How Many Did You Get Right?
All - you're a true Redwall Warrior
Between 3/4 and All -
you're an Abbot/Abbess
Between Half and 3/4 -
you're a Sister/Brother
Between 1/4 and Half -
you're a Novice
Under 1/4 -
you're a Dibbun
Answers to the
Salamandastron Quiz
1.  Who were Urthstripe's parents?
         Urthound & Urthrun

2.  What does Sergeant Sapwood excel at?

3.  What kind of insect does Ferahgo skewer with his skinning knife?
         A grasshopper

4.  What is Ferahgo's army called?

5.  What color shirt is Klitch wearing when he first meets Mara & Pikkle?

6.  What is Urthstripe's nickname for Mara?

7.  Thrugann's name is spelled two different ways before it changes to "Thrugann" and stays that way.  Name one of the two versions.
         Thrugan (page 31) or Thruggann (page 57)

8.  What kind of cake are Samkim and Arula making?
         A Great Hall cake

9.  What does Friar Bellows say all the time?
         "Very good, very good"

10.  How many hares lives at Salamandastron?

11.  Who tells the ghost story to the Dibbuns?
         Brother Hollyberry

12.  Who dresses as a badger for the Nameday challenge?

13.  Who eats Thrugg & Thrugann's bowls of extra-hot soup without being affected?
         Brother Hollyberry

14.  What species are the three front-runners of the horde chasing Sapwood?

15.  Name an ingredient in Hollyberry's "physick" medicine.
         Wild garlic, slippery elm bark, bitter aloe root, squashed dockleaf, nettlejuice and blackweed compound

16.  Which pair won the three-legged race in the Nameday games?
         Samkim & Arula

17.  Where did Tudd Spinney leave his glasses?
         On the west wallsteps

18.  Migroo and the others who had been chasing Mara & Pikkle came back to the Corpsemaker camp from which direction?

19.  What family is Barth Thistledown from?
         The Westshore Thistledowns

20.  Name one of the toads' weapons.
         Tridents or Flails with stone-tipped thongs

21.  Who is Log-a-log's son?

22.  What does Guosssom stand for?
         Guerilla Union of South Stream Shrews in Mossflower

23.  How many Guosssom shrews were in Glagweb's pit when Mara & Pikkle arrived?

24.  How were the shrews to know when "escape day" was?
         When Leaflad the wren dropped an acorn in the pit

25.  What does Spriggat eat?
         Wasps, dragonflies, butterflies, gnats, and insects of any kind

26.  What color are Farran the Poisoner's eyes?
         Pale amber

27.  What is the special shrew beverage?

28.  What object assures Log-a-log's leadership?
         The Blackstone

29.  What does Dumble step on as he, Thrugg and Rocangus go through crow territory?
         A thistle

30.  How many shrews does the Deepcoiler take from Log-a-log's boats?

31.  In Mara & Pikkle's story to the scared shrews, who fell in the vegetable soup?
         Bart Thistledown

32.  Which three hares were sent to spy on the vermin?
         Sapwood, Oxeye & Pennybright

33.  Who was Urthstripe's grandfather?

34.  How many seasons younger than Oxeye is Sapwood?
         Sapwood is one season younger than Oxeye

35.  What rank is Oxeye?

36.  Which stoat do the reinforcements get information from?

37.  What does Emllor mean?
         Rollme - Roll the stone

38.  What is Thrugg's thank-you present?
         A carved applewood bowl & spoon

39.  What does Abbess Vale name the season at the end of the book?
          The Autumn of the Homecomers
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