reiterated. "Do you goons know what that means?" Todd was
holding what looked like a phase pistol and the two men facing him were visibly
cowering. "Lay a finger on him and I will kill you both. Get out of here!" Todd
gestured with his pistol and the two men scurried away.

Malcolm had somehow managed to get to his feet but as he stumbled towards the
door Todd swung a fist towards him, the blow falling across the side of his
head and Malcolm crashed down, momentarily blinded.

"Back in your cage Malcolm," Todd ordered, half-throwing the man inside.

Squashed in his cage and alone once more Malcolm, despite all his efforts to
the contrary, found himself shaking with fear, fear that not even the thought
of Trip could exorcise. The thought of what had just happened brought a ragged
laugh to his lips. It was ironic that the only man who could keep him from
being raped, the only man who could keep him safe was the man who had kidnapped
him and should anything happen to Todd, well then it would be open season on
Malcolm. He squeezed his eyes shut, curling his body into a foetal ball he lay
quietly, images of Trip dancing in his head, images that brought a flood of
tears to his eyes. Alone, Malcolm lay weeping in the dark.


Somehow, Archer was never quite sure how, they had made it to the stated
rendezvous on time. A frantic Trip had spent almost the entire three days
hovering over the warp engine, willing it to give them the power they needed.

"There is no sign of the Vulcan ship," T'pol informed Archer as Enterprise
began its first orbit around the small planet to which Todd had brought
them. "But I am reading two human life signs on the surface."

"Can we use the transporter to bring them aboard?"

"No. There is far too great an electrical charge in the planet's atmosphere for

"I've just received another communication," Hoshi reported. "He wants Commander
Tucker to come down to the planet, alone."

"Fine," Trip strode forward. "I'll leave now."

"I can't let you leave alone Trip."

"You think I'll just fall in with whatever crazy scheme Todd proposes don't
you?" Trip accused angrily. He'd made his choice and Archer had no right to
question his loyalty.

"No," Archer said, although he was a little concerned about his engineer's
ability to withstand the force of Todd's personality. "With more men on the
surface we'll have a better chance of getting both you and Malcolm back alive."

"Fine," Trip was so anxious to get Malcolm back that he would have agreed to
just about anything.

I love Malcolm, he repeated to himself as Archer guided the shuttle down to the
planet accompanied by a full security team, all of whom were almost as anxious
to get Malcolm back as Trip himself.

Once down Archer ordered the men to spread out in a loose circle round the edge
of the woody clearing where Todd was waiting with Malcolm.

"Set your phase pistols to stun," he told them, watching Trip adjusting his own
weapon. "The point of this is to get Lieutenant Reed back in one piece."

Trip watched as Archer and the crewmen melted away into the trees. He shivered
as he walked, although his conscious mind barely noticed the chill in the air.


"I'm so glad that you could join us," Todd greeted Trip almost enthusiastically
but Trip barely heard him. He was busy looking for Malcolm. "He's here," Todd
assured him, "Malcolm!"

The sight of the dark-haired man who stumbled from the trees made Trip catch
his breath. The normally immaculate hair was wildly dishevelled and there were
two days growth of beard on Malcolm's cheeks although the dark stubble in no
way disguised the livid bruise on his face and his arms and legs were covered
with a multitude of bruises but most worriedly of all Malcolm moved as though
unaware of where he was and he didn't seem to see his lover at all.

"You said he'd be returned unharmed." Trip challenged.

"He is," Todd's voice was chilly. "Not one member of my crew has laid a finger
on him and that was difficult."

Oh Malcolm, Trip thought to himself, this is all my fault. I swear I'll make
this up to you.

At a gesture from Todd Malcolm sank down into the grass and Trip almost
screamed at the sight of such un-Malcolm like behaviour.

"He's quite obedient once you work out how to get through to him." Todd mocked
raising his hand.

"No!" Trip yelled, "please don't hurt him anymore."

"Tell me you love me. Say that what you had with Malcolm was just a fling and
it's over," Todd's eyes glistened and he stepped forward.

I've got to get him away from Malcolm, Trip told himself, catch him off guard
somehow. He could feel the phase pistol pressing against his leg and found
himself fervently grateful for all the hours of target practice that Malcolm
had insisted they do.

"I'm the one you love Trip," Todd insisted, waving his own weapon in Malcolm's
direction. "Say it and I'll let Malcolm go."

"And then what?"

"We'll go away together. Find a nice little planet somewhere. Hell maybe we'll
even stay here. Say you love me!" Todd screamed.

Trip stepped forward, hoping that Malcolm would understand.

"I love you," Trip spoke quietly, putting as much conviction into the words as
he could.

Malcolm would have sobbed but in truth the words barely penetrated the haze
into which he had sunk. Out of the corner of his eyes, which were directed
towards the ground, he could see Trip. The sunlight that surrounded him gave
him a halo, Trip had never looked more beautiful and intruding into the cloud
of fear that filled Malcolm's mind came the tiniest sliver of hope.

"What I had with Malcolm," Trip said, his hand close to his phase pistol, "was
just a fling and it's over."

Todd was walking forward, he seemed to have forgotten about Malcolm and in that
brief moment one of the security men fired.

Todd tumbled to the ground unconscious and suddenly Trip realised he was
pointing his phase pistol directly at his ex-lover.

Archer was at his side, prising his unresponsive fingers from the grip of the

"It's set to kill."

"What?" Startled Trip looked at the Captain, brilliant blue eyes wide,
admitting the truth.

"You set your phase pistol to kill."

"Don't tell Malcolm," Trip pleaded. "He doesn't need to know."

Archer nodded his acquiescence if not his agreement and gave Trip a gentle push
in Malcolm's direction. "We got him back. Go and say hello."

Malcolm tried to smile as Trip crouched down beside him but the bruise on his
face prevented that. "I knew you'd come," he muttered hoarsely.

"It's all right love," Trip wrapped his arms around Malcolm. "No one will take
you away from me ever again, I promise."

Held in Trip's arms and lulled by the beating of his heart Malcolm's bruised
and battered body began to relax as he finally accepted the fact that he was

~the end~

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