Reed's Armory -- A Malcolm Reed Fanfiction Archive


Title: The Definition of Love

Author: Beverly Crusher

Author's e-mail: [email protected]

Fandom: Enterprise

Pairing: Archer/Reed

Rating: G

Category: Slash

Summary: A little thinking about what love is.

Comments: I had no choice other than to write it down. It was stronger than me, and it simply burst out. It started as drabble, but soon became a vignette. Hope you like it anyway.

Archived to Reed's Armory on 04/22/2004.

I'm lying in your arms, hearing your steady heartbeat. The sweat is cooling on our skin, and caring you pull the duvet up to cover us both. Your hand is drawing lazy patterns on my shoulderblade, sending shivers of delight through my body. And there, in the safety of your arms, I dare to let my mind wander.

You love me.

There in the darkness I wonder how that could happen.

I wonder what you see in me.

You came into my life like a thunderstorm, overrunning all my defenses, cleaning me with your power, and leaving me ruffled but unbelievable happy.

I inhale deeply your unique scent, and can feel your body trembling with barely hidden laughter.

In the beginning you called me 'the stiff Brit'.

I know that.

Over the months some of the tension I felt when I was around you began to subside.

I began to relax in your presence.

Then, almost overnight I became 'your stiff Brit'.

What makes you love me? I'm nothing special.

But to you I am.

I am, with all my stubbornness, with all my stiffness. You simply take me in your arms, and kiss me.

This is the definition of love.

~the end~

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