
Born at RedTarn's Landfall not long after Perrin, my mother died in childbirth. So I was raised by my father in and around the landfall. My father was part of the original RedTarn's crew, and was quite frequently gone on a raid or taking items south for trade. The long and the short of this story is I was left alone at the landfall a lot.

Pretty much as soon as I could walk I was finding my way out of the landfall and getting to know the surrounding area. At first the animals would run as I stumbled through the brush. It did not take me long to figure out that if I wanted to catch the animals I had to be quiet. It took me many years to perfect this skill.

I was only about six years old when I managed to sneak up on and catch my first snow lart, I got lots of scrapes and scratches out of that. I had not been given anything yet to hunt with so I had to wrestle it and bash its head on a rock. The one thing there is no shortage of in Torvaldsland. I was so proud as I walked back to the landfall carrying the snow lart. My pride in my first catch was only surpassed when I discovered that my father had come back into port.

As I walked into the longhouse and discovered he was there near the fire. I ran over to him holding the bloodied animal up by it neck and handed it to him. He let out a roar of laughter and held up my catch, and in his deep echoing bellow of a voice declared it was time his son had a spear to hunt with if he could catch a lart with out one. Imagine what he could do with one, and made a comment about me bringing in a tabuk next week. With that he grabbed up one of his older spears held it up to me as if sizing me up then pulled out his axe and cleaved off what he deemed to be the excess of the shaft. Then thrust it into my hands and told me to go see what I could hunt with that.

As I ran from the long house to go show off the gift my father had just given me. I heard over my shoulder as he tossed my kill to one of the bondmaids and told her to make me a dinner deserving of such a mighty little hunter. I still to this day remember that meal I thought at the time it was the best thing I had ever tasted.

As I grew my skills with the spear and eventually the short bow only grew with me. Some say I am big enough to wrestle a tabuk now much like I did that first snow lart. I just laugh at the jest. I think I would rather keep away from that sharp horn and just use my spears and bow to hunt with. I have become one of the best hunters at RedTarn's Landfall.


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