Answers to the Martin Quiz
1.  What is Badrang's dream?
         To be Lord of all the Eastern Coast

2.  Who is the chieftain of the tribe that lives in Noonvale?
         Urran Voh

3.  Brome gives directions to Rose and Grumm in his song.  How many paces south from the center of the gate should they start tunneling?

4.  How many longboats did Tramun Clogg and his corsairs arrive for their attack in?

5.  Where were the slaves' weapons first hid?
         Under Tullgrew's pallet

6.  What kind of pastie lands on Felldoh's head as they spy on the Rosehip Players?

7.  What must everyone call Queen Amballa of the Highbeast pigmy shrews?

8.  What are Highbeast pigmy shrew babies called?

9.  What is Clogg's mark?
         A sketch of a clog and an "X"

10.  Who flirts with Felldoh?

11.  What kind of bird grabs Dinjer?
         A gannet

12.  Where does Polleekin live?
         In a tree

13.  What does Polleekin leave Martin & Co as presents as they leave?
         Plum & damson cake with meadowcream

14.  Who built the Mirdop?
         Fescue's great-grandfather

15.  What does Brome make up for his searat name?

16.  What kind of animal are members of the Gawtrybe?

17.  What do Gawtrybe members call Boldred?

18.  What does teh Fur & Freedom Fighters' flag look like?
         It's a green banner with a flying javelin severing a chain

19.  What is the name of the otters' riverboat?

20.  What's the special otter drink called?

21.  How many deeper 'n' ever pies did the moles make after the felling of the sycamore?

22.  What's Clogg's full title?
         Captain Tramun Josiah Cuttlefish Clogg

23.  Who did Aubretia descend from?

24.  Who did Bultip descend from?
How Many Did You Get Right?
All - you're a true Redwall Warrior
Between 3/4 and All -
you're an Abbot/Abbess
Between Half and 3/4 -
you're a Sister/Brother
Between 1/4 and Half -
you're a Novice
Under 1/4 -
you're a Dibbun
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