Reed's Armory -- A Malcolm Reed Fanfiction Archive


Title: At the End of the Day

Author: Beverly

Author's e-mail: [email protected]

Pairing: Archer/Reed

Rating: R

Category: Slash

Warning: Deathfic, suicidal thoughts

Author's Notes: This is not my usual fluff. It's pretty dark. You could call it Dark Fluff. I hope you enjoy it anyway. Was in a strange mood...usually my guys have to bleed for it.

Archived to Reed's Armory on 04/13/2008.

In the end Malcolm had to admit to himself that his father had been right.
Fraternisation with superiors was bad.

Malcolm had broken this rule and now he had to pay for it. Two days ago
Jonathan Archer had sacrificed himself to destroy the Xindi-weapon and the safe Earth.

For what? Without Jonathan Earth meant nothing to Malcolm. Now he stood on the
cliff where Jonathan had once confessed him his love. And here he would reunite
with him again.

"Jonathan, I am coming," he whispered and closed his eyes.

Then he spread his arms and let himself fall...

~the end~

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