In search of who he really is


Marius was born in a small holding some 12 pasangs south of Axe Glacier. Born of a native Torvaldslandic man and woman His fathers name Carnius Red-Claw His mothers name Venna Serius, a holding by the name of Red-Claw's Landing. He grew up there learning the usual things of the Torvaldslanders, but more than any of the lessons He loved the sea the most. At the age of 15 He was given the captains talmit by His father after He and His father had finished building His first ship He named it after His family name RedClaw, it was a fine ship indeed a 120 oar serpent that took a very long time to build and even longer to crew properly....

Some years after that day Marius was out on one of several trade runs as was a normality in His home when He was set upon By Raiders in a green southern vessel...after giving them chase for more than a day and finally sinking the vessel they moved back to the holding figuring it as just an odd raid. Upon reaching the inlet He and His crew saw there home blackened nothing was left the hall the ships the fields all burnt. Even too were all the animals killed even the slaves themselves laid dead in the field. Marius spent months searching for those who attacked His Home He His crew and the RedClaw itself all seeming to work in unison all a common goal, one goal, see a southern ship and sink it. one day during this time they were set upon in an ambush 5 southern tarnships attacked the massive serpent ship RedClaw just less than a pasang north of the Inlet of green cliffs.

The battle ensued for what seemed like a full day Marius and His men fighting with unnatural strength even though they hadn’t slept for days. The rage fueled there vicious fighting and seemed as though even the ship itself was fueled by the blood they spilt. but in the end the ship was given back to the Thassa as well as His crew and Marius Himself almost died along with them. barely alive bleeding broken His body floating on a piece of what was once His glorious ship He floated and by luck washed upon the shore of the Inlet of Green Cliffs.

Once there He was found alive and taken care of His wounds mended but His mind and heart broken for a time. He quickly earned the respect of the acting Hold Jarl StormRaider Voske, and His family. After spending time there He finally pledged His axe to the Hold Jarl and some time after that was promoted to fleet captain of the hold and given the ship He still sails to this day. The 60 oar serpent ship Reaper, He had refitted black all around and silent the ship was a predator it reflected Marius Himself at the time.

After some time issues drove Him from the home along with His new Sister Kelsey and her to slaves and His new slave girl that dove into the icy waters to be owned by Him named minx.

With their combined ships and a few others that had been "acquired" along they journey 50 ships in all of all different sorts they made there way south looking for a new life a new beginning. after traveling deep into southern Gor they happened across a Free Port and sailed in. The city was a shambles of its former self under anarchy and civil unrest.

Marius along with His Sister and the crews of the ships helped what little government there was left to restore order to the city and begin rebuilding now that it was protected again. After a short amount of time a council was set up and named Marius as the Administrator of the city. He took the job reluctantly never having led a hall let alone a city the size of this one.

All had gone well in the city though it grew steadily and was restoring itself to its former glory, He made many friends and few enemies during this time, and especially met one woman named Amestris whom He fell for quickly. She was Tuchuk/Savage and He a Torvaldslander. He went to Her brother to ask Her hand. To do so He had to earn it in the eyes of the Tuchuk people. So in time HE learned the ways of the kaiila, the lance, and the quiva, though not as well as a born Tuchuk but enough to get by. eventually Aden grew ill and allowed Him to make Amestris His intended. All went well in the city until the night before the companionship was to happen.

Late that night Marius was attacked by assailants in His chambers. He managed to kill one and fought the other out onto the balcony of the tall cylinder where He wounded fell from the balcony and was captured by a tarnsman while in the air. He was taken to the Island of Anango and at the hands of the merchant council there muchly tortured, to this day Marius's Torso is mostly scar tissue of one sort or another usually covered by long sleeves all the time, eventually He escaped Anango and found Himself on the plains of Turia with His faithful Kaiila Thunder.

Eventually in time He made His way to Jah where He gathered His ship Reaper that was being held by His adopted Father the Ubar of Jah StormRaider, and Marius made His way back north His body healed but always bearing the scars and His mind on the verge of shattering He hoped that perhaps coming back to the land of His home would help and eventually He would reclaim His father’s hold,

He was taken in by a man whom He had befriended by the name of Perrin. So now Marius bides His time healing His body and Mind getting back to the root of whom He is and hopes one day to stand on the ashes of those whom destroyed His world.


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