The RedTarn has returned

Perrin RedTarn

Perrin was born in the year 1000 as the Torvaldslanders reckon it. His Father was the Jarl of RedTarn's Landfall and his Mother a captive Scribe from Venna that was captured during a raid on Helmutsport. At his Mother's insistence he was taught to read and write as a child, over the vehement protests of his Father.

When Perrin was six years old, in the year 1006, the Kurii invaded Torvaldsland. The War Arrow was sent out to all of the farmers and Perrin's Father, the original RedTarn, answered the summons. It was a war he would never return from. He died fighting the Kurii along with Tarl Red-Hair, Ivar Forkbeard and Svein Blue-Tooth. Perrin was brought his Father's sword, Rune Cleaver, and told that he would be the new Jarl of RedTarn's Landfall when he was old enough.

As Perrin grew, he continued to learn how to run the Landfall from Steinar, who his Father had entrusted with the running of it, and the sailing and captaining of the RedTarn, his Father's serpent, from Reider, who had captained it for his Father. His Mother passed on when he was 14 when he was out on the first raid that Reider let him go on.

After this raid, despite his not having reached the age of majority, the men of the Landfall followed his orders as they did his Father's before him. As he grew older the tales his mother had told him of the land south of the Torvaldsmark began to intrigue him more and more. He sat down with Reider and Steinar and told them about his desire to leave the holding in their care while he traveled the south for a time since they took such good care of it for his Father.

They agreed and he packed his things and set out. He took the RedTarn to Kassau and then took a roundship full of goods to Brundisium. When he reached Brundisium he went to an Inn and arranged lodgings for himself. While he was in the common room eating dinner he got into a fight with a drunken mercenary named Ambiorix who was involved in a dice game with others of his unit.

The Commander of the unit, half of a file of ten men, an adopted Bakah called Aan Allein, stopped the fight before it got out of hand. After a couple of hands spent with the mercenaries Perrin was offered a position as Commander Allein's second-in-command. He accepted the position and signed a contract to join the Black Tharlarion Company as a cavalry sub-commander. He was taken and fitted for his uniform and, while they were preparing to go and practice, Commander Allein got a message from the Captain of the Company summoning Allein and his troops back to Talmont for hostilities against Edgington.

They returned to Talmont as fast as their mounts could carry them and Perrin was introduced to Dulkus, Captain of the Black Tharlarion Company. They were sent out immediately to slow down the army of Edgington to give Captain Dulkus time to gather the troops of Talmont. After one small battle between the cavalry of the Company and the army of Edgington the men of the Black Tharlarion split up into small units and began to harass the enemy.

After a battle where the pay for the mercenaries of Edgington was captured, the invasion of Talmont was called off and the Black Tharlarion Company with Perrin was called back to the City of Talmont. He served Talmont for several years before the contract was allowed to expire during a change of leadership in the Company. Aan Allein, revealing his past and his deep seated hatred of Dulkus, killed the Captain and took his place as the leader of the Black Tharlarion Company.

The new Captain took the Company back to the foothills of the Voltai and reorganized, adding kaiila cavalry and securing his followers as his officers. Perrin remained with the Company long enough to help Captain Allein with the recruitment and reorganization of the troops into the new units. Once the Company was set up the way that Allein wanted it Perrin continued with his travels.

He found himself often at the shores of Thassa. With the money he had managed to save he frequented the ship the Black Raven. Before too long he began to visit the City of Venna often and soon took work within the City of his Mother's birth as a Guard for Khrysta's School for kajirae Training. It was there that he was introduced to the man who would come to train him in the Way of the Rarius, Kedar.

Also in Venna, at the School, he met the woman who would be his Free Companion for 26 years (Online Years, 6.5 R/T years), Heidi Ravenwyng. In the first year of their Companionship she bore him a daughter, named Desiree, a member of the SubCaste of Historians of the Caste of Scribes. He was raised in Caste to the Scarlet Caste of the Warriors by Kedar and soon became the First Sword of Venna.

Within a year of his becoming the First Sword of Venna, political issues caused him to leave his Mother's birth City. He wandered for a while before coming to be in the employ of the City of Tharnock. He was soon the Second Sword of the City and, upon the abdication of the Ubar, elected as the new Administrator of Tharnock. He served his term as the Administrator and refused to run for another election, feeling that he was not ready to be the leader of a City.

Instead he once again turned to wandering and soon found himself living among the wagons of the Alar. Kuruk was the new Chieftain and was gathering the Alar together. He made Perrin the Second of the new 'Tribe' and Perrin took the oblique scars to his cheeks that characterize the Alar Men. The Alar grew under Kuruk's leadership, becoming strong and feared everywhere they went. Perrin came to be known as "The Torvaldslander of the Alar", a nickname that stuck with him throughout his time in the Alar.

Soon, for one reason or another, Kuruk stepped down as the Chieftain of the Alar and left it to Perrin. Perrin did not feel as if he was ready for the job of being Chieftain, as he had not believed he was ready to be an Administrator, but he tackled it with the same wool-headed stubbornness with which he had tackled the job of Administrator.

Under his leadership the Alar went through many ups and downs. It grew and shrunk and grew and shrunk. Perrin took the growth in stride and took the losses as a sign of his mistakes. People said he was a good leader, though he never really believed it. He found a quote in a scroll and was fond of repeating it when asked about his leadership of the Alar: "let those of the Cities tremble that among the hordes there might one day arise one who can unify storms and harness lightning." He would joke that he was unifying the storms of the Alar personalities and harnessing the lightning of their tempers.

With the agreement of the Alar, he sat down and began designing a Village for them to settle in. He began the building along with a large number of the Alar. The Village was sited at the eastern end of the Vosk River and once it was complete, the Alar gave up their wagons and settled into the Village that they called Alarium.

While he was the Chieftain of the Alar, Perrin made regular trips back to Torvaldsland to check on his Landfall even though some chose to say he was not a Torvaldslander any longer since he lived among the Alar. At one point he was even Outlawed from Torvaldsland because he refused to follow the man he called the 'High Thrall', Torulf Lofthammer.

Many of the High Thrall's followers still refuse to have anything to do with Perrin, though that doesn't bother him in the slightest. The High Thrall Outlawing him did not stop him from returning to Torvaldsland frequently and, once the High Thrall was overthrown and replaced and his Outlawry removed, Perrin began to make moves to expand his holdings in Torvaldsland.

Perrin used the ways of Torvaldsland, Hall Burnings and Formal Duels, to gain control of the four farms surrounding RedTarn's Landfall, called Fitjar, Palnatoki, Jomsburg and Freysnes. He purchased the holding and mine called Aesir's Forge from someone he knew in the south who had no use for it as he was not of the North.

Perrin gained much fortune and fame while Chieftain of the Alar, leading the forces of the Alar into battle during the Torcadino Civil War. They and others, the Black Tharlarion Company amongst them, helped to put Jaym Bloodblade on the Ubar's throne of Torcadino and were rewarded for it. Another time, they were well paid to stay out of an upcoming war. There were two funny parts in that situation. First, the Alar were well paid by -both- sides to stay out of the war, and Second, the war never happened.

They were also well paid to take part in the Civil War in Ti. Again the Black Tharlarion Company answered Perrin's request for help and marched into Ti to help him fight to keep the High Council in power against the attacks of Flavius Vindix, Claudius Thurinus and Gaius Strabo. After a long, drawn out battle in the very streets of the City, the City was pacified and returned to the control of the High Council.

After nearly two decades (online time, 5 years r/t) with the Alar, Perrin stepped down as Chieftain. The combination of stresses on him overwhelmed him and he passed on the torque and francisca of the Chieftain. He also agreed to end his long-time Free Companionship to Heidi around this time. Soon he also left the Alar, though it saddened him greatly to do so. He wandered around the south for a little while, but nothing felt right.

Shortly after stepping down as Chieftain, he also resigned what had meant so much to him for so long. In a fire in the Alar Laager he removed the Scarlet tunic denoting his Caste as a Warrior and threw it into the fire. With that physical act, he publicly did what he had felt within him for quite some time. The Scarlet Caste no longer stands for what it once did and has little to no chance of ever returning to its former glory in his opinion. And thus he resigned what he had worn proudly for the vast majority of his time in the South (roughly 25 years online time/6� years r/t), his Caste.

Finally, in the year 1042 by the Northern Calendar, the RedTarn has come home to Torvaldsland. Once again the return of the RedTarn has brought chaos and mayhem to the North as some welcome his return and some, mainly the one time followers of the High Thrall, scorn him. He doesn't care what his detractors think. He is back in Torvaldsland. He is Home.

The Signet of the RedTarn


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