The Free woman of Torvaldsland is a special breed of Gorean woman. In the Northland women hold responsibilities unlike any region of Gor. These women work beside the men in the struggle for survival in the harsh climate of Torvaldsland. Unlike the women of the southern regions, the free woman of Torvaldsland does not hide her beauty behind veils and robes of concealment. She is unrestrained by the restrictive garments worn by many of her southern sisters and able to go about her day-to-day functions free from cumbersome trappings of Gorean society.
Her hair is often worn loose or perhaps braided, her beauty and zest for life exposed to the men of her world.
The Torvaldsland free woman knows how to survive, and provide comfort and companionship to the men of the harsh world of Torvaldsland.
She is the one who bears the children for the Jarls, keeps the home as they raid; creating a home that is inviting, warm and hospitable.
The Free Woman of Torvaldsland values her role; she does not take her freedom, her position or the men of Torvaldsland for granted.

"Bera, his woman, rose to her feet. I could see that her mind was moving with rapidity. 'Come tonight to our hall Champion,' she said The Blue Tooth did not gainsay her. The woman of the Jarl had spoken. Free women of the north have much power. The Jarl's woman in the Kaissa of the north is a more powerful piece than the Ubara in the Kaissa of of the south"
Marauders of Gor - page 191

In the northern villages, and in the forest towns, and northward on the coast the woman do not veil themselves, as is common in the cities to the south.
Marauders of Gor - page 25

The Gorean women, for reasons that are not altogether clear to me, considering the culture, rejoices in being a woman. She is often an exciting, magnificent glorious creature, outspoken, talkative, vital, active, spirited.
Priest Kings of Gor - page 67

For example, there is no higher person, nor one more respected, than the Gorean free woman.
Hunters of Gor - page 311

The free woman was a tall woman, large. She wore a great cape of fur, of white sea-sleen, thrown back to reveal the whiteness of her arms.
Marauders of Gor - page 156

She wore black and silver, a full, ankle-length gown of rich, black velvet, with silver belts, or straps, that crossed over her breasts, and tied about her waist. From it, by strings, hung a silver purse, that seemed weighty. Her blond hair was lifted from the sides and back of her head by a comb of bone and leather, like an inverted isosceles triangle, the comb fastened by a tiny black ribbon about her neck, and another such ribbon about her forehead. Her cloak, of black fur, from the black sea sleen, glossy and deep, swirled to her ankles. It was fastened at the left shoulder by a large circular brooch of silver, probably from Tharna.
Marauders of Gor - page 35

The stake in this challenge was the young man's sister, a comely, blond lass of fourteen, with braided hair. She was dressed in the full regalia of a free woman of the north. The clothes were not rich, but they were clean, and her best. She wore two brooches; and black shoes. The knife had been removed from the sheath at her belt; she stood straight, but her head was down, her eyes closed; about her neck, knotted, was a rope, it fastened to a stake in the ground near the dueling square. She was not otherwise secured. 'Forfeit the girl,' said Bjarni of Thorstein Camp, addressing the boy, 'and I will not kill you.' 'I do not care much for the making women of Torvaldsland bond,' said Ivar. 'It seems improper,' he whispered to me. 'They are of Torvaldsland!'"
Marauders of Gor - page 147

The free woman was a tall woman, large. She wore a great cape of fur, of white sea-sleen, thrown back to reveal the whiteness of her arms. Her kirtle was of the finest wool of Ar, dyed scarlet, with black trimmings. She wore two brooches, both carved of the horn of kailiauk, mounted in gold. At her waist she wore a jeweled scabbard, protruding from which I saw the ornamented, twisted blade of a Turian dagger; free women in Torvaldsland commonly carry a knife; at her belt, too, hung her scissors, and a ring of many keys, indicating that her hall contained many chests or doors; her hair was worn high, wrapped about a comb, matching the brooches, of the horn of kailiauk; the fact that her hair was worn dressed indicated that she stood in companionship; the number of keys, together with the scissors, indicated that she was mistress of a great house. She had gray eyes; her hair was dark; her face was cold, and harsh."
Marauders of Gor - page 156

Accordingly, to her astonishment, Bera, who had been the companion of Svein Blue Tooth, discovered suddenly that she was only one wench among others. From a line, as part of his spoils, the Blue Tooth picked her out. She had displeased him mightily in recent years. Yet was the Blue Tooth fond of the arrogant wench. It was not until he had switched her, like any other girl, that she understood that their relationship had undergone a transformation, and that she was, truly, precisely what she seemed to be, now his bond-maid."
Marauders of Gor - pages 277 - 278

There were various jarls in Torvaldsland who had daughters, but these, generally, were ignorant, primitive women. Moreover, no one jarl held great power in Torvaldsland. It was not uncommon for the daughter of a jarl in that bleak place, upon the arrival of a suitor, to be called in from the pastures, where she would be tending her father�s verr.
Hunters of Gor p 175



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