All you need to know about the red pill.

Eating the redpill means that you accept an essential truth about life -- that women are terrible.

Now you may be wondering: "How are women terrible?" Well, there are a large number of ways women can be terrible. Let me compile them into an easy-to-understand list for you.

These are but a few of the things that make women so terrible. So, how can you combat this? Well, there's this little thing you can do after swallowing the redpill called "going MGTOW." MGTOW is an acronym. It stands for Men Going Their Own Way. Although it may seem like not many men go MGTOW because little people talk about it in the real world, the MGTOW community has millions of supportive members worldwide. Members of MGTOW are functioning members of society just like you and me, usually working in male-dominated fields such as software engineering, architecture, and construction. Unfortunately, MGTOW are looked down upon by many people. Thankfully, most of the people who are anti-MGTOW are either soul-sucking feminazi SJW women, or soyboy feminized men trying to get in their disgusting 4XL panties.

You are probably wondering, "How can I become a member of MGTOW?" It's very easy!

I hope this guide was helpful to you in your path to becoming MGTOW. Below is a list of references to definitions that will help you in your journey.


Redpill definition

Bluepill definition

Soyboy definition

Cuckold definition (Often shortened down to "cuck")

MGTOW definition