Marius's girl


talendar was bred in the pens of Venna for her bright red hair and startling green eyes. She never knew her parents, or anything about them as most bred slaves don't. She was kept in the pens surrounded only by women until she was approximately 18 years of age. Until then, she was completely unaware of the existence of the opposite sex, but had often wondered of the stirrings and unspoken longings deep in her belly. One spring day, she was happily going about her duties, having no idea that her whole life was about to change, and drastically. Suddenly, a matron appeared and motioned for the young girl to follow her, without saying a word as to what was about to happen. Without warning, she suddenly found herself thrust into a large room bustling with activity until her sudden entrance. She noticed several women, most as nude as she was but some wearing long, beautiful robes with veils. What held her attention however, was the much larger, unfamiliar form of the men. Her eyes widened with shock, her small frame trembling violently as the one of them approached her, grabbing her roughly by the arm and ordering her to display. Almost frozen with fear, she did as ordered, watching him as he walked around her, slowly nodding. "I will take her" he said to another, and she watched amazed as coin was exchanged and she was ordered to heel, and led from the building. He pointed to a wagon, motioning her in. Terrified, she again complied and huddled in a dark corner for the long journey.

Several days later they arrived at their destination and her education began in earnest. She soon learnt how fortunate she was to be Owned by the kind, gentle man who had spent days speaking with her gently, explaining everything to her, and eventually opening her and telling her exactly what she needed to know. A fire began to blaze deep within her belly, replacing the stirrings she now fully understood. She was happy in her home in the care of her Owner and sisters, until one day the home was raided and torn apart. She fled as she'd been taught to do, and wandered for several months on her own, deftly avoiding people, stealing and forging for food in the dark of the night. One day, she unknowingly wandered too close to a City, and was immediately spotted and captured by its guards. She was now property of the City of TorCadino. She was placed in a city collar and put to work with the other slaves who taught her even more. They soon realized she was like a sponge, always eager to learn new things and very quick to catch on. The Ubara also realized this and ordered her trained as a scribe slave to be of even more value to their home. talendar spent many hours being taught to read, write and keep track of what was spent.

Very soon, tali was made a slave trainer and was very content with her new home, until one day the Ubar went on a trip and made it clear he would not be returning. The home was in chaos. Word of that chaos reached the ears of a prominent Warrior, who quickly arranged a raid. The men arrived under the cloak of night and rapidly gained control of the home, capturing all the women and slaves. Frozen with fear, recalling the loss of her first home, she was quickly captured and tossed in a wagon with the others to be taken to the Warrior's camp. The girl quickly lost her confidence and happy demenor, becoming sullen and hard to manage as she watched all those close to her quickly ransomed, yet the head of this camp refusing to let her go and kept her with the girls of the camp to train among them. She soon learnt that she was kept for one purpose, to be used to pay off a debt of his. She became even harder to manage after this, only obeying when she absolutely had to and constantly picking fights with the other girls there hoping he would find her too difficult after all, and set her free. Unfortunately for her, he enjoyed her spirit and kept her until the man came to claim what was now his property. The girl was stunned into silence upon her first look at what was to be her new Owner, for he was the largest man she had ever seen. Well over seven foot tall, he swung her easily over his shoulder and onto his ship, setting sail for distant lands. She soon had to get used to a whole other way of life, again, finding out quickly that she was now a bondsmaiden. She struggled to adjust, refusing to eat for the first few days when presented with what was called "bondsmaid gruel". The Jarl was patient at first, amused by her fiery spirit that matched her bright red hair and flashing green eyes, but soon forced her to comply. She was put to the oar, and quickly put in her place. After that terrifying experience, she settled down and focused on learning as she once had, slowly settling down and coming to love the new ways she was learning.

tali, as she was affectionally called, grew to love the life of a bondsmaiden with a passion and learnt all she could, although her Jarl dissapeared and she was left in the care of a Mistress who was harsh and demanding, but fair. She worked with the girl relentlessly, training her to assist with medical treatments, as she was a healer of the North. When her Mistress had to leave on a long journey, she was left in the care of another Northern Holding, where she was assigned to help train new girls. She stayed there awhile, until an Assassin took the life of the Hold Jarl, also the High Jarl of the North and the home succumbed to bickering and disbanded, unable to come to terms with the loss of the driving force of their home. tali wandered for a while, and found her way to the fairs where she submitted to a man from the south, taken to his camp for a while. Unbearably miserable as she tries to readjust to the South, tali again became bitter and sullen, even more difficult to handle. Unable to handle her, the man released her and she made her way back to Torvaldsland as fast as she could where she knew she would find the type of strong men she needed and not those who would pamper her like the silk girl she no longer was in her heart.

She knew she wouldn't last long and had to find a holding quickly due to the extreme temperatures, the girl hurried to the first long house she set her eyes on. She was astonished to find the Mistress she lost so long ago, and immediately stepped into her circle, instantly finding the peace she lost when she was taken from the land of her heart. She blossomed in her care, and returned to the bubbly, happy spirit she was before. She strived to be pleasing and worked just as hard as ever, reading as she had been taught when ever she could get her hands on any kind of book or scroll. As has become common on Gor, the home soon fell apart due to severe differences and arguments, and she was left in the care of a Master she had met many times on her travels. She barely had time to adjust before he, too dissapeared, and her mind repeatedly returned to a Jarl who had captured her heart from the first moment she saw him. He made her feel things she'd never felt before, made her heart flutter in a way no other man ever had. She longed to please him even more then she usually longed to please, and she knew then that she had to find him. She waited a while for the man to return, and when he didn't, she hitched up his wagon and started out for the North, trusting her heart to lead her to him. She didn't really expect to find him so quickly, she was startled when she wandered into a fair and saw him there, just as she remembered him. She knew from the look in his eyes when he saw her that she was meant to be his, and all the trials and tribulations she'd been through up until this point, all the long hours of training and working had been for one serve the Master of her heart in every way she could.

The collar of the man who deserted her was removed, and she was given to a Mistress of the home the Jarl she sought belonged to. The Lady was kind to her for the short time tali belonged to her, but quickly realized where the girl needed to be and allowed the Jarl to purchase her.

She now kneels at his feet, in his steel and is finally at peace knowing she is where she was always destined to be, pleasing him in every way she possibly can.


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