Answers to the Redwall Quiz
1.  What is Matthias carrying in his basket at the beginning of Chapter 1?

2.  What does Friar Hugo hold with his tail?
         A dockleaf or a dandelion

3.  What is the main dish at the feast called?
         Grayling a la Redwall

4.  Who "bears a name that a fox would be afraid to whisper in the darkness of midnight"?
         Cluny the Scourge

5.  What is Cluny's second article of surrender?
         "Cluny will execute the leaders of all who choose to oppose him."

6.  Cornflower gives Matthias her favorite headband.  What does it look like?
         It is pale yellow, bordered with cornflowers

7.  Constance and Matthias were teaching fighting classes, but no one wanted to join Constance's class.  What was she teaching?
         Cudgel and wrestling

8.  Who does Shadow stab as he tries to escape?
         Cornflower's father, Mr. Fieldmouse

9.  What did Basil Stag Hare's mother want to call him?
         Columbine Agnes, because she wanted a girl

10.  What does Asmodeus say before he strikes?  "Come with me, I will show you

11.  In Chapter 20, what does Cornflower serve each defender for supper?
"A bowl of stew, some wild grapes, and a small loaf of honeyed nutbread."

12.  What weapon did great damage to the Redwall defenders?
"Chunks of iron grave-railings from the churchyard" of St. Ninian's; they exploded when they hit the walls

13.  How does Cheesethief kill Scragg?
He steps on the weasel's throat and suffocates him

14.  How long does Sela say Cluny needs to recover?
Three weeks

15.  What does Basil give Silent Sam?
A leveret dagger

16.  What do the thirteen faces on the carving on the threshold mean?
They represent the thirteen full moons of the year

17.  Where was Martin's sword supposed to be found?
         Strapped to the weathervane; but the holder for it was empty

18.  What does Warbeak call mice?
         Worms or mouseworms

19.  What does Sela say Fangburn walked into in their lie?
         A big thorn tree

20.  What snack of the mice do the Sparra also enjoy?
         Candied chestnuts

21.  To the Sparra, what is a "big swear"?
         Swearing on their mother's egg

22.  At the stained glass window, what color does Matthias turn first?

23.  What do Jess and Basil use for a decoy tapestry?
         One of Friar Hugo's dishrags

24.  Where does King Bull Sparra hide the scabbard?
         In the bottom of the chair

25.  In Matthias' dreams, what does Methuselah's face appear in?
         The blossom of the late rose

26.  To speak, a shrew has to be holding what object?
         The black pebble

27.  How do the Redwall defenders foil the battering ram plan?
         By dumping a hornet's nest on the rats and then pouring vegetable oil on the ram

28.  What must Cap'n Snow do if Matthias defeats Asmodeus and retrieves the sword?
         He can't eat any more mice or shrews, he must admit his wrong to Squire Julian, and give Matthias Basil's medal

29.  How does Cornflower stop the threat from the siege tower?
         She throws her lantern on it and it goes up in flames

30.  How do the Redwall defenders stop the tunnelers?
          When they came up in the Abbey grounds, the mice poured cauldrons of boiling water down into the tunnel

31.  How did Matthias defeat Cluny?
         He slashed the Joseph Bell's rope, and Cluny was crushed under it when it fell
How Many Did You Get Right?
All - you're a true Redwall Warrior
Between 3/4 and All -
you're an Abbot/Abbess
Between Half and 3/4 -
you're a Sister/Brother
Between 1/4 and Half -
you're a Novice
Under 1/4 -
you're a Dibbun
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